Professor Severus Snape

Approval Rate: 73%

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    Mon Jan 04 2010

    I love his evilness. He's a good actor. Glad they chose him.

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    Tue Nov 03 2009

    Of course he was one of the heroes! Couldn't you tell? Our Jo must've had Rickman in mind when she wrote this part! He's just perfect, doncha think?

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    Thu Jul 16 2009

    This is a complex character in the books and certainly one of the more interesting ones to watch in the films -- Rickman has a way of delivering the most minor lines charged with such fascinating amounts of loathing.

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    Thu Jul 16 2009

    Severus is a brilliant character and is well portrayed by Alan Rickman in the movies. You can tell from Rickman's acting that Severus is reluctant to help and is doing a job he dislikes. The tragedy of Severus is in his love for Harry's mother and his deception that he is evil in order to help Harry.

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    Tue May 05 2009

    Severus Snape is deffently the best character i have ever read about, i love him!!!!

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    Tue Jan 27 2009

    I love him. Favorite character in the whole series.

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    Mon Oct 13 2008

    FANTASTIC! Seriously, in terms of Character if I could give him an extra star I would!Love or Hate him (or both!) he kept us guessing for 7 books! "Is he Evil?" "Is he good?" "Whose side is he really on??" The message boards were teaming! Any character who can keep everyone's interest and still have such an intrigue over such a long period of time is a fantastically written character. His role was twisted in every book. He was mean, bitter, sarcastic, a bully and yet brave, intelligent and, somehow, in some strange way, almost...admirable. There is no Black or White to Snape. I don't think he can truly be separated into Good or Bad and it would be doing the complexity of the character an injustice to do so.Personally speaking I was always FACINATED by Snape- I could never understand his motives and yet I always trusted him. When he killed Dumbledore I was horrified, it was like a broken trust to me and I trully wanted to hate him. Even with this though I could never hate him quite as m... Read more

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    Thu Jul 12 2007

    Severus Snape is cool. I really like the mystery about him and also the way he let's noone bother him. He's toally straight (even though he might be fooling the dark side). As for the 7th book: He will help finishing off Lord Voldemort (if not, Rowling should better come up with a mindblowing and not so random altenative!).

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    Fri Jun 15 2007

    Hes interesting. He is a very well put together character..... But I do think snape is good even though he Killed Dumbledore. Remember Dumbledore drank the poision earlier, he was all ready dieng and there was no antidote. Knowing the Dark Lord, it would be a VERY PAINFUL death. Snape did Dumbledore a favor by killing him off. Snape is good... he had PLENTY of opportuinties to kill Harry or have him expelled, then killed, or give him to the Dark Lord. Why didnt he? BECAUSE HE DID NOT BELIVE THE DARK LORD WAS TRUELY BACK AND HE FELT GUILTY!!! ( Sirius Black helped with these emotions) Hogwarts will reopen, and Harry will return for the term MOGONIGAL WILL BE HEAD MISSTRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!READ THE 5TH BOOK IF U ARE CONFUSED!! Harry will end up with Ginny angain Ron and Hermione will end up together and then RON WILL DIE!!!!!!!!!! Think about it, hermione is 2 witty but she will proboly be Severly injured, Ginny will also die becasue that is Harry's true love!!!Ron is stupid and ... Read more

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    Thu May 24 2007

    I LOVE this character the best!  The book tells you hardly anything about him; it's all descriptive language.  The language is so sensual, how can anyone not like him?Unfortunately, he is a bully abusing his power, and he has 1000 reasons and not 1 single excuse.  How would you like to be told you're a dunderhead or a dunce like Hermione and Harry?  Or perhaps told that you can't disapparte 1/2 and inch across the room if you tried like Ron?  He is an awful teacher and terrible person.  Worse, he's the only one at the school who can protect the students against the Dark Arts and he uses it against them instead and sides with Voldemort at the end of book 6.  Maybe that's why people seem to gravitate toward him; he has the knowledge and ability to protect them and people look for hope like this in bad times.  Snape is a rotten character, but JKR wrote him in the story very well.

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    Sun Dec 03 2006

    Most definetly my favourite character.

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    Tue Oct 31 2006

    Snape didn't kill Dumbledore. The facts are clear, and we all know that J.K. likes to play with us about things like that. My point is, if Dumbledore was killed by the Killing Curse, his eyes would have been open, so he died from the liquid he drank earier in the cave. There are others hints that are not that secure, but the facts are clear.

