Radio Factor With Bill O'Reilly

Approval Rate: 49%

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    Wed Jul 08 2009

    Trash on the ground but not as ridiculous as some of his counterparts. He is no independent. He is squarely on the GOPs side....or at least the Heritage Foundation.

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    Thu Jul 17 2008

    Entertainment pretending to be journalism and commentary.

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    Thu Jul 17 2008

    People hate him because hes usually dead on on alot of issues.  I imagine his radio show probably sucks compared to his cable TV show tho.

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    Sun Jun 08 2008

    I had never seen an interviewer raise his voice or cut people up like he does, as soon as his guests don't answer in the "right way". He clearly couldn't care less about giving the viewers the facts and then letting them take their stand. Conservative brainwashing at its best! Only Fox could hire such a sad and angry redneck and make him look like a "journalist".

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    Mon Mar 24 2008

    the best out there even if he is full of himself a lot of the time

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    Sat Mar 22 2008

    One of the most dangerous men on the planet.

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    Sat Jun 23 2007

    How does this clearly unbalanced man continue to get so much public air time? It is a national disgrace.

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    Wed May 23 2007

    Rants about sp's too much, obsessed whith rosie o'donnell and other celeb's. He does do good with jessicas law.

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    Thu Apr 26 2007

    Great entertainment for those who equate volume and repetition of rhetoric for real substance. . .

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    Thu Apr 26 2007

    Bill has a huge ego, but I do agree with most of the things he says. It's a lot of fun to hear him get the best of any opponent in any argument.

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    Wed Apr 11 2007

    Speaking of lying dopes who out-volume and interrupt guests, has anyone seen Chris Matthews this week?  Not that he'd be missed by anyone other than maybe his family and his corporate masters.

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    Wed Apr 11 2007

    A boorish lout. An aging bully who never grew up. A little boy who never learned that dominating a conversation with volume does not equal winning the argument. Lies and truth are equal in his world, useful only as tools to buttress strongly held but weakly sourced opinions and other prejudices. Sad, if not so influential. Doomed to irrelevance, but real damage done in the wake of his inevitable decline.

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    Wed Mar 28 2007

    This bully needs to have someone "bust his chops".

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    Mon Jan 08 2007

    Claims to be "fair and unbiased" but in reality he's just another right wing reactionary pro-war imperialist corporate shitmeat. Never misses an opportunity to bash anyone even associated with the left, just like the rest of these phoney-baloney fake patriots that claim to be playing on a level field but, when the chips are down it's obvious that they aren't. His radio show consists of two hours of him spouting out anti-liberal tripe, edited phone calls of constant praise from morons who think he is a great American and self-gratifying commentary about how America needs to retain its "traditional value sytem". Ultimately, he is just another loadmouthed, full-of-it, intolerant jerk with a forked tongue.

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    Mon Jul 03 2006

    Lets have some substance. Does anyone actually watch the show? Why do you you dislike him and try some facts from different points of views. Sounds like talking to the choir is prevailing.

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    Mon Apr 17 2006

    another yes man for the bush crime family

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    Thu Nov 17 2005

    An arrogant prick. He has a lot of nerve to speak with such authority on anything related to values and integrity. I'd have to choose The Onion over this dirt bag for reliable news and honest analysis of current events. At least I could have a good laugh without the hate and disgust that his show provokes. He sucks.

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    Fri Aug 26 2005

    Trash and hate-mongering

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    Sat Jun 18 2005

    LIAR-LIAR PANTS ON FIRE. A master spin Doctor

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    Fri Jun 03 2005

    He should be a bagger at Acme supermarket. At any rate if he makes over minimum wage he is highly overpaid. Michael Moore (PUNKED HIM)and O'reilly wouldn't admit that if it hit him on his head with a gold brick. He also is a graduate of the (Lush Limpballs / Truth Twister Hannity) school of lies, half truths, & professional bull-crappers.Just another repuke on the radio blowing hot air.

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    Sat Feb 19 2005

    comes across as mean spirited. i have heard him tell lies to his audience and when someone calls him on it he bullies his way over the truth. what a dick.

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    Tue Feb 01 2005

    Another loud mouth who doesn't know when he has been out-witted by Michael Moore and Al Franken! I love it because Franken & Moore makes the so-called right wingers start foaming at the mouth with hatred for anyone who has a different opinion then theirs. O'Reilly, like Sean Hannity, is a coward of the worst kind. o'lielly stated on his tv show that Sen Kennedy has lost his credibility because of his {Sen Kennedy's} stand on the war. o'liely should not question anyones credibility after his sex scandal. Only the dimwitted (his supporters) blindly agrees with everything this PERVERT says.

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    Wed Jan 26 2005

    Perv with a bloated ego and a microphone.

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    Mon Jan 24 2005

    No spin? More like no interest. Maybe if he played the sex tapes he got sued over his show would finally be interesting.

