Approval Rate: 45%
Reviews 0
by jordan_lup
Wed Jan 19 20113 stars (put your rating here! 1-5) I was born and raised here and all I can say is it's a shame what racism has done to this once beautiful and prosperous place. First off most French Quebecers are good people but have been misled by the French politicians. They have been mislead to believe that Quebec is being held back by the rest of Canada. This was caused by Quebec making "equalization " payments to the western provinces when Montreal USED to be the financial capital of Canada. Since the first referendum and a campaign of anti English anti-Canada propaganda Montreal has lost the title of financial capital of Canada and all of the wealth associated with that title. (it all moved to Toronto) Since then the government just continues to grow. Continues to grow the number of bureaucrats it employs. Continues to grow the social welfare programs it offers. Continues to grow more and more corrupt every year. Continues to increase the tax rate every year. I am still confused by the l... Read more
by fortis
Tue Aug 31 2010All you anglophone bitches would have your panties in a knot if Mexican or Arab immigrants started to open Arabic and Spanish schools in your provinces. Can't stand the hypocrisy here. Quebec has a unique culture in Canada and they're trying to preserve it in the face of bombardment with Anglophone institutions all around them. Tell you what, if you don't want to speak French and don't want to assimilate, why don't you stay out? There are plenty of Anglophone regions in Canada. Go settle there.
by 001k5191
Wed Jul 14 2010Quebecois are racist. Not all, ofcourse, but most of them are very racist. I am an immigrant and I have a good job here and my quebecois collegs told me:"Ofcourse, because you immigrants steal our jobs" They don't recognize that we are better and they are incredibly ignorants or very stupid. More than 1 year I was the only immigrant teacher in the school and I have been attcked every day by these ignorants, stupid and racist animals. I am a professor and I never taught that I would have to face these saugaves behaviour. And most of all, and here is the interesting part, these "teachers" my "collegues" teach to immigrants. This people is a shame of the human kind. They should be treated like commun criminals. I came here with an open heart, I speak french, english, italian and spanish, I tried to share my experience and my love for this land but they transformed me. I was never never humiliated like this just because I am "immigrant".. Shame on Quebec people. Why do I stay here? Because... Read more
by betafox24
Thu Aug 06 2009It saddens me to see that even with all the "Pro-Quebecois" out there, they DO agree with the discrimination that is present with this Province. The United States of America has a vast history of Racism, Prejudice, and Discrimination. The country still has this sickness but it has greatly improved since the Civil War days. For a country to show diversity like Canada, why doesn't Quebec recognize this? Or is this why the province so desperately wants to separate? ............If this is so, maybe Quebec should reinstate SLAVERY?!
by drentropy
Tue Jun 24 2008It's unfortunate that this topic has been hijacked for political posturing; for as a travel destination, Quebec is not to be missed. Montreal, Quebec City and the St. Lawrence Valley are justly popular, but the Eastern Townships and Gaspsie exceed these better known-areas in natural beauty; they also boost lovely villages, friendlier people-and far fewer tourists.Reading the comments below, one would expect the French-speaking residents to be an inbred clan of arrogant chauvinists and xenophobic radicals. No doubt some of them are; the ones I met, however, impressed me as being far better educated, mature and thoughtful than your average American; a number of the women have an almost supernatural beauty and charm, and the local cuisine is some of the best in North America. Quebec is a great place to visit, and likely to live as well (provided you learn the language).
by dancooper
Tue Jun 10 2008Is this a secret reunion of the ku klux clan? i'm with you .white all against quebec. ho i'm not a racist ,of course like any of you.long live the choosen race.
by garettmeister
Thu May 22 2008Montreal Quebec is a redneck town stretched out. French people are fuckin assholes they are still fighting a fight that was centuries ago and they believe all their lies. Its a complete sickness like alcoholism. DENIAL, DENIAL, DENIAL. I am an english man who will NEVER speak and I will NEVER leave and I will live here dirt cheap and I make more than an average Quebecer and I won't invest a dime over here in anything. Kiss my english, Rolex, BMW ass. We are many and we are growing and you will not stop us. P.S. It's just a matter of time before we fuck up your Bill 101 little game too. Laugh it up while you can frogs.
