Proactiv Solution

Approval Rate: 52%

52%Approval ratio

Reviews 76

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    Mon Aug 08 2011

    I saw the commercial and was hoping it would clear up my mild acne, but after a few days of using it my skin actually got worse, I started getting more pimples and bumps, and got frustrated so I just threw it away. Now I'm using a regular bar of soap (Jergens) to wash my face and moisturizing with Lotion.

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    Tue Jul 05 2011

    Exactly 4 days ago I placed an order on the proactive website. I paid extra for overnight shipping and I paid with pay pal. I was told I will be receiving a confirmation email after I paid for the order, but I never did. When I try to log onto the website it says that email address is not registered on the website. I was provided an order number when I placed the order, but I did not save it. I contacted proactive customer service to cancel my order, but I was told that they can not cancel my order even though it hasn't been shipped. That is not true! I work for an online company and you can very well easly cancel an order anytime you want. you can even have the package returned back to you if it is shipped out. Before they even searched for my order they said a cancelation is not possible. And when I gave my information they said they can not even find my order. I was also told by a customer service representative to place a new order and pay again this time with credit card. So they ... Read more

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    Thu Jun 23 2011

    Ok so First of all , THEY are CROOKS!!!!!! I have had the biggest headach on try to cancel my orders!!! They have had my money 6 weeks and told me wait 2 more weeks!!!! GIVE me my damn money back! Customer Service line ...First part is no customer service , very rude and un helpful!!!! I will never order or recommend this product ever!!!! Now my skin is the same as I started no change !!!!

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    Fri Jun 10 2011

    ClearPores - Good price and quality.

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    Tue Apr 19 2011

    Proactiv is not worth the hype. I have normal to dry skin and very few products dry out my skin, including prescription strength acne medicine, but this one dryed my skin out and made it flakey even with moisturizer. I could have dealt with the dry skin if it cleared my acne but it didn't. I would not recomment this system to anyone.

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    Mon Apr 18 2011

    ProActive is NOT a scam!! It is a lovely product that helps my little brother with his pimples. He is 16 and at that stage where his face is very important. (he loves the attention of the girls) When i first ordered it for him online i READ everything on the website especially when i was placing my order. I agreed to the 29.95 per month with 9.99 s/h for future shipments. The trial kit that we first had was way to harsh for his skin. So i was ready to cancel but when i called customer service they informed me about the other formulas that they offered to "perfered customers", one was the extra strength(well i knew that one would not work due to what was goin on with my brothers face). I told her that one is definately not for him. then she proceeded to tell me about the Gentle formula, she said that this is for persons with sensitve skin and/or alergic to benzol peroxide. She also said that she would send him a FREE trial size amount to see if he likes it. NOW that is great customer se... Read more

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    Tue Apr 05 2011

    I wish I would have seen this site before ordering ProActive! I had looked at the reviews on the ProActive site, but obviously only the positives were provided, with only a couple negatives to make it realistic. My 12 year old son has acne on his face and back. After trying other over the counter products, I conceded to try ProActive. It has done nothing for his acne. It is just as bad as the day we started using the product. Calling the company and explaining the situation, I discovered that my purchase was an "installment" for only one purchase of the 3 step program with a total of $68. I was agast! This is not stated on the paperwork. I even looked back over it. It is extremely mis-leading. Not only that, I've been billed and yet the product has not arrived - over 10 days after the charge was placed on my credit card. The call came tumbling down at this point, and reality hit. I want to mention that I wasn't greeted with a "Hello." Instead the first I heard was an operater tel... Read more

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    Sun Mar 27 2011

    My recent experience with Proactiv has prompted me to express my absolute disgust in this company. First of all, the Proactiv did not work on my skin at all, in fact my skin condition actually worsened. Proactiv contains no secret acne-fighting ingredients, just benzoyl peroxide-a chemical found in most conventional acne medications. Obviously, this prompted me to cancel my proactiv (the company enrolls you in a auto-renewal program as you make your first order), and I did so by calling their customer service. The first call to customer service was horrendous on its own (19mins33secs to cancel?), as for some reason I was referred to a "skin-care specialist," who resembled a saleswoman more than any type of specialist. She keep trying to push on me a "sensitive skin formula" and insisted the extra pimples Proactiv gave me were just those trapped beneath my skin (right, they were surface whiteheads and immediately after I stopped using Proactiv they went away). Long story short, ... Read more

