Professional Wrestling
Approval Rate: 57%
Reviews 0
by irishgit
Thu May 29 2008With a mike in front of them, this isn't too bad, sort of a sweaty passion play, but the action in the ring could bore a dog off a gut wagon.
by genghisthehun
Mon Feb 11 2008The choreographed violence is laughable most of the time.
by twansalem
Mon Feb 11 2008Once again, another addition to this list that seems to make sense coming from Atlanta. WCW was based in Atlanta, and to be honest it really wasn't very good.Second point is that while I'm a huge pro wrestling fan, I'm the first to admit that it isn't a sport.If you're watching professional wrestling with the same viewpoint as watching sports, you're missing the point entirely. It's much more like watching a drama, a sitcom, or a movie than watching sports. Pro wrestling is about the story and the skill of the wrestlers. Of course the outcome of the matches are predetermined. But so is the outcome of your favorite TV show.
by wisec0db
Tue Sep 27 2005WWE aside, Pro Wrestling is one of the most athletic sports, with the performers putting their bodies on the line for the fans who pay money to see them. What other performance art can say the same? Those who look at wrestling in a primitive way, but laud the greatness of football or karate are missing the point. Watch some of the Japanese wrestling as well as U.S. Promotions such as Ring Of Honor and you'll likely change your opinion.
by minkey
Sun Feb 13 2005I tried getting into it but could never get past the fact that it's all a set-up. It doesn't retain my interest for more than a few minutes.
by flick01
Tue Aug 24 2004Since Vince McMahon has turned the WWE into two thirds soap opera and one third wrestling a great deal of the fun that I used to have watching his promotion has been diminished. Pyrotechnics and large stadium size screens has for the most part replaced the old fashioned interview and the standard feud. The obscenities in the ring and the new role of women in his league have made the WWE unsuitable for family viewing. Some of the smaller leagues still place emphasis on wrestling and they limit their glitz so hopefully their success and popularity will increase. Going to live wrestling matches used to be a lot of fun for me when I was a kid as I would come home hoarse and drenched in sweat from yelling at the bad guys and cheering for my favorites. I often attended matches with my dad and grandfather and it was always an entertaining (and reasonably priced) evening out. There was no generation gap when grandpa and I would be cheering for the same wrestler. Professional wrestlers also do ... Read more
by canadasucks
Fri Jul 30 2004It's awful. Oily, greasy men rolling around with each other? Anyone else think this is the gayest thing ever on TV? Gimme hockey or the NFL where the violence is real. . .
by muppetlass87
Sun Jun 13 2004Pro-wrestling sucks. Greco-roman style wrestling is much better because it's all about skill and strength, not a bunch of 300-lb men with spandex oufits and stupid catch phrases.
by freebird_0128
Tue Feb 03 2004I try and I try to understand the popularity of this so-called sport but just can't muster any lind of idea. A bunch of psychotic, spandex-wearing men choreographing beating each other up while half-naked women cheer them on. Seems neandertholic to me...Hasn't our society progressed farther than grunting men pummeling each other for fun?...Hmm maybe not.