
Approval Rate: 84%

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    Sat Feb 21 2009

    My mother and I would this show on Sundays. After a while we got sick of it and just stopped watching all together.

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    Tue Jan 18 2005

    Cancelled. Let it go. Watch Boston Legal.

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    Wed May 26 2004

    I was always a fan - but this year with James Spader as Alan Shore was the best! Glad he's coming back in The Practice: Fleet Street this fall.

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    Fri Nov 14 2003

    This show has faboulous actors, controversial storylines and a fresh look that doesn't keeps it from being boring like many other law shows.

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    Sun Sep 07 2003

    WAS a great show. They fired like, the entire cast. They really ruined the show. It will nver be the same

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    Sun May 18 2003

    Great show, in general, but WHAT IS UP with Lara Flynn Boyle's lips??? She looks like a blowfish! I've found myself tuning in each week to see just how much junk she's had injected into them, and personally, I think they just may explode! And, of course, she is so freakishly thin; those over-inflated lips and a stiff gust against her skinny butt could spell DISASTER!!!!!

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    Sun May 04 2003

    ok~ here they go messing w/perfection! I really looked forward to my Sunday nights. Also~ Hey~ We LOVE Bobby & Lindsey! Can't anybody stay together anymore.....

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    Mon Apr 14 2003

    I used to watch this show and it was interesting. BUt the only reason I watched it was because there was nothing better. A lot of their cases were won by...I don't know how. I haven't watched it, but one of my friends said that the show has started to stagnate.

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    Sat Mar 15 2003

    I find it to be one of the best lawyer shows on TV. Some of the stories are getting a little far fetched lately. I hope that it starts to rebound to it's previous excellence.

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    Sun Mar 09 2003

    I think that Carhtryn Manheim gives an always brilliant and subtle performance. Every little mannerism and movement of hers is intriguing. I don't know how she does it.

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    Tue Jan 14 2003

    David E. Kelley is a brilliant guy who ruins everything he touches. Give him a TV show and he's like a 4-year-old in a candy store -- zero impulse control. He'll go for the goofiest, gaudiest, least plausible plot device every time, and he has no respect for his own characters, re-engineering their personalities at will to suit his sensationalist whims. This particular show started out stronger than most and actually maintained an even keel for a surprisingly long time, but I'm afraid it jumped the shark years ago, like all Kelley projects.

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    Tue Dec 24 2002

    The Best Legal Drama ever made. (Yes, even better than Perry Mason)

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    Wed Dec 11 2002

    More crap Court TV. WE NEED ORIGINAL IDEAS!!!

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    Mon Dec 09 2002

    The most intriguing show on TV. Though since Bobbie (Dylan) and Lindsey (Kelli) married it has taken away something from the show. The actress and actor on the Practice are all great. But we need Bobbie and Lindsey to realize that they don't belong together. Get Bobbie (Dylan) back to being Bobbie. Give him and Eugene some hot new ladies in their lives. Also I agree about the women judges especially the one that was after Bobbie and Jimmy - bring them back. I really hope someone reads these comments and listens to the viewers.

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    Tue Nov 26 2002

    I love watching the practice!!

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    Fri Nov 01 2002

    This is without a doubt the best show on tv period! I cannot find any weakpoints on the show to criticize at all. The acting, writing, casting, production and directing all seam to work very well together and I would not change a thing. Just watch a couple of episodes and you will be hooked too.

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    Thu Apr 04 2002

    i like it. i do not like defenders, but i like the show

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    Fri Mar 08 2002

    The Practice is one of my favourite shows. It is interesting to me because I am going to be a lawyer, but I like it for other reasons too. The cases on the show are so original and creative, and not all of them end happily, which is realistic. Most of the time there's an unusual or shocking twist in the cases, which makes the show so suspensful to watch. The characters are written well, and their personal interests are included in the storyline, which adds dynamic and motive. Overall, an excellent show!

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    Tue Nov 06 2001

    Love this show, but I was disappointed when Richard was killed off.

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    Sun Oct 21 2001

    It's actually a pretty good show, very chilling at times...but I think that the whole killer-guy-in-a-nun-suit topic has really gotten dated.

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    Mon Oct 08 2001

    the show is great!

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    Tue Oct 02 2001

    My mom got me into "The Practice," and she tld me I'd like it because I love "Law & Order." So, I watched th 2 hr season permiere, and the ending was so cool. I saw the continuation of that episode, too, and that was great. My mom said they usually end in a cool way like that, whch is totally not what you'd expect! I also think the defense attorney Bobby is hot! It was really interesting to see the cases from both perspectives-- the D.A.'s nd the Defense Attorney's! "Law & Order" only goes on the District Attorne's side.