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    Tue Feb 22 2011

    The worst experience ever, order the product for 19.95, tell them I do not want anything else, no vitamins, no extended contract, I just want to see if it works and if it works I will order more, I probably said this 3 times during our lengthy conversation of them trying to sell me items. well I just received the vitamins, an oh guess what I just had money taken out of my account for the 90 supply, oh and I cannot cancel it because they claim they already shipped it. and by the way I never received any notifications at all. CAN YOU SAY RIP OFF, BUYER BEWARE, STAY AWAY

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    Sun Feb 13 2011

    I ordered this online as a gift for my 12 year old daughter. I didn't realize that I had joined a membership or agreed to future purchase commitments (not used to looking out for this when buying items!). Two weeks after giving her the Proactiv, my account was charged another $40. I called and canceled the membership and was told to send the item back when I received it. Three weeks later, the shipment I had already been charged for came, but by then my account had been charged AGAIN! I was told it would take 4-6 weeks to process each return and would still pay $20 for shipping and handling! RIP OFF! If you buy this, do it over the phone, and make sure you don't agree to future purchases if you don't want them!! Bottom Line: -Process was time consuming and confusing to my 12 year old daughter -Her results were minimal - My personal experience dealing with this company was extremely negative and time consuming. In my opinion their actions were fraudulent, and there was nothing I could ... Read more

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    Sat Feb 12 2011

    I ordered Proactive products one month ago after seeing commercial on TV. It didn't work as advertised on medias. Like many other cusmetic companies, Proactive spend too much of its money on advertisments instead of product research. If you read its product ingredients, you would notice they are the same as many other much cheaper prodcuts sold at Wallgreen. In addtion, when you buy their promotion trial based products, you better watch out if you accidentally sign yourself in with its monthly membership program.

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    Sun Jan 30 2011

    It's hard to be witty when your face feels like shoe leather. Make that BUMPY shoe leather, with a side of Crypt Keeper thrown in for good measure. In a nutshell, Proactiv is a huge dissapointment, both in its advertising campaigns and in the actual products themselves. I am a 31 year old female, who has suffered bouts of moderate to severe acne from the age of 15, up to and including presently. Birth control pills cleared me completely for about 6 years, but I developed some digestive issues that were linked to the pill, and have not been taking them for 3 months. My face recently began breaking out, and I decided to give Proactiv another try; I used the products 4 years ago, and had limited success with them, before going back on the birth control pill. I am VERY sorry I gave this garbage another chance. Not only was it terribly ineffective at clearing my blemishes, it actually worsened the condition, creating more acne in places on my face that were heretofore clean and clear. To ... Read more

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    Fri Jan 28 2011

    DON'T ORDER FROM THIS COMPANY BEFORE READING ALL THE FINE PRINT!!! Whatever price they are advertising is not legit... you are entering an agreement to purchase on a regular basis adding up to hundreds of dollars!!! WHAT A SCAM!!!

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    Wed Jan 26 2011

    Horrible Horrible Horrible!!! Does not work AT ALL. If anything it makes it much worse, and dries your skin terribly. Not to mention THE WORST customer service I have ever dealt with before. They give you free samples, and then on the next order they charge you for your "free samples" for a wopping 90 bucks. But as advertised it's only 29.95?!?!? Really? Read the fine print I guess......? Apparently, they charge installments.....BUT never tell you about it! It's a huge scheme to get your money. And when you call customer service, be prepared to talk to condescending, rude people. Even IF it did work, maybe and that's a big maybe, for 1% of the "millions" of people who have bought it, the customer service alone would make me not want to purchase this product. I am a firm believer if you pay for something, you should be treated with respect from who ever you purchase it from, not a piece of s***. Soooo, a word to the wise. Stay far far away and save yourself the money and aggravation...

