
Formed in 1971, Queen includes lead singer Freddie Mercury, guitarist Brian May and drummer Roger Taylor. ...

Approval Rate: 80%

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    Thu Jul 28 2011

    The best band EVER. There will never be another Freddie. RIP http://www.arthurspools.com/

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    Sat Nov 06 2010

    One of the greatest bands ever. Four very good musicians who wrote great, pop, rock, funk, opera and ballad etc. songs but always kept their own unique sound. Arguably the greatest live band ever (see their 1985 Live Aid performance). All four of them wrote nr. 1 hits, Roger Taylor (drummer) A kind of Magic / Radio Ga Ga. John Deacon (Bass) Another one bites tehe dust / I want to break free. Brian May (guitarist) We will Rock you/ Who Wan't to life forever. And of course Freddie Mercury (singer/piano) Bohemian Rhapsody, Killer Queen, Don't stop me now etc. OK, they where a bid odd and Freddie Mercury was a one off, but he was a fantastic songwriter, musician and live performer. The strange thing about Queen is that they only got some fair musically recognition from the press, the general public and colleagues after Freddie Mercury passed away in 1991. And for homophobic America, after the 70's Freddie Mercury was simply too much. Due their pioneering attitude regarding music video's... Read more

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    Sun Sep 26 2010

    Ever get pulled over for playing "Bohemian Rhapsody" too loud? That's because even cops understand the need for it to be loud.

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    Sat May 29 2010

    I still remember hearing Killer Queen for the first time as a little kid and I still enjoy their music today. Songs like You're My Best Friend and Crazy Little Thing Called Love almost forty years later still bring me enjoyment. In my book that makes them great! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDldEVTKbvs

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    Sun Jul 12 2009

    Queen are one of my favourite class rock bands and I still listen to their music fairly regularly. Unfortunately their brief teaming with Paul Rodgers produced a sub-par album which did not have many tracks that had the classic Queen feel to them and were entirely forgettable. So many of Queen's back catalogue is impressive with such hits as Bohemian Rhapsody, Don't Stop Me Now, Headlong and many many more including the amazing soundtrack for the first Highlander movie which featured one of my favourite songs, "Who Wants To Live Forever". Their front-man, Freddie Mercury had an incredible stage present and could command the audience like no other for some of the most amazing live gigs anyone could ever see.

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    Mon Nov 17 2008

    I hate to admit to liking a band as much as the likes of the typical pop music listeners. Unfortunately, to pretend to be cool and bash the talent of Freddie Mercury (more as a composer than a singer, although his singing is no less than remarkable for a rocker) may leave me feeling guilty for the rest of my life. I can't say the same thing for the rest of the members of the band. I reckon without the influence of Freddie, Queen would never come close to being as big as it ever was.

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    Mon Oct 27 2008

    I love Queen. They are arguably the most talented band as a collective whole in classic rock. They could do a blistering hard rock song or a beautiful symphonic piece.

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    Wed Aug 13 2008

    hate their gay songs

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    Sun Jul 06 2008

    These guys were a true talent. They had several good songs and albums. Every member of the band could actually play their instruments (KISS ought to take note, lol) and they could do a variety of different types of songs from something almost classicial sounding to a heavy metal song.

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    Sun May 04 2008

    Bohemian Rhapsody, hello.

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    Sun Apr 06 2008

    At the top of my favorites. Unique in their style and great variety. Brian May is definitely the best guitar player ever.

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    Thu Mar 27 2008

    Who doesn't know a Queen song?

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    Sun Dec 23 2007

    Great songs indeed, but I never like freddy, No, sissy ass.

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    Wed Dec 19 2007

    Sort of an operatic cross between glam rock, hard rock, and a dash of progressive rock. The guitarist, Brian May,was quite talented, but their bombastic songs were simply played to death and they never impressed me very much despite their success. Hardly the worst band in their mid 70's to the early 80's peak, but far from great too.