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    Tue Oct 02 2001

    This is a good show. And I am so excited that Ron Livingston (from Band of Brothers) is on it now. I've only seen a few episodes so far, but the ones I've seen were amazing. I saw the ones with the guy from The Green Mile (ya know, Percy) and he was great. He was sooo bad and I just cringed every time I saw him.

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    Sun Sep 09 2001

    Hazel, whoever that is, is wrong. The show is not all about Bobby and Lindsey. It's about all of the people at the fictional law firm of Donnel, Young, Dole, and Frutt. I just wish I could watch it more often. 10:00 on Sundays is not particularly convinient during the school year. This is every bit as well done as Boston Public---go David Kelley! My favorite character is Jimmy (played excellently by Micheal Badalucco) and Richard (played by Jason Kravitz) is a weasel that is so fun to hate! Hazel is right about one thing, however. Bobby get's too much of the spotlight. But that is the Practice's only flaw. One of three TV shows that deserves 5 stars.

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    Mon Jul 09 2001

    Another show that has deteriorated from good to bad. Odd-ball charactrs that are more concerned about promoting different lifestyles rather than legal work.

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    Mon Jun 25 2001

    I LOVE this show, great litigating, great characters, passionate actors, great conflicts. What could go wrong.

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    Thu May 24 2001

    I enjoy the thought provoking dynamic of the program. The writers seem to present a good legal case for both plaintiff and defendant. The findings of the Judges seem consistent with matters such as judicial first notice, etc. Judges do censure attorneys, as Helen was by the judge in the last episode. Richard Bey was a pain in the neck, but did what prosecuters are supposed to do. Bobby is way out over the edge and needs legal & emotional balance. Our system works because of passionate attorneys on both sides of a case. Will Helen ever win a case?

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    Fri May 18 2001

    Great, but a bit campy. Does everything conceivable that could happen to a group of people have to happen to them week after week?

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    Thu May 17 2001

    I have to admit that this season has been just an average season. But it still has the writers and actors to come back next season with an excellent one.

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    Tue May 15 2001

    This is the absolute best show ever. Even better than David E Kelly's other great show "Picket Fences". The characters are so creative and inventive. It is the only modern tv show I watch. I usually watch TV Land and Lifetime. I am a re-run junkie of old shows. But The Practice is incredible. Sometimes I get so angry at these characters that I love. For me, that's the mark of a great show. To disagree with what the characters do on some occasions, but also to understand their dilemma. These characters are people that sometimes hate what they do, but are so dedicated to the task that they have taken on that they do it anyway. My favorite episode was when they went to California to defend Lindsey's friend. I agree that sometimes the storylines are a little unrealistic, but doesn't that happen on every show? I must say however, that I was heartbroken when Richard Bey was killed. This was a little pain in the butt. But just like Bobby's firm, he believed in what he was doing and was willi... Read more

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    Mon May 14 2001

    The practice of law is acually quite boring.But poetic liscence and great writing make these characters ones whom you want to follow week after week. Fabulous acting also.Richard Bey-vexing as he was- will be missed as a counterpoint to Helen's abject gung-hoism.

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    Sat May 12 2001

    Totally fantastic show, I am becoming a practice junkie - I can't miss it...

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    Fri May 11 2001

    Was it really necessary to machine gun the prosecuting attorney? Then, on West Wing, they kill off Mrs. Laningham. Is this this year's copycat trend? You could do better than that. LH

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    Wed May 09 2001

    Richard is not dead. But somebody else will be. I only hope it's not Eugene, Rebecca, Jimmy, or Elenor. This show runs hot and cold. When it's good it's great, but when it's not, it's not. Sometimes I think the writing is done by a completely different group of writers. Sometimes the storyline seems disjointed. Like something got cut out of the middle of the story to stay within the time limit. I'd rather see a 2 parter than feel like I missed something. I don't like what they did to Helen this year - she seems to be taking the back seat to Richard, who I like to dislike, but I'd like them to have more equal time. I wish Bobby and Lindsay would decide to embezzle the firms money and run of the the Caymans. They really don't add anything to the show anymore.