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    Sat Jan 22 2011

    Okay so I am one of those people that bases my purchases off of other peoples reviews. The $19.99 is a bunch of crap. That is the price or one month. For a three month package it is over one-hundred dollars and not worth it. I thought I would buy it because everyone claimed how "amazing" it was. To be completely honest, I am seventeen and I have had acne since I was around fourteen. I have literally tried everything. Clean and clear(cheap), zeno(false advertising, almost as bad as proactiv, then Proactive, acne free, and none worked. When I went to the dermatologist, she recommended Retina, which I have been on for five months, and it cleared up some, but now all. Now I am going to order Paula's Choice, and try it. From one person to another, Proactiv works for some people, and maybe it could work for you. But for me, it dried out my skin so badly. It is expensive and not worth it!

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    Fri Jan 21 2011

    Its a SCAM!!!!!! Don`t get into their trap. They are going to charge you extra money. The offer of $19.99 is a hook. They make money out of you. Girls, these celebrities get money to endorse a product. Also a very important thing to remeber when you are returning any of their package, ask the post office to put a receive confirmation on it. As they will after few months will send you a bill for one shippment not returned yet even if you have cancelled your account. BEAWARE OF PROACTIVE!! IT MAKES YOUR SKIN TOO DRY AND YOU END UP PAYING FOR SOMETHING YOU DID`NT EVEN USED

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    Mon Dec 27 2010

    I just started using proactiv because i started getting really bad acne,and well i don't know what happened but my face was like on fire it burned really bad!! I followed the steps giving and i had washed my face a couple times before,it started to burn and my face was red.I had people staring at my face because it was so red,i got a damped towel n put it on my face so the burning feeling would go away,haha it was pretty embarrassing.Something that I've noticed is how i have less pimples i believe this really works but it has this problem that it dries my face,I'm afraid to put lotion on because i don't wan't it to burn anymore. :) After i wash it my face feels smooth except that time it burnt my face.Well i think Proactiv is good,but it doesn't work the same for everybody.You shouldn't listen to the bad reviews people give because some of them are not right,give proactiv a try and see if it works for you.

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    Fri Dec 24 2010

    This does not work at all it made it worse it deserves no stars :(3 stars

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    Wed Dec 08 2010

    My wife started receiving this product without ordering it -- even though she is in her 60's and never had acne. Apparently someone stole her credit card information and charged it to her credit card without her knowledge. And, when my wife called the company to tell them about the problem, they threatened to send a debt collector! Very suspicious!

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    Thu Dec 02 2010

    I usually use ProActiv, but I wanted to try something new which was healthier with less chemicals. I read bad reviews of all the harmful chemicals in proactive. My mother who is in her 60's and looks like she is in her 30's, recommended Made from Earth. I have a bit of adult acne and she recommended the Made from Earth Grapefruit Glycolic Scrub, and it works just as well as ProActiv. I used it for a couple of days, and saw results right away. Overall, my skin looks much better than before I used it. I didnt use any of their moisturizers but I would recommend the Grapefruit Glycolic Scrub.

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    Sat Nov 27 2010

    I ordered ONE BOX of Proactive through the website. Apparently they decided that they would charge me not only for THIS box, but also for a second box which they failed to even tell me they were sending me. The second month I received a box saying "FREE GIFT INSIDE" but it turned out that it was just another box of what I had ordered the first month (which, btw, i did not even see great results from). I went to check my account online and saw that they had CHARGED my bank account for the second box without 1. asking 2. notifying me in any way. They then informed me that I would be charged for the next TWO months (because they decided to divide the second box into payments of three months). I was not asked or informed in ANY way. When I called customer service to cancel, they told me that I would have to send the box back (even though I didn't even ask for it to be sent to me). AND that they could not reimburse me for the month's payment OR stop the next two months' payments.. because i... Read more

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    Mon Nov 22 2010

    The product itself is nothing special and I've found that it tends to dry out my skin. Trying to order just what you need without getting sucked into an automatic shipment trap that is very difficult to cancel was nearly an exercise in insanity. There are plenty of other products out there that do the exact same thing without all of the hassle. I guess if you've tried other products and nothing else has worked for you, it might be worth giving it a shot. For me personally, I want to do business with a company that values me as a customer and not just the ability to automatically charge my card every month. If I purchase a product and get good results from it, I'm more than happy to sign up for monthly shipments but I should have the option. Hopefully other have had a good experience with the product but unfortunately, I have to give it a thumbs down.