by fabriziocorona
Wed May 14 2008I am sick and tired of people saying that Montreal is a European city, like have these people even been to Europe? Every day i have to listen to Arabic, or creole while taking public transport, oh ya thats really European, if anything this city has a African vibe to it. I find the women to be very dirty and un cultured,i was born here and raised here and the first thing women ask me when i approach them is "where are you from ? " it's because i have dark features and can't pass as one of them , so I'll always be considered a fukin immigrant to these losers.It's cold here like 9 months out of the year, and something else that bothers me is that everybody here including the immigrants are cold and empty like the fukin city they live in. Women here aren't passionate, you don't make love to them you get them drunk and fuck them.I'm not leaving here for my sake but also for the sake of my heritage and my future family, i don't want my future kids to become like these people because they wil... Read more
by irishgit
Thu Apr 17 2008Montreal is as cosmopolitan a city as exists in North America. Get into the wilderness and it is spectacular (but if you get lost in rural Quebec, hope your French is up to snuff) Quebec politicians spend whatever spare time they have between awarding corrupt construction contracts threatening to leave Canada
by bianca25
Thu Apr 17 2008I am born and raised in Quebec and it has a nightmare for me. English people born in this province are second class citizens!! We have already lost some basic rights (as per bill 101) and continue to be pushed out with each money wasting referendum. We have to sit back and watch our childhood schools close down by the dozens with more and more French schools replacing them everyday. English companies get harrassed by the french police and the rest of us have to put up ith dirty looks everytime you speak English. When I was younger, this was a beautiful bilingual province with signs and billboards in two languages... now, you can't even hang a sign on your own door that is English without getting fined. The funny part is that you can have signs in Chinese or Arabic or even Greek... just as long as it isn't in English!!!!! They have taken my rights away and stripped this province of everything it once was. I pay my taxes (probably more so then the "Labatt Bleu" guzzling frenchies) and I... Read more
by ih8qcac3
Thu Mar 06 2008The quebec people hate the english and the rest of canada. The 500 years or so of inbreeding has taken its toll. Stay out of quebec unles syou are french or you will get harassed. It is NOT a friendly place for english -speaking outsiders.
by dboy89
Tue Feb 26 2008I hope Quebec separates from Canada sooner or later. I can't fucking stand these fucking frenchies. Either Quebec becomes English or they separate from Canada. Their people are arrogant assfucks as well.
by pizzitas1500
Sat Feb 23 2008I hate quebecois accent!!!! They sound like ducks speaking and ending every phrase with "lalala", I hate them, they're not nice, and the metro here in montreal sucks, there are not even elevators!!! I hope this place sinks to death. I'm moving to Ontario!!! _______________________________________ Hey!, if it wasn't because of the english people, this place (quebec) would be like a third world country, filled up of disaster, chaos, etc (we're getting close there). These damn province should've won its wishs to be a country separated from canada, not because they want to, but because the rest of canada hate these french bitches. In some years we'll see these damn quebecois bitches crossing the border to Canada like mexicans do to go to the US. You'll see...
by genghisthehun
Sun Feb 10 2008I can't blame the Quebecois for being xenophobic, but in the 21st Century, enough is enough! The Canadian Government is bending over backwards toward the Francophones. What is sad is the educational damage that the PQ Governments did to the Anglophone children by prohibiting English instruction. That is attempted genocide, and is the same thing the Quebecois decried about the British colonial governments.
by passionateknig_ht
Sun Feb 10 2008To all of you Americans out there, I'm sorry to tell you this but 95% of the world's population would love to nuke your arroant/ignorant asses. Women here are beautiful while most of your women and men are overweight slobs. In Europe, it is VERY common to learn a minimum of 2 languages. people educate themselves for the greater good. Much like reading a book, who needs to read a book??? And why would you? As for Quebec and Canada. If ONTARIO were to seperate and JOIN the UNITED STATES. The conflict between Canada and Quebec would end!
by frenchiefastwa_ves
Sat Feb 02 2008Quebec is not just bilingual , it's multilingual , redneck dipshits, that's why you don't like it. ;-)
by thehero
Tue Jan 15 2008Quebec's are the MOST EVIL PEOPLE IN the world I think Nazi's are nicer I hope A nuke Blow them up those Sons of coq suckers or a terrorist blows the hell out of them ! if no one dose soon I well have to do this tings you can't even begin to believe what there doing to my life ruining my life and others ! one day am just going to Lose my mind. and going to kill them all ever I can see AM GOING TO SHOW THEM NO Merci trust me Quebec's never show me companion ! So they want to be the best DEAL WITH IT NOW ! Am just going to grab A high powered rifle and get as much as I can this will be that happiest I have noting against the real French people. JUST those dirty piece of s@@@s or even better a P 90 would be best on them but there a lot of money ! so I might as buy my self a PPSH 41 that a ww2 gun but they are still being made! killing Quebec's is the funniest game in the world !
