Power Rangers stuff

Approval Rate: 69%

69%Approval ratio

Reviews 9

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    Mon Jun 28 2010

    Power Rangers a.k.a. Powder Rangers, Pound Rangers, Punk Rangers, Pimp Rangers, and Rump Rangers is a live action children’s TV series featuring a team of colorfully clad and somewhat gay heroes. Originally produced by Gaywad Entertainment, then by Bungholeous Vision Systems Entertainment (BVS), and currently by Scatocological Communications and Gross Entertainment (SCG), the series is a complete rip off from the Japanese version called Tokusatsu Super Sucks Ass. Although the series first aired on the FOX network as the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers in 1993, it a-typically modeled itself to the character and content of FOX. For example, although they touted themselves as “fair and balanced” apparent grumblings on set, rampant drug use, alcoholism, and sex scandals caused massive turn over of characters over the first six seasons. In season one Ruddy Giuliani (red ranger), Liz Cheney (pink ranger), and Rush Limbaugh (yellow ranger) were too old and fat and were replaced by Glenn Beck (pu... Read more

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    Tue Nov 20 2007

    Yeah, because I hate the Power Rangers, it is really just little kid stuff anyway, like Aquadots, (best way for toddlers to get a buzz-Aquadots!)

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    Wed May 17 2006

    the original power rangers were fine but when they kept trying to upgrade them into different types of rangers it was only obvious that they were only trying to market more toys.

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    Thu Oct 27 2005

    Although I am not into the Power Ranges and I think there would be problems if I was (especially at my age!) but I wouldn't go as far to call it a scam. Maybe it is a convenient way of making money and for companies to make their waste plastic into something.

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    Sun Aug 01 2004

    Go, go, go go away Power Rangers, and don't come back.

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    Mon Jun 28 2004

    I love Power Rangers. They have been a long lasting show that still has interesting stuff. & I'm 15, even though they need to put more female rangers in though.

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    Wed Oct 29 2003

    My kids thought Power Rangers were the best thing going (when they were eight). I've never met any unbrain-damaged human over the age of ten who thinks there are any redeeming features of this garbage.

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    Tue Oct 28 2003

    I can't stand how cheesy the Power Rangers are, they are such a rip-off. Voltron would have totally mopped the floor with these little wannabes.

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    Tue Oct 28 2003

    Although it has had its ups and downs, Power Rangers is usually an enjoyable series that delightfully mixes action, comedy and camp. I love the most recent series (Ninja Storm) and the original (Mighty Morphin'). I don't buy the toys any more, but I have all the ones that I bought as a kid. My mom even made me an awesome Green Ranger costume for Halloween one year! To clarify, the costume was made for me in the FOURTH grade.