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    Mon Nov 08 2010

    Hi! I have been working as a Clinique conultant and they have a blemish 3-step set that I have seen work saying that Proactive seems to be doing the same thing, haven't tried it tough. Had one customer who's said it didn't do much from her, but it differs depending on hormones and the severity of the blemishes..I gues it's all about trying it yourself and anything but pimples is better to try then nothing?

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    Mon Nov 08 2010

    It takes an act of God to get your account closed. And then they still send you mailings and call you. You have to have "proof" that you sent their products back to them to get a refund and then they do not reimburse for shipping. I canceled my membership and they still sent me product. I had to call them twice to get the refund on the shipping. Very frustrating that I have to call them multiple times.

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    Tue Oct 26 2010

    all the good reviews are fake. this company is the biggest scam - refusing to close accounts, billing without consent, and over charging!!!!!!!!! this company deserves a huge lawsuit and i have a feeling a class action is coming their way.

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    Sun Oct 03 2010

    proactiv did WAY more harm to my skin than it helped. the one positive mark i can give them is for the green tea moisturizer. it's non-greaxy, smells good, and helped a little with the devastating dryness that occurred when i was slathering benzoyl peroxide on my face twice daily. i still use my tiny sample size moisturizer on its own when i travel if i don't want to lug around my awesome mary kay velocity moisturizer that i've been using since i was a teenager (i'm 25). proactiv changed the condition of my skin and the type of acne i was getting. before proactiv i had occasional (but very annoying) papule breakouts, and since using proactiv i have chronic pustules on my jaw. i have not used proactiv for about 2 months and have since seen a dermatologist and now use almost $1000 worth of prescription acne medication to attempt to clear up the damage proactiv did to my face. thanks a lot to vanessa williams, julianne hough, katy perry, jessica simpson, jenna fischer, p diddy, jus... Read more

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    Fri Sep 24 2010

    I've been using Proactiv for several months, and my acne never went away. It keeps coming back, no matter how much I use this "solution." It's not even a solution, it's just an overpriced piece of crap that doesn't work. I was so determined that my acne was going to get better, and I was excited to use it, because I thought, well, if the celebs use it, it must be good. NOPE. I could not have been more wrong. Just when I thought it might be getting better, it would come back, and I would look gross. I don't like to wear coverup, so that makes it even worse. I'm so sick of looking like this and I want to be beautiful, but that's hard since I have acne. I'm tired of being hurt by broken promises from acne products like this - I want to find a product that actually works for me, so I CAN be beautiful. I hated this product. I would never buy it again, it was a waste of money, and I would definitley NOT recommend this to anyone.

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    Wed Sep 22 2010

    I orderd this product two years ago and it NEVER worked. I called and cancelled my "membership", they told me that it was cancelled and that I could send back my shipment. I did and then the next month guess what? Another shipment and another bill. I called and they said that it hadnt been cancelled and assured me that this time it was. So AGAIN I shipped back the product. Now 2 months later I am getting collection notices. I called them again and they said that they never recieved my return. So now I am having to get a lawyer to get this crap taken off my credit. It IS A SCAM!!!!! So now I'm out the money that I paid to make my face look horrible and the money for a lawyer. This is absolutly rediculous!!! I dont know if my story helps someone decide not to order from this company, but I promise you will end up very unsatisfied. Oh and I just had the random pimples around "that time of the month" and now I have horrible cystic pimples. I have never had acne this bad and I am 25 year... Read more