by andy81
Thu Dec 13 2007I moved to Montreal to join my french canadian husband. I am an American. Things were great until we needed medical treatment. My CANADIAN daughter was DENIED treatment because I (her mother) am an american. They almost let me bleed to death while pregnant because they were too concerned over my lack of insurance. This was my welcome to Quebec. So, from my perspective... the government is awful, the healthcare system is awful, the education system is in need of improvement, the roads are in need of repair. I am beginning to hate this place. There are some nice people here. The people have not been the problem. The government has. I try to speak french though am struggling to learn new words to add to my vocabulary. I try to be polite to others. People tend to be OK for the most part. They are uptight and don't like you to get to know them which is difficult for me to comprehend. Why don't people here want to make friends? Things here are depressing. Everyone is... Read more
by alarmed
Fri Nov 16 2007I don't buy anything built, manufactured, or from a company based in Quebec. They act as if Canada is George Orwells "Animal Farm" where all Canadians are equal BUT some are more equal than others. (pigs oddly enough) They don't fool anyone! Wake up you self-absorbed fools and fix your facist government before more damage is done. For Gods sake do something positive for a change. Alarmed
by cazelais333
Wed Jul 25 2007I have had enough of Quebec. I live in Montreal. I am a second class citizen here. French is a difficult language to learn. French people have made fun of my French. You won't get the job unless you speak very well. Plus write as well. Unless it is a janitor job and even still. I have a French first and last name because of my heritage. I am seriously going to get a name change to English. I will never be French. Montreal is fine if you are self employed or young. I am 50 years old and not too many white, English, baby boomer and female live in Montreal. They are in the "West Island" of Montreal. A vast white bread suburban area west of Montreal with it's requisite malls and highways. Yuch!
by shiftynermal
Mon Apr 17 2006Yeah....I only spent 4 hours in a Montreal airport terminal, but I've never had so many french people give me dirty looks since I was in Paris. I don't know about the rest of the province though....
by sharp60c
Sun Mar 12 2006No offence, i have nothing against it, it just is, IT MAKES ME HAVE TO LEARN FRENCH!
by frick35cr
Wed Jan 11 2006I was born and raised in Montreal and consider it one of the best cities in the world. I am very well traveled - especially considering my age - and I find many cities beautiful but Montreal still remains my home town, one that I always feel comfortable returning to even though it is very nice to leave and go discover some new ways of life once a year or so. I'd like to thank the people on this list who gave good reviews to this city. As for all the comments about quebec in general, I cannot say that I entirely disagree or agree with the negative and positive opinions. I too find it quite idiotic for quebec to seperate from Canada, as far as I am concerned, I am Canadian just like someone from New-York city is an American. I also find the educational system extremely unfair and badly organized. It differs from the rest of the country's and the united-states' system making univerity applications a REAL hassle. Also, even while being raised in both english and french, I was always denie... Read more
by eric100
Thu Apr 14 2005Greatest Province of all!
by jimorama
Tue Mar 29 2005Mordecai Richler nailed Quebec's French Nationalists. Full of hatred towards anything Anglo. Sadly, Montreal is a city in economic decline...although a beautiful place. Ottawa ought to tighten the financial spigot on this province to rethink their xenophobic attitudes. On the is a BEAUTIFUL province.
by rocket_robin_hood
Sat Mar 19 2005Outside of Montreal and the Pontiac, Quebec is a place to go if you want to see some backwards hicks. Quebec makes the Ozarks look like the height of sophistication in comparism. Most French Canadians have a class A attitude problem and hate the English, particuarly English Canadians. They tolerate Americans because they want the money, but try driving around Quebec with Ontario plates on. Visit Montreal.
by caphillsea77
Tue Mar 15 2005Quebec is awesome. All this Frenchie stuff seems to be rubbing people the wrong way but I think it's cool that on this continent you can go to a place that honors is culture and customs. As North America (including Quebec) becomes more vanilla with strip malls and franchising it's nice to go somewhere different. If you make a small effort to communicate some French they will be very accomadating. If you go there demanding English then you should expect rudeness. There is a spirit and joie de vivre there that doesn't exist elsewhere and Quebec hosts many parties,festivals, and celebrations. Montreal ranks as one of the most cosmopolitan citiies on the continent. This city is upbeat and fun day and night. The food is fantastic, the people are good looking and dress well, and the shopping is superb. Quebec City is a magical place that repliclates Europe more than anywhere else. Rural Quebec is beautiful with lots of farms, wilderness, charming little towns, forests, and lakes. I love Queb... Read more
by typeoneg
Wed Mar 02 2005it's nice,but speak english.