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    Tue May 08 2001

    this show keeps me at the edge of my seat i have never seen a bad show

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    Sat May 05 2001

    Very good show!. I think all of the cast is very talented and the characters they play (especially Helen Gamble and Bobby Donnell) are very intriguing. I feel that the show should be made into more of an ensemble cast though. There is too much focus on Bobby and lindsay and there should be a spread of attention between all of the cast. Helen Gamble has to be my fav...although she may seem b*tchy and hostile she is a great DA and very set in her beliefs!

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    Tue Apr 03 2001

    I like it but becareful your becaming an soap opera for the evening like when you first came on

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    Mon Feb 12 2001

    I have really enjoyed the show. However, if you are going to different shows on religion you should make sure the information you give on the show about the religion is correct. The information on the show for 2-11-01 was really off the track.

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    Mon Feb 12 2001

    I know this show has some faults but it's still one of my all-time faves. They didn't do a GREAT job in dealing with the religious beliefs of the Jehovah Witnesses but at least they gave it a try. Most shows won't. Even though I knew their info was off I appreciated the challenge of which side to be on. It will be interesting to see what Rebecca says if/when she 'wakes up'.

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    Mon Feb 12 2001

    The February 11th program on Jehovah's Witnesses could have used a little more research. First, though they refuse blood, you might have added that we DO accept BLOOD EXPANDERS, such as Ringers, Saline solution, etc. We are not trying to be martyrs, we're trying to follow God's requirements. You also should have used other scriptures than the one in the book of Leviticus. We usually use the scripture in the Book of Acts chapter 28 for one. You could have made a good enough story by using those facts and that the woman in question had a head injury. Finally, in the last scene, the wonderful actress playing the mother-as one of Jehovah's Witnesses-NEVER would have been part of a "Prayer Circle". No true Jehovah's Witness would have been a party to that. There were other inaccuracies as well, but those were the MAJORS that made your story incorrect and slanderous. There are many Witnesses in the acting community who would have given you the right information, all you had to do was ask.

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    Sun Feb 11 2001

    i used to LOVE this show, but the characters have gotten weirder and weirder. i thought it was so great that the actors weren't all gorgeous and tested the status quo, and that they were all really talented. but now they seem like a bunch of frantic ninnies and the story line has gotten so un-believable. i thought tonight's episode was ridiculous!

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    Sun Feb 11 2001

    story lines becoming a bit of a stretch but Hinks was incredible.

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    Sun Feb 11 2001

    I think this is a terrific program. No other charecters get me so involved in a story than these people. Also no one pisses me off more than these people do. They help a serial killer go free then get upset when he stalks Linsey. And that's just one of the nicer people they help escape justice. Keep up the good work! Roy Mayfield [email protected]

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    Thu Feb 08 2001

    loved the practice, but recent episodes have tried my patience. looked forward to dazzling episodes in feb.where i was sure bobby was going to be led off to prison.imagine my shock at that crappy episode where he is magically found not guilty. why does this show have a prosecution?seems like bobby and co have bought all the juries!please give us back our once wonderful show

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    Thu Feb 08 2001

    I love this show, but Bobby and Lindsey have got to be two of the biggest morons I've ever seen on TV. And then there's Lara Flynn Boyle, the killer DA...what a b**ch. Fortunately, the rest of the cast (more or less) make up for those three...Eugene has to be my fav, but Jimmy & Eleanor are pretty good too.

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    Tue Feb 06 2001

    I have been an attorney for 22 years. I spent 7 years as a federal prosecutor and the remaining 15 years as a criminal defense attorney. The last show during which Bobby was acquitted was ridiculous. There is not way he would have been acquitted. I was wondering how the writers were going to extract themselves from the hole in which they had put themselves. I am no longer going to watch the show. If I want science fiction, I will watch the science fiction channel.

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    Mon Feb 05 2001

    I love this show, however, I have found the writing to be not as good as in the beginning. I was wondering why they have not brought back the two female judges they had in the past. Both women were hilarious. Especially the one who had an affair with Jimmy. Who could forget the police barging in on her in Jimmy's apartment, butt naked? That scene still brings a smile to my face. Bring those judges back and remember the cast that brought that show to receiving an Emmy in the past.

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    Sun Feb 04 2001

    I love this show, it keeps me on the edge of my seat. Today's episode was the best so far.

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    Sat Feb 03 2001

    Sorry, but it's hard to like a show where they fight for the bad guys.

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    Sun Jan 28 2001

    My wife begged me to get hooked on The Practice as she had. And I did. For the past two Sunday nights there have been "ANCIENT RE-RUNS" in the middle of the year! Who needs it? If they can't keep their story lines moving from one week to another, they've just lost two viewers--and I hope more! We're surfing the channels.