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    Mon Sep 20 2010

    Never again

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    Fri Sep 17 2010

    Proactiv seemed to work for the first few weeks, but I soon noticed scars and EXTREME dryness (I have oily skin)and dark chemical burns!Since my face was drying out and burning so bad, I decided to stop using it until my face got better. A week after I stopped using it, my acne got WAY worse. I honestly think the makers of proactiv put some kind of "addicting" substance in the product to make your skin become dependent on proactiv. Buying proactiv was a huge mistake. My face looks a lot worse than it was. It's been about 5 months since I used it and I still have horrible scars caused by proactiv. I've been using "equate daily face wash" from Walmart. It's about $3 and does help clear acne. As for the scars, I use cucumber juice and potato juice (not at the same time). It helps some but, you have to do it for a month or so to actually see results. Good luck to everyone struggling with the effects from using Proactiv. People just save your money. This junk is horrible I wish I could g... Read more

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    Mon Sep 13 2010

    this company sucks, the product is awful dried my skin and didnt solve thew problem. the service is horrible. signed up for the "club", changed addresses after 2 months product was shipped to old address. canceled and was still charged after cancellation. if you have to buy this crap just get it from a vending machine

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    Fri Sep 10 2010

    Buyer Beware! Proactive did not work for my daughter. This company is horrible to work with if you want a refund! It does not cost $19.95. It costs $67.84 for one box! They automatically deduct it from your credit card in installments and will continue sending you kits and making deductions each month unless you cancel. They even continued taking money out of my account after I cancelled. They will not refund your money if you send the product back, even an unopened box, after 60 days. Incredibly unhelpful and not interested in customer satisfaction!

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    Sat Sep 04 2010

    I've gotten the worst acne of my life after using proactive huge under the skin bumps that itch and hurt wtf? It's totally making my pores huge and I even shelled out the 65$ for the package with the moisturizer. God Im so unhappy with it. I never wear makeup anymore bc Im trying to "heal my acne" I just really f'in hope this product doesnt cause any scaring on my face. I am unbelievable unsatisfied and i washed my face 3 times a day. PLUS it made my skin look like leatherish dried out acne skin and I got dumped and I blame proactive for that too. ahhg I hate it and am going to the doctor soon before the mega destuction happens when I quit I got 6 huge lump pimples just today and I WORE NO FACE MAKEUP EITHER. Im frusterated OH and if you see ACNE FREE at costco it F'ed my face up too. I didn't even have bad skin problems before. Thank god for my bangs, if only I could grow a beard. :(

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    Mon Aug 30 2010

    Beware of becoming an Active Member / meaning receiving continued supply when you order through their web site - look at the many complaint you will find in different consumer's web sites. I'm one of them This company will send you products w/o ordering them - returning items shipped to you is a nightmare! Look at their advertising method - read carefully,it's very misleading, A.Kerkado

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    Thu Aug 26 2010

    I am a thirteen year old Vietnamese girl. I believe that Proactiv is working well for me, as I have yet to see any side effects and my skin does seem to be improving. I do understand that people have different skin types, and that different people need different treatments, but I still think that Proactiv is worth a try.

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    Wed Aug 25 2010

    I have very little acne (maybe one or two pimples a month). I thought I would try the product and see how I liked it! I used it for one month and experienced more acne than before... Let's just say I havent had a clear face since using this product. A month later I saw on my online banking that they charged me again for the product. I had no idea it auto-renewed every month! I called to cancel my "membership" (that I didnt know I had) and spoke to two different people that were TERRIBLE! Their customer service is awful! Not only would I not recommend the product but I would tell everyone I know not to get it because of the poor customer service. I even told them I didnt like the product and nothing was said! I am now in a merry-go-round with this company to get my money back and to stop future drafts. I have to do all the work to send a product back that I dont like and didnt even know I was getting! This is a huge scam! Be careful! I would not order this product. There are better prod... Read more

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    Mon Aug 23 2010

    Proactiv did not work for me at all. On top of that they are sneaky about the payment plan. They will charge you a lot for shipping and handling and then every month they will charge you for $19.95. The size of the bottles changed from my first order too, so they charged more. I received my second order before the 90 day period. DO NOT BECOME A PROACTIV MEMBER!