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    Tue Aug 14 2007

    I inherited Queen's album "News of the World" on vinyl from my big sis who's 14 years older than me. Great album, phenomenal group. Nobody will ever sound like Freddie Mercury.  This album may not be their greatest, but it sure as heck displays their versatility.  Just listening to two different songs on this album is clear evidence of how brilliant they were as a group.  Everyone knows "We Will Rock You"  and "We Are the Champions", but if they're played in contrast to two lesser-known songs on the album, such as "Who Needs You" and "Sleeping On the Sidewalk",  you can see just how varied their musical style was.

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    Wed Jul 25 2007

    Great band! They make all other bands other than the Beatles look boring. With a four-octave range and incredible vocal power, Freddie Mercury was the greatest rock singer ever. Guitarist Brian May had quite an original sound as well. Queen songs have beautiful melodies and are very musically complex. Contrary to what a reviewer states below (making me wonder whether he has ever seen Queen perform live), Freddie Mercury also displayed--perhaps paradoxically--the most masculine presence of any rock star that I have ever seen on stage. Watch his performace at Live Aid, and tell me whether Mick Jagger ever held that kind of power over a crowd!

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    Tue May 29 2007

    Queen is quite possibly the most universal band I have ever had the pleasure of listening to. They have managed to bring something new to the music industry and tackling quite a few genres, without losing their edge. If you listen to songs such as "The Show Must Go On" which is kind of a symphonic metal kind of song or "I Want To Break Free" which is kind of trance/synth rock, you can understand that Queen has remained original, without losing their edge. When you hear Queen (and Freddie) you know it is them and not some amateur or generic band. This band does not only possess a few legends, as a result of such, Queen is technically amazing on quite a few wavelengths. Despite the fact they are technically amazing, doesn't mean they are commercial or common. They have managed to put be the ultimate masters of connecting and projection, hence why their shows are as good as their studio albums. They managed to take a song "Bohemian Rhapsody" and make it the ultimate art form by taking a s... Read more

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    Sun Jan 14 2007

    I never liked this ostentatious group or their music. Freddie Mercury sounded like a frustrated opera singer, Brian May sounded like some generic wind-up hard rock guitar player and the rest of the group might as well have been faceless studio musicians. "Bohemian Rhapsody" has about as much to do with rock and roll as a tabernacle choir performance. "We Are The Champions" sounds like it was custom written to be played at the end of athletic events. I know that this sounds terribly un-PC but, Mercury's silly strutting, effeminate, bisexual prancing makes Jagger look like Clint Eastwood by comparison. What a fairy! I just don't care for this band at all and I don't think I ever will. Their approach to rock music was just too overdone and I think that ultimately their sound is very contrived, as if they were trying to convince throngs of people just what fabulous musicians and producers they were by throwing in all of these piano arrangements and vocal harmonies and 1970's musical grands... Read more

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    Sat Jan 06 2007

    Mercruy, best rock singer ever

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    Fri Nov 03 2006


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    Sun Oct 29 2006

    I always thought Queen sucked, never could get into their shtick.

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    Wed Jul 26 2006

    So we have 2 takes on Queen 1. Talented musicians, with all 4 contributing to the songwriting. Varied tunes some of which have become modern day anthmems. Great live performers who blew everyone else away at live Aid. 2. Bunch of middle class arty-farty musos led by goofy toothed poof making over-the top bombastic bore-a-thons. Irriating guitar soloing by bloke with bad 80s style perm that wouldnt ve looked look out of place on Cher. Hmmmm which one then..

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    Wed Jul 26 2006

    A 'musician's band' example- many musicians I know of comment on the sheer talent of this band. . .I can admit the talent, but I would rather burn/drown/die in molten lava than listen to one of their songs. . .

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    Mon May 29 2006

    They were OK back in the 70s,but their stuff got watered down in the 80s.Over-rated.

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    Thu May 25 2006

    Great voice, great performer, great musicians, great writer, great band.

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    Tue May 16 2006

    Great melodies, lyrics and production. The combination of them and Freddie Mercury's amazing voice made this band instantly identifiable.

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    Tue May 16 2006

    Occasionally, a bunch of extremely talented musicians are blessed by being fronted by a truly great voice. This is one of those cases. One of the most impressive back catalogues and careers in the industry.

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    Tue May 16 2006

    Not a member of this band is mediocre. Brian's a great guitarist and Freddie's vocals go without saying. Great band!