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    Mon Nov 22 2004

    why on earth did 3 people disagree w/me? you know bill harassed you too. hypocrites he harassed me

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    Wed Nov 17 2004

    Commentary seems redundant here, however this is definitely the neo-con prostitutes preaching to their own sad choir.

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    Wed Oct 20 2004

    The show tends to get drowned out by a loud vibrating sound everytime a female calls in. I don't know what the noise is but he needs to get it fixed.

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    Thu Oct 14 2004

    best radio show ever!

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    Fri Oct 08 2004

    It used to be a great program; Bill's arrogance has turned me off, so I've turned him off. Bill - humility and a better sense of humor would improve your ratings. Go get a hub cap.

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    Thu Sep 30 2004

    Articulate, informative, highly researched and searing in his analysis, Bill is on fire. Raw, in-your-face facts. Encourages listeners to prove it to themselves (which I have done quite a bit to have the facts to share with others. Shows like this will save our fragile democracy. This man defines the Talk medium. I can't recommend the show enough. Leans to the right, honest and personal. Interesting mix of political talk, commentary and music/humor. Very listenable over longer periods of time. he is the best!

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    Thu Sep 30 2004

    Bill is the best! Hannity and Limbaugh, etc. are complete bores, utterly predictable. Bill is consistently interesting and challenging. Bill O. for prez!

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    Tue Sep 28 2004

    Bill O'Liely, If you can't make an argument without lying get off the air

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    Tue Sep 28 2004

    What a schmuck.

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    Sun Sep 26 2004

    Nothing but spin in the 'No Spin Zone!. Seriously, this guy is a competent host with a decent personal side, but I cannot get past the high propaganda to truth ratio. Move on, nothing to see here

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    Wed Sep 22 2004

    Best talk show on the radio as well as TV. Scintillating,challanging, balanced reporting. I can't say enough about BO. I don't agree with all his stands on matters, but I think he tried to be fair in his analysis.

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    Thu Sep 16 2004

    He is arrogant, and sends the message that HE is one of those rare people who truly understands the issues AND how the rest of us who are below him think about the issues.

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    Thu Aug 12 2004

    Solid analysis from a traditionalist viewpoint. O'Reilly is not afraid to tackle the tough issues and speak his mind.

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    Fri Aug 06 2004

    trash, junk, insipid, stupid. Bill thinks the louder he yells, the more accurate he is.

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    Fri Aug 06 2004

    All you have to know about O'Reilly's talk show is that HE'S THE STAR! His is the only view that matters, and you'll do fine as a caller as long as you understand that. Digress and he will shout over you and cut you off. This guy is clearly overexposed and you can quickly see he puts the least amount of thought into his radio show (which does dismally in the ratings BTW), paying more attention to his Fox News Channel program and newspaper column. The only thing missing is O'Reilly Today magazine - it will always be HIM on the cover!

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    Tue Aug 03 2004

    O'Reilly never claimed that his opinion was balanced. The fair and balanced part is the fact that he gives every side of the story a voice, regardles of how stupid they are. Liberalism is a mental disorder and he proves it every day.

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    Mon Jul 26 2004

    Sure, he's a bit pompous and arrogant, but show me a political talk show host who isn't. What bothers me most about O'Reilly is that he presents himself as an unbiased and independent voice and clearly that is untrue. He is just another conservative mouthpiece who consistently takes potshots at liberals while attempting to cover Bush's butt. The no spin thing is a joke. He does more spinning than a Tasmanian devil at a yo-yo convention.

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    Mon Jun 28 2004

    This guy, an independent? You can't be serious. He's like Mort Downey Jr. without the cigarettes and the barking audience. You can fool some of the people all of the time.

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    Wed Jun 16 2004

    Independent thinker. Criticizes both parties as needed. I am an independent, so its a fresh show of indifference to the lying liberals and the bible touting conservatives.

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    Sun May 30 2004

    Hypocritical rhetoric from a smug liar with the temperment of a pit bull.

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    Tue May 25 2004

    As 'evenchaya' stole my word, I'll reuse it here: BLOWHARD. My grandpa was an O'Reilly. Bill O'Reilly is no O'Reilly.

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    Fri May 21 2004

    The guy's a BLOWHARD and a DUDD! He LIES and LIES and LIES some more! I wouldn't trust his information or his opion if my life depended on it! If I could vote ZERO, I would! He's arrogant, gets all the information WRONG, MISquotes people, takes things OUT of context and is DISGUSTING!!!!!

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    Thu May 13 2004

    I don't agree with eveything the guy has to say, but if he can get the panties of a weasel like franken in a bind than he's okay by me!

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    Wed May 05 2004

    Garbage and lies - should be called the All Spin Zone!

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    Tue May 04 2004

    Listening to the radio factor helps me to stay informed helps me to make desionsions for my self.