Race/Ethnicity Jokes

Approval Rate: 79%

79%Approval ratio

Reviews 14

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    Wed Feb 03 2010

    The best rely on stereotypes,of course. A Jewish Grandmother takes her tiny grandson to the beach.As she is holding his little hand in the surf,a giant wave comes up and carries the boy off."Oh,God." she prays "Please bring my precious boy back to me.I promise if you do I will always keep a kosher kitchen.I'll do a Mitzvah every week.I'll strictly observe Shabbas".Miraculously, another big wave washes the boy right back into her arms.She looks down at him and yells indignantly "he had a Hat !"

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    Sun Jan 17 2010

    Depends on who's telling it!! Richard Prior's racial/ ethnic material was brilliant!! However Klans men sitting around telling black jokes and drinkin' busch beer not so brilliant.

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    Sun Jan 17 2010

    Although certain groups still propagate these jokes, they can be of poor taste when told in the presence of someone (any race) that might be offended.

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    Sat Jan 16 2010

    Actual Personals from Israeli Newspapers: Worried about in-law meddling? I'm an orphan! Write. POB74. Yeshiva bochur, Torah scholar, long beard, payos. Seeks same in woman. POB 71. Desperately seeking shmoozing! Retired senior citizen desires female companion 70+ for kvetching, kvelling, and krechtzing. Under 30 is also OK. POB 64 Attractive Jewish woman, 35, college graduate, seeks successful Jewish Prince Charming to get me out of my parents' house. POB 46 Divorced Jewish man, seeks partner to attend shule with, light Shabbos candles, celebrate holidays, build Sukkah together, attend brisses, bar mitzvahs. Religion not important. PB 658 Nice Jewish guy, 38. No skeletons. No baggage. No personality. POB 78 Female graduate student, studying kaballah, Zohar, exorcism of dybbuks, seeks mensch. No weirdos, please. POB 56 Staunch Jewish feminist, wears tzitzis, seeking male who will accept my independence, although you probably will not. Oh, just forget it. POB 435 Jewish ... Read more

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    Sat Jan 16 2010

    I got up in the middle of the night to find some most excellent Irish jokes posted by Genghis and the ‘git, so I thought I’d post the Saga of Mr. Maltzman. These are “jokes” that have been translated from Yiddish and are subtler than a slam-dunk Irish joke. They may reach that part of your brain and they may not. I’m pretty sure that I told one of them, here, but here’s the entire collection… Part One One beautiful morning, old Mr Maltzman gets up and gets ready for another day. He grooms himself, impeccably, and takes a step out onto the porch…taking in a breath of fresh air. He walks towards his car and while crossing the road, is run over by a speeding car and is left for dead. A neighbor sees all of this and rushes out to help old Mr. Maltzman. Hovering over his broken, bloody body, she sees that he is still alive and in a panic, sobs, “Mr. Maltzman! Hang in there! I’ll go for help!” With that, she turns and rushes off to make the call. She gets 30 feet or so before stopping an... Read more

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    Mon Oct 26 2009

    Supposed to be a Yiddish joke. A guy goes to a tailor and asks for a jacket to be make."How long?""Seven days," says the tailor."Seven days! The good Lord only took six to make the world!""And what did you get?"

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    Wed Apr 22 2009

    These depend a lot on context, how they're told and the intent in telling. Comics like Russell Peters use racially charged comedy to devastatingly funny effect and as a vehicle for social commentary. In other cases, its simply open bigotry. Q. What do you call a black man flying a plane? A. A pilot, you fucking racist.

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    Wed Apr 22 2009

    Lots of people get bent out of shape over racial humor. Granted, some racial jokes suck, but I mostly find racial humor to be a good way to clear the air on race relations as well as having the potential to be hellishly funny.

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    Wed Apr 22 2009

    As with most humour it can be brilliantly funny if handled with a deft touch, and it can be incredibly offensive in the hands of a clod. It often says more about the teller of the joke than it does about the subject. The modern ironinc twist on ethnic humour is the school that turns the form on its own head making fun of not the race or culture in question, but the person who would joke about it. Sarah Silverman would be the leading proponent of this type of humour.

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    Wed Apr 22 2009

    Rate it All is waiting with bated breath for the McGowan of Estonia to get here with his arsenal of jokes about Lithuanians and Latvians.

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    Tue Apr 21 2009

    I personally find any jokes having to do with race or ethnicity highly offensive, and I don't think there's any excuse in telling these kind of jokes.

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    Tue Feb 19 2008

    u are stuped!!! racist jokes r the best!! hahahah

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    Tue Mar 21 2006

    These jokes are funny unless they are completely degrading. It's fun to make fun of yourself sometimes dudes.

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    Mon Dec 26 2005

    Some ethnic jokes are fine and are inoffensive, but others can be caustic. I have heard so many ethnic jokes in my life (most of which were of the offensive variety) that I'm tired of them (in all honesty, I have told my share of them as well, in the days of my misguided youth). Years ago, when I was in high school, I had to endure Lord know how many vicious Italian jokes until I came up with a rejoinder that effectively squelched the tellers of Italian jokes, i.e., I'd ask "What's black and blue and floats in the river?" - of course, no one knew what the answer was, so I'd tell them "It's the guy who tells too many Italian jokes". It worked.