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    Wed Aug 18 2010

    This company HAS VERY BAD customer service. I ordered a product for my pre-teen daughter and she had a terrible skin reaction. I told them that I was going to return the second shipment because it arrived before I could stop the shipment. They said it had to be returned within 60 days or no refund of the automatic charges from my credit card. Since my work entails traveling and I am always out of town, I called within 60 days OF RECEIPT of the product but according to the representative it is 60 days FROM SHIPMENT DATE. It has been 55 days since I received it and no refund is being given because it was shipped 60 days ago. This is totally unacceptable and it does promote ripping off the customers because the charges are automatic on the credit card. DO NOT BUY this product if you are not aware of this ridiculous store policy. WHAT A TOTAL RIP-OFF!

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    Tue Aug 17 2010

    I quit using Proactiv about 1.5 years ago because I wanted to switch to an all natural product. When I stopped using it, my skin went crazy. I got past that & was able to clear up my skin but it never looked as good as when I used Proactiv. So I just started using Proactiv again & it is the best and I have no other choice. I'm not happy about it but I tried EVERYTHING else - super expensive products and nothing else works (for me).

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    Sun Aug 15 2010

    Hello all. I remember using Proactiv Solution around the time it first went on the market (I'm 28 now, Male). I tend to have acne anywhere on my face and mostly cystic. Having oily skin I tend to purchase products and medications that will help to dry out my skin. I then buffer. Proactiv worked for me when I first used it. It did not however keep me 100% acne free so I chose to try other products. Surprisingly, over the years, I found that Noxzema facial cleanser (blue tub), or generic versions of the product, work very well for me. They keep me just as clear as medicated cleansers and treatments. Other than trying to maintain equal portions in each Proactiv container, so I don't run out of one before the other, I don't have a lot of problems with the product. The product is supposed to be used twice daily, and having very oily skin, you would think that I would be able to handle the regimen. Not the case. I have problems with redness and excessive drying when using twice da... Read more

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    Fri Aug 13 2010

    I used the proactiv solution and like other reviewers have noted my credit card is being charged even though I canceled my subscription. I did write emails to cancel my subscription, but my responses from Proactiv stated my account was "inactive." My sister who is a lawyer then wrote the following: "Please let this letter serve as a notice that my account should be closed not inactive. Just to make the record clear, I understand that when I signed-up I selected the installment plan option. However, when I closed my account earlier this summer that ended any consent on my part to allow Proactive to draw funds on my account. Thus, when money was taken out of my account without my consent your company has committed a larceny. If this happens again I will seek criminal charges. I am sure this is not the first time that this has happened to a customer as it is an easy way for your company to continue to get money from customers who no longer want the product." I hope this helps an... Read more

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    Thu Aug 12 2010

    I ordered proactiv in January. My brother had used it when he was in high school and it totally helped to clear up his acne that was sometimes really bad. I had pop-up zits regularly and though it might work for me. It did not work for me, it actually irritated my skin so badly that my skin would be red and burning after all uses and became constantly flaky. And the more I used it the worse, not better, it got. Turns out, all I really needed was a REGULAR, mild, skin care regimen! NOTE: I do not want to discredit this worked for my brother, but not for me. However, ProActiv as a company leaves much to be desired. Because of their automatic shipping setup, I kept receiving unwanted boxes. I'll admit, I should have done this sooner, it was a busy year and I just did not get it done. But when the latest box showed up yesterday, I gathered my three unopened boxes and called to return them. They stated that their 60 day return policy only enabled me to return th... Read more

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    Wed Aug 11 2010

    The company is a rip-off. It uses your stored credit card details to send you unwanted products and offers hidden under free offers for 30 days and hyper-links. The product themselves work but are very very harsh. BP is a strong bleaching agent and we realized this when some of the solution dripped on a colored shirt and bleached the spot white!!!!! Imagine what it could be doing to your skin.

