Provide more free shelters and meals

Approval Rate: 57%

57%Approval ratio

Reviews 13

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    Wed May 20 2009

    Its worth remembering, particularly in the current economic climate, that something like 50 per cent of North Americans are about three months of no income away from being homeless. I also take some issue, and this comes from my father's Depression era stories of being a hobo, with some religious groups providing shelter and aid, but only conditionally if the recipient sits through a sermon. Dad called the Salvation Army the Starvation Army for this very reason, and said he'd been a Baptist, a Methodist, a Holy Roller, talked in tongues, an Anglican, and several kinds of Pentacostal in order to get a meal when times got tough. If your Christian principles suggest that you should succour the hungry and homeless good for you, but ease up on the proselytizing.

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    Wed May 20 2009

    The vast majority of homeless have some type of mental condition. Therefore, help is there for them. A shelter will give the state a address to send the funds needed to help, I believe.

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    Wed May 20 2009

    It sounds like a good idea and as long as they don't have to pay for it and its of good quality, I don't see anything wrong with hat.

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    Thu May 01 2008

    I've never met a homeless person who didn't want a place to live, but many avoid shelters, often with good reason.Any 'Christian' who says, "Don't feed or provide shelter to the poor." is no Christian at all.BTW, where can I sign up for the (mythical 'without working') $45,000 annual salary?  I could use the extra cash.

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    Wed Apr 30 2008

    I'm not going to explain my rating on this one because I almost know it will bring hostility to some.

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    Tue Sep 04 2007

    ... in lieu of cash. This was the basis of Gavin Newsome's controversial "Care Not Cash" program. I'm a fan.

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    Mon Sep 03 2007

    I will say this: some homeless people don't want any help and quite content where they are, but some homeless people just hit hard times and would love a second chance.  I'm sure these types of provisions would be very appreciated.

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    Fri May 25 2007

    There are quite a lot of reasons for a person or family becoming homeless. But the most horrible feeling is the feeling of not having a place to go to at night. It is so dangerous. If even a simple mistake is made, a person or family could become homeless. Homeless shelters are life savers.

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    Sun Apr 09 2006

    I'm a young man with a horrible past and I'm just need to be alone to appreciate life and relize how hard it really can get without support.I'm twenty yrs. old and i really can't see a future for me at this moment in the position i'm in. I have burn too many bridges and i just remember that i cannot go back home because i don't have one. my family and friends are tried of my excuses and short income. i think god wants me to be alone.. and i have court this month and i owe the world money. What should I do?

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    Mon May 30 2005

    this is a much needed solution to help them get on their feet. its not easy looking for a job after youve slept behind a bush or a building with no place to clean up. that alone would make you feel insecure and would not leave a good impression

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    Mon May 30 2005

    This country is replete with benefits for the unfortunate. In NYC one can commeasure an annual salary of $45,000 without ever working. Federally there are food stamp programs, direct benefits for homes with children housing benefits, Medicaid (not to mention tons of education benefits if you actually want to do something). States offer further assistance for housing and medical care supplements- including dental, plus further housing assistance through vouchers, and food benefits, locally the offer energy and utilities subsistence programs, food supplements, housing supplements, job assistance- and direct emergency aid if you become displaced. There is no lack of aid for the unfortunate. What there is a lack of are programs that treat the real causes of static poverty and homelessness. Its not a lack of options but a corrosive culture of debauch behavior that foments static poverty, brought on by numerous problems including mental disorders and drug addictions.

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    Mon Feb 21 2005

    This is a great idea, but there is usually not enough funding to adequately provide for the homeless population in most cities.

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    Sat Feb 19 2005

    Good list. ... I think it would be a great idea to provide shelters and meals to them. Because keeping them outside of shelter provides a health and safety danger. We don't want to see anybody suffering from malnutrition so I think it's humane if we feed them too.