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    Sat May 13 2006

    Great melodies and lyrics, original ideas and the best frontman of all time

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    Thu May 11 2006

    Class. Some of the best melodies and lyrics of all time, together with a guitarist and a lead singer among the all time bests too.

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    Sun Apr 02 2006

    When Day At The Races and Night At The Opera came out, Queen was at it's best. Was fortunate enough to grow up with Queen rather than have my introduction to Queen be when Wayne's World revitalized Bohemian Rhapsody. Most impressed with the vocal harmonies.

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    Wed Mar 22 2006

    Amazing band. They had a lot of great songs like Under Pressure, Play the Game, My Best Friend and Bicycle Race. No one could kick it like Freddie Mercury!

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    Wed Mar 15 2006

    A great classic rock powerhouse.

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    Sun Feb 26 2006

    I have to disagree with what some of you are saying about them being a so-called 'gay band' because while Freddie Mercury was gay the other three were not so technically you're wrong there. Besides, it's supposed to be about the music. Classic band who made classic music. Need I say more?

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    Wed Feb 22 2006

    Reasonably talented bunch of pooftas

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    Tue Feb 21 2006


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    Thu Feb 16 2006

    Bohemian Rhapsody is a great song.I also like Another One Bites The Dust.

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    Tue Jan 17 2006

    Masterful gay band who have helped the Rainbow cause.

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    Fri Jan 13 2006

    Absolutely INCREDIBLE band with one of the best guitarists of all time (Brian May) and the single greatest vocalists of all time. Very innovative, known for powerful live shows with great musicianship and dramatic flair. Unique sound that no one could ever duplicate or copy. Could combine such strong emotion (We Are the Champions, Somebody to Love, The Show Must Go On) hard-rock (Tie Your Mother Down, Fat-Bottomed Girls, Hammer to Fall) and of course, the indescribable (Bohemian Rhapsody). And of course, SO many groups have vocally claimed them as an influence-- Guns N' Roses, Def Leppard, Metallica, Extreme, Van Halen, Green Day, Foo Fighters, George Michael, Robbie Williams, Slash, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, etc etc (even Nirvana) and with Elton John and Mick Jagger as fans (Jeff Beck was a particularly huge fan) who can go wrong?

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    Wed Jan 11 2006

    My favourite gay band

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    Sat Jan 07 2006

    Yeah sure you sang with Mercury-lying sack of $hit.All that the last guy said was wrong.This band was not that great.They are famous because of 2 maybe 3 songs.Trageic death however.

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    Fri Jan 06 2006

    If you truely look at some of Queen's compositions, you will find that from a pure musical standpoint, they were twenty years ahead of their time. I have yet to hear a song even from the best of today's groups that rivals the sheer complexity and technical dificulty of Bohemian Rhapsody. Having taken a crack at singing along with Freddie Mercury, I can vouch for how difficult just the vocals are, not to mention the guitar and other instrumental parts. A shame that Mercury died when he did. I'd have loved to see where Queen would have gone next, musically.

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    Fri Jan 06 2006

    How many of these guys are gay? i know mercury is but what about the others. About their music-it was ok a few good classic songs-thats it.

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    Sat Dec 31 2005

    queen is the best band because they do not have one bad song on there greatest hits cd. though i do wish bohemian rhapsody was on there...

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    Thu Dec 29 2005

    More like 3.5 stars without a doubt they had some great songs but only a few are well known

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    Thu Dec 22 2005

    An amazing band. Besides hits lilke bohemian rhapsody and we will rock you, there are many more for eg.i want to break free, hammer to fall, good-old fashioned lover boy.

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    Sat Dec 17 2005

    rip freddy mercury good band

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    Sun Dec 11 2005

    Not only one of the best, but also this is most educated band!

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    Mon Oct 10 2005

    This was a great artistic, creative band. Mercury's voice was powerful and meaningful and unlike so many front men, he could flat out sing! His legacy lives on and I hope the other band members can bring themselves to perform again, awesome tallant.

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    Tue Oct 04 2005

    This is a real it is not fantasy they are GOOD.