Python Reviews | RateItAll


High-level, general-purpose programming language Website

Approval Rate: 92%

92%Approval ratio

Reviews 18

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    Tue Aug 29 2023

    Python is the best language to learn for a beginner. Highly recommended for everyone. It has also wide range of uses and use cases, so invest your time in python you could grow as a developer soon.

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    Mon Aug 12 2024

    Python is a great powerful language that covers a very large area of fields. Using python you can write code for simple email automation upto AI , ML while maintaining a very easy and readable code. Sometimes python looks like a pseudo code and not actual programming language. So learning python could let you work on a good no of specialization without having to jump between different programming languages. PYTHON Rocks.

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    Mon Apr 29 2024

    I am actually starting to like this PL as I have just started my graduation in Data Science and AI and python is my go to language. This helps me solve problems very fast writing very few lines of code. Also I also develop apis using fast api to deploy my assignment projects. So basically I can do most of the things using this single programming language

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    Sun Mar 10 2024

    Python is widely used programming language for web application development and other script ing purposes. Also it is very easy for programmers to learn and writing code

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    Fri Jan 26 2024

    Programming is all about how descriptive and tidy the code is. Clumsy coding practices can create unwanted bugs and issues later and makes collaboration really difficult. Python has taken care of it from its core. The proper usage of indentation defining code blocks and guidelines make it one of the most easy to use programming languages available today and its one of the few languages that have stood the test of time. It has lots of well tested and exhaustive libraries and is even used in general applications, web and even AI. A winner in every respect hands down!

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    Sat Jan 20 2024

    Python is a great programming language. It's used a lot for Machine Learning programmers, for web developers, AI programmers and a lot of others developers. The learning curve of a beginning is one of benefits of Python.

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    Mon Oct 16 2023

    I probably should learn it, because so many people at work use it. But I'm old and I don't feel like learning a new programming language.

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    Fri Oct 06 2023

    My vote goes for Python, because its the closest language to humans. When I started learning Python , it was like writing simple english and I was actually making computer do things by just writing English. Keep Pythoning !!

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    Mon Sep 18 2023

    One of the best languages for beginners to learn and build things quickly

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    Wed Sep 13 2023

    I like python because it makes stuff easy for me especially for data science

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    Mon Sep 11 2023

    very simple and easy to learn syntax

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    Fri Sep 08 2023

    Python is a good language and can be used for almost all purposes. I personally like Python for Data Engineering and Analysis.

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    Thu Sep 07 2023

    Best for writing scripts, amazing language to work on Data Science and Backend Development.

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    Mon Sep 04 2023

    Because Python is rich in libraries.

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    Mon Sep 04 2023

    It is beginner friendly language. It is a language that enforces good code format.

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    Thu Aug 31 2023

    Very versatile and easy to learn

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    Wed Aug 30 2023

    Multi-purpose programming language that is used vastly in so many fields. The syntax is pretty simple and you can develop your program faster.

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    Wed Aug 30 2023

    Python is a great language for many reasons. It can do almost anything, from web development to data analysis to machine learning. It is also easy to learn and read, which makes it ideal for beginners and teens who want to start coding.