
Approval Rate: 90%

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    Mon Nov 17 2008

    can this series be purchased on dvd

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    Mon Jan 29 2007

    While it may have been a little far fetched at times, this show provide plenty of action and mystery for the viewer. If you like to just veg out instead of think, this show is not for you.

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    Tue Jul 11 2006

    was never a huge fan but when i watched it, i loved it

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    Tue Apr 19 2005

    Really good interesting show. Good likable lead character. Subplots were stupid at times. I loved it the first few years but stopped watching at the end.

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    Fri Mar 25 2005

    The real pretender was the creator of this piece of crap.

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    Tue Aug 24 2004

    This is definitely one of the more interesting shows that ever was on TV. Most of the story revolves around a the Centre, which is another name for Hell. The main character, Jarod, was abducted into the Centre at 4, and over 30 years later, he decides he just can't take any more evil. He escapes, and spends the series trying to help people in a kind of knee-jerk retaliation against his upbringing. He's pursued by Miss Parker and Sydney, and therein (for me, at least) lies the story's strong points. The conspiracies are too out there to be truly believable, and Jarod's exploits are repetitive, but the interactions between Jarod and MP, between Jarod and Sydney, between MP and Sydney, etc. are terrifically insightful and moving psychodrama. Really want to see more. Hope we'll someday see more.

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    Wed Aug 11 2004

    Now this was a cool show. The twists, turns, betrayals, thumb theft, and the lovely Miss Parker. Drool. Women in suits with weapons rule. Kudos also to Angelo. I can't look at Cracker Jack now without thinking of him.

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    Tue Jun 29 2004

    A fair drama with an interesting concept that was cancelled for...get this...the XFL!

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    Wed May 26 2004

    Great show! Wish I had watched it when it was airing, but have caught the reruns. humorous, intelligent and exciting. It always has a positive note at the end--too bad there are not more shows like it today. A finale would be a most welcome ending. It is a shame that none was made and put to closure.

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    Wed May 05 2004

    I miss this show so much. Guess I have to settle with watching the repeats. It would have been nice to see some kind of proper end for the series and characters though. The last two movies were good, but they didn't provide a means of finishing the series (I was also disappointed they tossed in Jarod/Parker romance-ish stuff that came from nowhere). I suppose it's far too late to hope for one last Pretender movie.

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    Wed Mar 31 2004

    Great watching each new episode was like a mini movie. Wished it was still on.

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    Sat Sep 27 2003


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    Tue Sep 23 2003

    Interesting story with great story lines.

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    Wed Sep 10 2003

    A good solid show. I wasn't a regular fan that watched every week but the shows I did see were always entertaining. The schedule for the Pretender seemed to often put it up against other shows I watched too.

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    Tue Sep 09 2003

    gonna miss this show

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    Fri Jul 11 2003

    When I think of this show, I smile. I enjoyed the wonderful story lines as well as the chemistry between the actors. I wish they’d start making them again.

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    Sat Jun 14 2003

    Would love to see this come back.

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    Thu May 22 2003

    Good storyline, but he needed a companion to share his adventures with.

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    Wed May 21 2003

    Great show...on par with John Doe.

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    Sun May 04 2003

    One of the BEST!! I wish i could at least have repeats to watch~ Jarod was so cool!!

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    Fri Apr 04 2003

    i loved the show every chance id get i would sit and watch they could have at least ended the show properly it deserved that much anyways

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    Mon Feb 24 2003

    The Pretender was one of the best shows on television. The concept was unique, the topics broached intellectually engaging, and Jarod was perhaps the hottest character on television. Thank god for syndication, but producers everywhere, take note: this is how to make a great program!

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    Tue Feb 18 2003

    It was original and smart. It was all around good.

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    Tue Dec 10 2002

    Not a big fan...

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    Fri Oct 04 2002

    I love this show and thanks to TNT, we can still see repeats plus the two movies they made. The only problem is that they won't make more movies and we need a proper ending to this wonderful show.

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    Fri Oct 04 2002

    great tv show, wih alot going for it, very sad that it ended

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    Wed Jun 26 2002

    Miss Parker was awesome. A great character.

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    Sat Feb 02 2002

    One of my favorites! I was disappointed that it was cancelled, but at least there's the reruns and sequels on TNT. The next movie (please let there be one) needs to tie up some of the loose ends, like what happened to the clone and the father, and the sister and the little baby for that matter. Ms. Parker needs to figure out that her dad (or the one she thought was her dad) is a first class bad guy. Like many others, I really miss this show.

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    Sun Jan 13 2002

    This was a fantastic show and, as others here have rightly pointed out, just why the HELL did they leave it "up in the air" as they did? I'm also sick to death of those brain-numbingly moronic reality TV shows and would prefer to watch something such as Pretender any day.

