Radical Islamic Terrorists

Approval Rate: 56%

56%Approval ratio

Reviews 9

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    Fri Nov 12 2004

    Oh no! They are our best friends!

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    Sun Oct 17 2004

    Abichara as always has some good points. I believe this is by far the worst problem we have to deal with. These terrorists are from a people incapable of thinking for themselves - only about themselves - and have been brought up in societies totally indoctrinated in a false religious faith. Add to the mix those who just want to wage war against the infidels and we have this murderous bunch on our hands. I repeat that all of us need to work TOGETHER in routing out these people...uncovering their activities and with proper intelligence systems working we MUST infiltrate and break up their activities. But we must also understand what the nature of the beast is. This is why I constantly refer to our need for Western democracies to put their heads together in the search for a solution, that presents what we see as good democracy in the right way to those Muslim contries we are concerned with. The political will IS there but we need mature leadership in all western and democratic countries t... Read more

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    Fri Oct 01 2004

    Religious fundamentalism, whether Christian, Islamic, or even Buddhist, is an reaction to liberal (small l) beliefs and values. In the case of Islamic terrorism, its premised on the notion that the West is importing its values, much to the detriment of their traditional social structure. About 5-10% of Muslims believe in extreme political-theological doctrines. It's very isolated relatively speaking. People are primarily attracted by their critique of Western influences--not the paternalism and totalitarianism of regimes like in Iran. That's where American values definitely win out. Yes freedom should be given a chance, but that comes through a freer economy and more political rights. Only individuals can bring that about, not some army of US liberators. I don't think there's nothing in Islamic theology that opposes democracy--reality is that Mohammad's theology was very open. However governments esposing fascism in one form or the other in the region really weaken the impact of our me... Read more

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    Wed Sep 29 2004

    This wanting us all dead thing is a sure sign.

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    Wed Sep 29 2004

    They apparently have one goal - they want all non-Islamic people to be turned into dust. For this they are willing to go so far as to turn a few in their own ranks into dust. They sneak around planning sneak attacks and then run and hide like the true cowardly snakes that they are. How can you possibly reason with something this far gone?

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    Wed Sep 29 2004

    Lock 'em up and throw away the key.

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    Fri Sep 24 2004

    They cannot be dealt with nor reasoned with.They only understand strength and force!

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    Fri Sep 24 2004

    The reason radical islamic terrorists are, collectively, an enemy to the US is twofold. The prosperity and associated freedoms of the US are an affront to the authority of the religious leaders and therefore a threat to their continued existence. If there were no state of Israel, muslims would feel the same hatred toward the US and all non-muslim societies and would be responsible for the conversion of the entire world to islam. The US alliance with Israel, whom all muslims identify as their mortal enemy, only exacerbates the situation. The fight against radical islamic terrorists will never end for America, it reached a crescendo on 9/11/01 but treating them like a military enemy has distracted them from the game plan that was put in place in the early 90's, to attack America and cripple its economy. It is sapping nearly all of their resources to prevent a democracy from taking hold in Iraq, particularly after their quick and humiliating expulsion from Afghanistan. It's always an... Read more

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    Thu Sep 23 2004

    They get four stars because they are enemies of the human race, not america alone. But they dont hate us for simple racial/religous reasons. They hate the western world for how we break many of the fundamental rules of their religion. They dont view the west as evil for stupid reasons, WE VIOLATE THEIR FREAKEN RELIGION TO A POINT OF EXCESS. Of course the radicals are going to hate us, what don't people understand about that. In their eyes we are sexually promiscuous, greedy/ excessive and irreverent just to name a few. This doesn't excuse the behaviors of these terrorists, but it gives a look into why they hate the west.