Raiders of the Lost Ark
The year is 1936. A professor who studies archeology named Inidana Jones is venturing in the jungles in South America searching for a golden statue.
Approval Rate: 91%
Reviews 0
by the_real_george_w_bush
Sat Mar 30 2013Duh duh duh duh duh duhn Duh duh duh DUH DUH DUH Duh duh duh Duh duh duhn Duh duh duh DUH DUH DUH *!!whip crack!!*
by numbah16tdhaha
Tue Mar 05 2013Don't tell THAT GUY, but... ...they melt Nazis in this flick.
by magneticd
Fri Nov 12 2010As Archie Bunker said 'A room full of Nazis get their faces melted off, what's not to like?'
by twansalem
Fri Apr 10 2009This first Indiana Jones movie set the tone for the ones to follow. I am apparently odd in that Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade is my favorite of the Indiana Jones movies, but of the Lost Ark is great as well. All of the first three were great, the more recent Crystal Skulls was merely good.
by danielle101282
Fri Aug 29 2008I love Indiana Jones there is nothing else to say.
by spike65
Fri Jul 18 2008The first and best of this series. Great modern take on the old low budget serials from the 1940's and 50's. Well crafted film with never a dull moment.
by beloved
Sat Apr 26 2008Another great favorite, Harrison Ford, I never get enough.
by lmorovan
Thu Apr 17 2008Great movie and excellent acting by Harrison. Evidently, you can't expect less from a Spielberg movie.
by genghisthehun
Sat Nov 10 2007I liked this Ark of the Covenant quest tale, and it is probably the best of the lot of the three in the genre.
by smallchief
Sat Oct 06 2007There were some good scenes, but the cartoonish action got boring after a while and the ending was about the least plausible I have ever seen. Without spoiling it for anybody, shall we say it ended with an act of God?
by mariusqeldroma
Thu Aug 09 2007Classic action from one of the best in the business. Those damned snakes, too. :)
by xagent
Thu Aug 09 2007I remember watching this growing up and I'm still not tired of watching it.
by rlonghurst
Sat Jul 21 2007I thought it was stupid because they won't be able to find the box at the end and they wen't to a lot of trouble to find it in the first place.
by victor83
Thu Jul 19 2007One of the best action movies ever; though for my money, a bit overboard with the snakes.
by fluffytuffy
Thu Jun 28 2007What can I say, the perfect action movie--good story, great action, handsome leading man, tough leading lady, villainous bad guys (booo hiss), great humor, great scenery--it just scores 100% on the enjoyable scale! I too loved the scene where he was fighing the bad guys and finally just got fed up and shot the last one--don't know why that is so funny other than the look on Fords face! Alas, the others in the series never did meet up with this one, but they are still enjoyable.
by reaverto
Sun Apr 08 2007True classic, the part where Jones shoots the guy with the sword was priceless. Apparently, Harrison Ford came up with the idea that while filming.
by ajnm38a0
Mon Apr 02 2007One of the best action movies ever made and best of the Indiana Jones movies so far
by primaxdonna
Wed Feb 21 2007love the trilogy. the last is actually the best.
by supremecritic
Thu Sep 14 2006one of the greatest adventure movies ever made.
by leftfinger
Thu Aug 17 2006This movie hits the ground running from the get-go. Non-stop action and the movie pays homage to the "Golden Era" of Hollywood being set in the 30's which I'm a sucker for anyway. Fun movie all around and one of my all-time favorites.
by frankswildyear_s
Wed Apr 12 2006A rare example of a film that looks great on paper and still delivers the goods. There was an A-list team behind the camera with George Lucas, Stephen Speilberg and Lawrence Kasdan writing. Often that much talent lends to ego clashes and a less-than-unified final product that has pieces of each genius. Harrison Ford was perfectly cast as a hero, a noble man with very human flaws and more bravado than good sense. I think it's his best ever performance. The 1940's period presentation is perfect and the film bears little or no sign of the times in which it was made, the early 80's. It's an homage to the serial popcorn adventure matinee of a by-gone day and a lot of fun. The joy of the first film was lost in the subsequent sequels, which were completely lacking in originality and spirit. In fact the noble characteristics of Indy is barely recognizable in the second one.