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    Sat Aug 07 2010

    What you guys have to realize is everyone's skin type is different and everything is not going to work for everybody. I have been using Proactiv on and off lately and every time I use it it does wonders for my skin. I've decided to stick to the routine by letting by cousin order every time she makes a trip to the U.S. at the kiosks in the mall. I've had terrible acne, I'm Black, Not African American because I'm from the Bahamas, but I dont think no ones acne was worse than mine. When I first started breaking out it appeared on my forehead, with tiny like bumps surrounded by a layer of dryness. My forehead was actually black. Over the time since then I have become Obsessed with acne products. I've tried St. Ives, Neutrogena, Acne Free, Even home remedies..Still No luck..What proactiv does, To my skin at least is it draws out impurities reduces bumps on my skin...It isnt like I dont get any zits at all...I'll probably have 3 zits when using proactiv...Which is really good compared witho... Read more

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    Tue Aug 03 2010

    Proactiv is not right for me. I am a teenage with moderate acne. The company completely abused our credit card. Charging us more than we agreed to and sending me WAY too much product. I now see a doctor about my skin and she says the little grains in the Proactiv cleanser are TERRIBLE for your skin and they will just spread the acne and cause scarring. If you have good insurance, I suggest quitting Proactiv and going to see a doctor for a prescripition just right for you! My prescripitions are better priced and work great.

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    Tue Jul 20 2010

    HATEHATEHATEHATEHATEHATE!these are the only words to describe this evil robbing company its a RIP OFF DONT think oooooo maybe it would work for me it doesnt just get some st ives apricot scrub from walmart and ull b glad u did!

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    Thu Jul 15 2010

    I've been using proactiv for about 4 months now, but it still hasn't gotten rid of my acne. My acne is not severe, it's moderate. In the commercials it says your skin will clear up within one week, one month at the most, but my acne just looks like it's staying the same and not getting any better. I'm not sure if I would recommend this to anybody, but I guess you could give it a shot. It might work better for you. Oh and if you do try it out, don't forget to apply it every morning and night or you WILL break out!

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    Tue Jul 13 2010

    The product dried my skin so bad that an esthetician that was waxing my eyebrow knew without even asking that I was using proactive. It was because my skin was so dry and dull!!! So i went to call and cancel my order. The next day I see a charge for proactive on my online statement. I called again and asked why I was charged for something I canceled. They informed that a shipment was sent out before I called on that day. So now i have to pay for shipping charges and have to go out of my way to send the package back!!!

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    Fri Jul 09 2010

    About a year ago I tried Proactive with HORRIFYING results. I've been suffering with acne since I was 14, I'm now 25. I have seen the Proactiv commercials for years and finally had the money and time to try it. My acne did go away....for the most part. But what I got in turn was scaly, dry, snake-like looking skin that actually looked WORSE when i used lotion and makeup to cover it. I tried lotions with no result. I finally stopped using it and it took over a month for my skin to get back to normal. After my skin stopped flaking, my acne returned with a vengeance. Before Proactiv my acne was mild/moderate and after I stopped using it, it was moderate/severe. I'd never broken out like that and it continued for a year until I started using Differin. I understand that different products work for some people and not for others. So while I would never recommend this product, I advise anyone who wants to try it (why not, it is cheap and maybe it could work for someone else) NOT to sign up ... Read more

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    Wed Jul 07 2010

    I HATE IT im 14 going into my high school year and i have used this product off and on over the years i have had it. I tried using it 3 times a day made my face break out even more. My dad's girlfriend told me to try getting on a better works but not as good as i wanted it to and she also gave me organic pimple pills as i call them they worked great cleared up my face in 2 days unlike proactive. Anyways back to the proactive problem it makes your skin dry and that lotion they give you just clogs up your pores even more. Also after your pimples clear up they leave these red marks that are just as embarasing as pimples. Thanks proactive for screwing up my face even more now going into my high school year i have to look like shit.