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    Sun Jan 22 2006

    I think that Snape only killed Dumbledore to spare Draco from having to. That being said, I think that even though he's a 'slimy git' he's still one of the most important characters to these books and he is for sure the most interesting because even if you trust him completely there are going to be those moments when he makes you wonder...

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    Sat Dec 17 2005

    think about it- dumbledore only started begging 4 mercy when snape turned up- perhaps they made a deal that when da time was right snape would kill. why else would the greatest wizard in history trust someone like snape? but i still prefer remus obviously.....

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    Sun Sep 25 2005

    Hmm...snape, he's an interesting character, thats for sure. I like him in the sense that he's entertaining to read about, however I dispise the way he treats Harry. He is a very powerful wizard. It is questionable to whether people think he is a death eater or a member of the order, especially after the sixth book, I however believe he remains loyal to the order. I mean think about it Dumbledore is a very wise man, I think if Snape was evil Dumbledore would know about and would not of hired him in the first place. I believe that Snape killed Dumbledore on his (dumbledore's) command. I mean come on Dumbledore once said that "to an old man, death is the next greatest adventure." Why would a man like that plead for his life. Thats why I think he is good, but I guess we'll all find out in the next book. Can't wait for it to come out. I think Snape will play a big part in defeating Lord Voldemort, but that is just my theory. Oh and btw, if you want more to learn about more theories in form ... Read more

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    Sat Aug 06 2005

    Terrifying in the sense that I wouldn't want to meet up with him in a dark alley way. But, so intriging that you want to learn al of his secrets. He makes you always wonder whether he's good or bad, and keeps you interested.

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    Tue Jul 26 2005

    *sigh* diobolicaly British ^_^

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    Sat Jul 23 2005

    Absolutely fascinating character. Don't want to play poker against this guy. Not one to let your guard down around.

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    Wed Jun 22 2005

    Snape is so cool. He's my favorite character from Harry Potter. I don't even know why I like him, but I do. Maybe because he's mysterious and there are so many unanswered questions about him. He will always be my fave.

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    Fri Feb 18 2005

    hes a good characther hes dark curious and unpridictable. but hes so bias. how did a git like him become a teacher. hes so unfair. hes mean to neville. how can a teacher bully students. i feel sorry 4 james bullying him at school. but snape should not judge harry base on james

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    Sat Feb 12 2005

    He is the best charactor in the Harry Potter movies, simply because of how complex he is in the books. We know hardly nothing of his past, which makes me intrigued. Even though he can be very mean at times, that's what makes him so cool to me.

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    Fri Feb 20 2004

    Snape is definately the most intriguing and interesting character of the Harry Potter universe, closely followed by Sirius Black and Remus Lupin... I personally wish JK would write a series about the lives of these three brilliant creations of hers...

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    Fri Aug 08 2003

    Okay, I'll just say it- I love Severus Snape! He is DEFINITELY the best character in the Harry Potter series [Sirius is a close 2nd!-- :( !] I just can't wait until books 6 and 7 b/c there are sooooo many unanswered questions about him. I think he's good, but I don't see how he could be spying on Voldie after the whole Quirrell run-in in the first year (???) There's another thing too: why DOES Snape call voldemort the dark lord? JKR was obviously letting us know it's important by making us aware of it, but then made sure we wouldn't find out !?!?!?!?!?

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    Thu Aug 07 2003

    Snape is a character we all love to interpret in different ways. My take on him is obviously from a positive side. Sure, he's 'evil' in the classroom and hard and unfair on his students, but from what we can make out he seems to be still spying on Voldemort and as to his hatred for The Marauders and Harry, we can all understand it. Especially now that Harry's been spying on him through his pensieve, and let's face it, the thoughts that Harry sees when he repels Snape's stroll through his mind are hardly of a happy childhood. How can he be anything but the bitter, mean teacher we all know? However, I also have an unfounded suspicion that Snape acts like he does out of habit more than anything else. I mean, you'd think he'd get tired of being so nasty all the time if it weren't for a mask he's keeping up...and he can hardly drop the mask if Voldemort's breathing down his neck...and to be such a nasty person and yet actually be a good guy is rather jarring...hope that made sense....

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    Wed Jul 23 2003

    Professor Snape is the most underated character in the Harry Potter series. He's like that guy that everyone loves to hate. Yet Professor Snape is actually the good guy who gets caught up in an evil past. Sure, I wouldn't like to have him as a teacher, but as an all around guy he's really good. J.K. Rowling did an amazing job at creating the character's past so that it came back to haunt him in the present. Snape has but one choice, Will he fight to regain his past, or will he fight to prevent the future? We may never find out, as it will take Rowling at least another year to finish the 6th book.