by edt4226d
Tue Jan 10 2006I hate to rain on anybody's parade, but this movie just didn't do it for me. Perhaps it's because I went into the theatre already disliking Spielberg movies as a general rule (with the qualified exception of "Jaws")...who knows? Perhaps it's impossible for me to be objective when it comes to Spielberg. I concede that he's a master craftsman when it comes to the technique of constructing a film, but the heart and soul of his movies tend to be empty, superficial feel-good least that was my feeling at the time this picture came out (and after seeing the recent "War of the Worlds" I don't really find any reason to change my opinion in that regard). To me, this was a throwback to the serials of the 1930's and 40's that were done far, FAR more cheaply but much more charmingly way back then. Definitely proves the maxim that "Less is more."
by limpin_trenchfoot
Fri Dec 02 2005The first and by far the best of the trilogy. Holds up well on TV 4th and 5th time around.
by decalod85
Mon Nov 28 2005No one should ever remake this movie. How could they do it better?
by drbowler
Thu Nov 10 2005This made Harrison Ford even more of a star than when he was Han Solo. Odd, he was better in the Jones series but he'll be remebered as Solo.
by megadude
Sun Nov 06 2005One of the greatest (if not THE greatest) action and thrill movies of all time. How anyone can rate it less than 5 is incomprehensible! Indy is into and out of one bind after another, almost non-stop!
by hbbt55
Sat Oct 08 2005Harrason Ford Played it great even when he was sick during the "suppose" fight sence with the sword guy he just didn't feel well that so he improvised it was great. I would have done the same thing
by echoscot
Sat Oct 08 2005The first of the Indy films and THE BEST. I saw it at the theatre when it first came out, having heard very little, and was thoroughly entertained. Great fun, some violent scenes, so keep away from the little impressionable ones.
by faa07a17
Wed Oct 05 2005The best of the series. As close to perfect as the best movies done in the neo-American style.
by rjy22751
Tue Sep 13 2005A good movie to see over and over!
by 37102002
Sat Jul 09 2005Perhaps the perfect action thriller movie. Funny, suspenseful, dramatic, action packed. Has it all.
by jukeboxhero
Thu Jun 16 2005no one does it better than speilberg(plus i just felt like raising the rating.)
by planetarygear
Thu May 19 2005Adventure, Religion, Nazis being vaporized, Serpants, cryptology...This movie inspired me on SO many levels.
by louiethe20th
Mon Apr 11 2005What a brilliant film!Harrison Ford was awesome,as he was in the entire trilogy!
by dpostoskie
Thu Apr 07 2005Ford is a classic every day man put in tough situations. He fit perfect in the movie and a real adventure.
by mooselover
Sat Jan 29 2005The best Indiana Jones movie and quite possible the best movie ever. Indiana Jones fights snakes, rolling boulders and terrifying Nazis to find the lost ark. It balances humor and action extremly well and it never gets old no matter how many times you watch it. If you don't like this mover you need to call 911 as soon as possible.
by ruffianfan4eve_r
Sat Jan 29 2005Snakes aren't that scary, are they? anyhow, i loved it. it's my second favorite so far.
by byrdiohead
Fri Jan 07 2005Larger than life comic book heroes usually don't come out as good as Jones but Harrison Ford gives him a real rugged and intelligent demeanor. He manages some of the most daring and at times comical action ever filmed. Best Scene: Jones shooting the swordsman in the market place after the swordsman's impressive display of swordsmanship.
by major_of_the_rotc
Wed Dec 08 2004If you like these type of movies where a dude in a cowboy hat flies to a desecrated countryside to rid the inhabitants of an evil plague of desolation, then you'll probably enjoy this flick. I know I did.
by sfalconer
Thu Dec 02 2004Truly a modern classic and the the best of the trilogy. It brings out the best in George Lucas and Steven Speilberg. Harrison Ford was born to play Indiana Jones. If you have not seen this movie get out of your tomb and get it.
by helmut
Sun Nov 28 2004One of my favorite movies of all time. Well written, well acted, and the special effects were very good for the time.
by daccory
Tue Oct 05 2004Absolutely 'Boy's Own' fiction...superb stuff. An adventure that has you rooted to the spot.
by nightbird
Sun Aug 08 2004Who can compete with it it's a classic I love it how he was scared of snakes.
by dukebold
Wed Jul 28 2004Ever since it's release, Raiders has been the gold standard to which action movies have aspired to.
by myckrules
Mon Jul 19 2004real good
by dirty_harry
Tue Jun 29 2004I wanted to give it a 5, because it is a classic in a sense; however, it will probably not rank up there with Jaws, Psycho, Alien or other classics, but it is a lot of good clean fun to watch.
by jamie_mcbain
Thu Jun 24 2004The best film in the whole series.