Promote exercise and healthy diets

Approval Rate: 90%

90%Approval ratio

Reviews 13

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    Wed Aug 31 2011

    So if I understand this list correctly, this hypothetical "real leader" would create a worldwide hegemony (presumably by a combination of economic pressure and armed force) tax the everloving piss out of any corporation that sets foot outside the country, prevent immigration from Mexicans and Muslims (presumably exiling them to Mars after the worldwide hegemony is accomplished) outlaw political parties (presumably because the "Real Leader" will be in power for life and there will be no need to bother with trivialities like elections) not collect personal income tax (presumably because everyone will be working happily and without compensation for the greater good and idolizing "Real Leader") and exterminating undesireables through a state run eugenics program. Given all that, I suspect the citizenry will get all the exercise they need during their daily sixteen hour shift in the work camp they've been assigned to, and all the nutrition they need from their two bowls of stew a day (poss... Read more

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    Wed Aug 31 2011

    There is only so much in promoting healthy diet and exercise, the real initiative lies within the individual. I mean really is the President's Phyiscal Fitness thing a pivotal moment in someone's life. On another note, sin taxes on things like soda and Happy Meals are absolutely stupid.

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    Thu May 12 2011

    Aryan Dan, health guru? Maybe he can get in his Klan robes and carry a referee's whistle. " Listen up. We're gonna go WHITE water rafting and only drink WHITE grape juice and maybe if you're good, I'll treat you to some CAUC....asian food."

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    Tue Jun 29 2010

    It's already being promoted by somebody who lives in the White House. But it is not up to Michelle Obama, President Obama, or any other world leader to get America to eat better. This should be a choice that we all should want to make in our lives. A person will not only look better, but feel better, as well. I don't know who wouldn't want that.

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    Tue Jun 29 2010

    It's fine to promote good health and eating habits (and I've got to admit Michelle Obama is doing a good thing, here), but just because you lead a horse to water, it doesn't mean he will drink it. That's why God gave us brains: to make our own judgments on things like this. This falls along the "personal" category, and people's lives are their own.

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    Tue Jun 29 2010

    The guy is out back having a smoke as this goes to post.

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    Mon Jun 28 2010

    I want to see this "real leader" make angry speeches in front of fast food joints (tear this McDonalds down?) and come get me up in the morning so we can go run or something...

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    Mon Jun 28 2010

    As I've been reading through this list the sense of familiarity has been growing with every item. It finally hit me that we are actually rating Mein Kampf!

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    Thu Sep 15 2005

    While more exercise and healthier foods would do a lot to reduce the Healthcare costs to this country,and to improve the lives of it's citizens-the Government could promote it with lackluster results if people are not willing to give up their Krispy cremes and do more pushups.It would depend on HOW it was promoted.Massive advertising could be a waste of money.Perhaps some sort of incentive program,such as reduced taxes for those who improve their overall health might work,but hammering it out wouldn't be easy.Also,if pollution is not reduced,no matter how Healthy people try to live,there will still be massive healthcare costs and troubles looming in the future.

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    Mon Oct 18 2004

    I'd regulate the food industry more and make sure all the high sugars and hidden salts are cut from processed food. Make available wholesome, natural foods, less toxins, chemicals etc, which are contributing to weight increase despite those exrcise programmes. It's an individual's choice then if he gets fat or not whereas at the moment, the busy housewife is putting so much hidden junk in her shopping basket.

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    Thu Sep 16 2004

    Duh? This is what a real leader should do? Hey I am ALL FOR EXERCISE!!! But I'm also ALL FOR FREEDOM! If you want to sit on your fat butt and eat Ring Dings and Big Macs smoking a carton of butts a day... knock yourself out!! With all these doom and gloomers you'd think Americans are dying in droves when we're actually living longer and longer. In reality the key is moderation. A real leader would promote moderation but would above all else let people know it was their life to live.

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    Tue Sep 14 2004

    What in the name of Mighty Mouse do you think flood the airwaves, the bookstores, the Internet, and your mailbox now? Ever since Jane Fonda slipped on a pair of legwarmers and published her book way back when, this country has become more and more obsessed with health and self. I'm pretty sure that this was in the exact same proportion to the rise in obesity. And maybe that has something to do with constantly having an unattainable standard shoved in your face every 3 minutes of your waking life. After awhile you just say, oh, who the devil cares - pass the pasta. Maybe what we really need is to stop thinking so much about ourselves and start concentrating on helping other people out. You would have less time to stuff your face, would get more exercise, would (possibly) stop obsessing on yourself and maybe, just maybe start to realize there are more important things in life than physical appearance and many more valid ways to feel good about yourself.

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    Fri Sep 10 2004

    So like a real leader (I guess Bill Clinton wasn't a real leader) could somehow transform a nation of gluttonous, pillagers into a country of yogurt eaters who get regular exercise. Sorry, in this country, each of us has a CHOICE. Make yours and tell the real leaders to shut up.