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    Tue Nov 27 2001

    Pretender? Please...

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    Tue Nov 06 2001

    I used to LOVE the Saturday night line up on NBC with Pretender and Profiler. I watched every week! I understand the cancelation of Pretender, it was NOT the same without the blonde, but Pretender had everything going for it, mystery, humor, attractiveness. I am glad that another station does period "movies" as updates, but it's not the same, why do they take off good stuff to put on crap??

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    Sun Sep 02 2001

    pretender is a very good show,but let's face it people, every good show runs out of good plots. it's a shame that jon gries and andrea parker could have gotten alot further in their newly found relationship,but that is life on the silver screen! the show had some definite,but bizzarre twists in it! i would believe that is why everyone fell in love with the show.

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    Tue Aug 14 2001

    That chick, whoever she was, was definately a hottie.

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    Sun Jul 08 2001

    I never got the hang of the show, but Jarod is a hottie.

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    Wed Jun 13 2001

    I love this show and was disappointed when it was canceled. I now watch the reruns on TNT. I was so excited to find out that they were going to start the show again sometime this summer. I haven't heard anything more about it for a few months. I hope that they will consider the fans and not leave us hanging with unanswered questions and at least have a movie that will give us answers.

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    Wed May 30 2001

    There is no other tv-show like 'The Pretender'. It is original and ultragreat. There is everything: excitement, thriller, fun, tutelage, romance, secrets, friendship, problems ect ect ect. It is decent to everyone: kids, grown-ups and pensioners. In my family everybody watches that. I´m very angry to NBC for ending 'The Pretender'. Can`t they see that 'The Pretender' has so much fans?!

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    Sun May 20 2001

    One of the best shows on the air and THEY canceled it!!!!

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    Sun May 13 2001

    this was one of the best shows on t.v. I also miss Stingray and Automan. No one remembers these shows but I sure do.

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    Thu May 10 2001

    Best show and best acting on TV, period.

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    Sat Apr 21 2001

    WOW! Ok, I had no idea this many people are as hooked as me and my roommate are. We absolutely love this show! Yesterday I saw the show when Jarod actually finds his dad! My roommate and I almost hyperventalated! Then we found out that he has a clone!! OH MY GOODNESS!! So now we're wishing that we could find out what happens, but no! The show is cancelled! I agree with one of you when I think we should tell NBC how stupid they are for cancelling the show! TNT is getting my vote for showing Pretender six days a week! It's great!

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    Sun Apr 08 2001

    NEVER can count on a good show being kept on-what is the matter with these network people. We thought it was CBS that was the big offender, canceling right and left, but NBC has to take the blame for this monumental gaffe. I am so tired of the comedies ( ? ) with the laugh tracks, and want something that is gripping and dramatic. Well, " Goodby, Jarod-we hardly knew ye ".

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    Tue Mar 20 2001

    My God! I can't believe that those idiots actualy took this show off the air. My mother used to love this show so much that I would have to miss Simpsons so she could watch it. But I guess it was worth it because I liked to.

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    Mon Mar 19 2001

    Here here to TNT for picking the syndication up... 7 p.m. Eastern Time on TNT M-F. YEAH!

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    Sun Mar 18 2001

    I have been watching this show from the Start I belive it is a good show.

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    Fri Mar 09 2001

    I think that new Pretender episodes should be made. The show is awesome and I would love to sit down and try to figure out what is going to happen. With the re-run on TNT, I have seen most if not all of them so I really already know what is going to happen. New shows would mean new endings that I haven't already seen. It's not like they can't think of anything else for a plot. There are lots of questions that still need to be answered. I would just love to see Pretender brought back.

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    Fri Feb 23 2001

    I loved Pretender! They should not have cancelled such a good show.

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    Thu Jan 25 2001

    The interaction of the characters on the Pretender is great. The acting is some of the very best on TV. The movie was very good, but would like to see it back on weekly. I watch the re-runs on TNT but want them to put NEW EPISODES on. WE WANT THE PRETENDER BACK!!!

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    Mon Jan 22 2001

    They must've changed when it airs cause I never know when it is on tv. I love that show!! If they canceled it at least Jarod could've gotten it on with Miss Parker first!!

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    Sat Jan 06 2001

    The Pretender is the best show in the world. I have been watching it since day one. The characters are awesome. I an pratically bouncing off the walls, waiting for the first 2 hour movie on TNT. Jan 22 seams to far away. TNT already seams to be taking better care of the Pretender than NBC ever did. Hmmm A Pretender maraton, before the movie... Yea!