by visiondude8
Fri Nov 12 2004Um, chassler, I hate to admit this, but youself is neither French nor English (you might wanna tell Daccory). Anyways, it really is a nice province to visit... but I must agree, the separatism sucks. Canada would look really ugly with a big, blue, hole in the middle.
by sfalconer
Wed Nov 03 2004I am sure it is beautiful counrty but the stupid French independence thing makes no sense.
by daccory
Thu Oct 28 2004Would be nice if Chassler had written in correct French.
by chassler
Thu Oct 28 2004Québec parlent anglais ! Anglais est la langue du commerce. Québec vous isolez le youself. Québec vous vous appauvrissez. Québec votre fierté idiote est destructif. Le Québec ont de l'humilité et soient sensible. Votre culture ne sera pas perdue. >>> Quebec speak English! English is the language of commerce. Quebec you isolate youself. Quebec you impoverish yourself. Quebec your foolish pride is destructive. Quebec have some humility and be sensible. Your culture will not be lost.>>>Daccory, Je suis désolé que je vous aie offensé. Cependant, Je vous demande que pensez à votre propre comportement.
by trisec
Wed Jul 21 2004Rude, arrogant, and holier-than thou unless you speak French. I'd rather spend the money to go to Paris. They're pros at hating Americans (and English); Quebec is strictly bush-league. And the province itself seems dreary and depressing, too.
by blanconino
Fri Jul 09 2004Cold, desolate place. only people of french descent would be stupid enough to inhabit it.
by dennyo
Tue Jun 15 2004I really enjoyed five out of six areas I visited in Quebec. Montreal, Quebec City, Chicoutimi, Baie St. Paul were all great. People hospitable, and the ambiance was unique compared ot naywher in North America. Trois Riviere was so-so. As for speaking in French, my high school French got me by okay, even in Chicoutimi, where no one speaks English practically, it seems if you try somehow you can connect. It was amazing when I had to, I could remember how to tell the Canadian Tire mechanic that my brakes were making a strong noise in French. (Les freins fait du bruit tres fort.) Just think if someone showed up at a store in Detroit or Toronto and tried speaking in French or Spanish without making any effort to choose English words, I think they'd be pretty much ignored too. You have to show some effort and respect for people.
by lexxy56
Sun Jan 11 2004Got lost in one would help unless u spoke to them in french. Doesn't seem like the best place to vacation.
by stanuzbeck
Sun Jul 27 2003First of all, Quebec is not a country, it is a province. Prior to the 1960's, the majority of economic and political power in Quebec was in the hands of anglophones. That all changed and now it is the francophones who control everything. The thing is, the french nationalists still think of themselves as the wretched of the earth, even though all signs in Quebec have to either be completely in french or have the french portion dominant, and the political rights of the english minority are never taken into account. Montreal is pretty cool, but I would avoid most of the province because of the sheer hostility you encounter if they find out that you're not french. Highest taxes in the country as well.
by michaell
Thu Jun 12 2003Quebec is one of the best countries in the world, its no wonder that Canada wont end the occupation; without it Canada would be nothing.
by moosekarloff
Fri Jun 06 2003Montreal is one of the finest cities in North America, with great restaurants, sightseeing and some of the best nightlife going. Clean, orderly, safe, affordable vacation spot. The Old City is particularly intriguing and Boulevard St. Laurent is a hoot, block after block. The French environment makes you feel like you're in another country, when going to any English-speaking Canadian city makes you feel that you're out the Midwest somewhere. Quebec City is a tad touristy, but if you go off the beaten track in the lower Old Town, you'll find it charming. Great restaurants here, too. The Quebec countryside is quite beautiful and unspolied. The people can be a bit standoffish in Quebec, but if you make an effort at being friendly, you won't have any problems here.
by jerryheilman
Mon Apr 07 2003home of the indecisive Canadian?! Why cant we all just get along? Oh well your loss! loosers.
by mtreal
Mon Dec 09 2002Party-ass people, great cultural variety. Its different and unique.