Portland, OR

Approval Rate: 97%

97%Approval ratio

Reviews 36

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    Sun Nov 09 2008

    Not as dank as Seattle (by a fraction) and far more pleasant. A relaxed city, with enough things to do to keep you entertained. Now, I'm not saying this is Chicago or LA, but its a good place to visit. Great collection of entertaining pubs, and one of the best independent bookstores (Powells) I've ever seen.

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    Thu Aug 07 2008

    A smaller version of Seattle, I would say. It can be overcast and still a bit chilly during the summer time. I do like the Pacific Northwest. Very green and dandy. I would like to live here in the future.

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    Mon Jan 21 2008

    I was born and raised there, and not to be biased or anything, but I love it there. It's a beautiful place with lots of interesting people, things to do, and it still has the "cozy" feel to it, even though it's a major city. My favorite part about that town is the fact that they manage to combine nature with all of the big city elements of huge buildings and stuff. Downtown Portland, is filled with culture, trees, buildings, and people. It's a truly unique indie sort of atmosphere.

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    Thu Nov 15 2007

    My kind of city. Progressive politics make for a most livable enjoyable way of life. Think complete opposite of houston.

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    Fri Oct 12 2007

    Very fun city,not as large as seattle but still has a vibe all it's own,ton of great places to eat, and drink.

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    Sat May 19 2007

    I fell in love with Portland during my internship there last summer. The food, the coffee, the beauty, the design of the city...I could go on and on. The people are incredibly nice (at least compared to Philadelphia where I grew up) and the public transportation is awesome. People come to Portland to reinvent themselves, and I can see why...it is so inspiring!!

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    Mon Apr 16 2007

    Terrific blend of a small town and large, metropolitan, diverse and beautiful city.

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    Sat Mar 31 2007

    Portland is one of the most beautiful and fantastic cities in America. Portland is eccentric and eclectic. Definitely one of the best walking cities in the country and the public transportation is genius. The people are interesting and every part of the city is even more interesting. The city is so vibrant and full of life, yet laid-back and relaxed at the same time. Many call it a mini-San Francisco, but it really isn't. Portland is Portland and it wouldn't be great if it were any different. A perfect city to reinvent yourself and a place that is so easy to fall in love with. I left my heart in Portland.

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    Tue Mar 13 2007

    I'm a pacific northwest homer so Portland is my kind of city. Reminds me of Seattle 15 years ago before Seattle was "discovered" by the rest of the country. The people are true pacific northwest progressive, environmentaly, socially conscience, and forward thinking in terms of growth and transportation. Portland=Seattle=Vancouver BC

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    Fri Feb 09 2007

    I have not spent much time in Portland but it seemed pleasant enough. I spent more time in the Willamette Valley looking at the daffodils in the spring. The climate is mild but rather gloomy, unfortunately.

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    Tue Apr 25 2006

    I lived in Portland for 8 years, it's a wonderful place. Beautiful, temperate, with all sorts of great restaurants, the best bookstore in the world, friendly people, politically active people...it's great. It's mass transit system is absolute genius. It's one and only problem is why I had to leave...the economy is in the dumps. Finding a job is extremely difficult...and if you do find one, hope the company doesn't go under in the next wave of high tech stock troubles. If Portland's economy ever gets better, I'd love to come back. Until then...no point moving somewhere you can't get a job.

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    Tue Mar 14 2006

    Perfect example of "nice place to visit, wouldn't want to live there." Cost of living, from what I've read and heard, is outrageous yet the job market is poor. I visited a few weeks ago and talked to wait staff at bars and restaurants who have to work 3 jobs to make ends meet. Sounds almost as bad as DC. The vibe is funkier there than cities on the east coast, but with that you get the extreme---extreme left, to be exact. I didn't feel especially welcome at some of the bars and pubs. Tee shirts everywhere saying "Keep Portland Weird." Weird, for weird's sake. Plus, where are the gas stations? Good thing I didn't rent a car there.

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    Tue Mar 07 2006

    Well, if I was going to move to a major city, it would probably be Portland, the last affordable cosmopolitan area on the west coast (excluding Canada and Alaska). Love Powell's Book Store and the whole waterfront. It is the "happening" bohemian setting. SF and Seattle are passe.

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    Tue Mar 07 2006

    I moved from Denver to Portland 3 years ago. (job relo) I loved Denver, still do. Portland on the other hand... The Good- It's green, lots of trees. The coast is beautiful. Food is great if you like asian cuisine. Close to Seattle, which is a kick ass city. Decent light rail. (notice light rail comes up again) The Bad- Traffic, horrible drivers, the worst stop lights in the country. Terrible roads, 1 lane roads. The weather, (Denver weather kicks ass) the short summers are painful. The people, I totally agree with another post on here where the poster says that Portland people mix up "hip" with "smug". Portland people try way to hard to be different. It's entertaining to watch. Lots of friends go downtown and say the same thing, people are not friendly here. Weird ass Oregon things. Full service gas stations, waiting 10 minutes until an escaped convict finishes his cigarette to come pump your gas. The light rail is nice but is not convenient for most people. It does not... Read more

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    Mon Feb 20 2006

    Lots of east coast trust funders hanging out here. Seattle and Portland are sort of anti-outsider (they hate Californians) in order to protect their "little world". So...liberal yes, but not really. Basically its a big version of Burlington VT or Portland ME.

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    Sun Feb 12 2006

    Look for the "Keep Portland Weird" bumperstickers and believe them. It's weird here. On one hand, it's attractive and located for great recreation all round. On the other, the bureaucracy of the local government is astounding, schools constantly ask for more money and threaten to cut important things if they don't get more money, liberals are judgmental, and as previously stated the job market is somewhat poor (though we moved back from Montana because we could find jobs in Portland much easier). Oh, yeah, and it has "Dignity Village." As to "diversity," I don't understand the complaints. There seems to be oodles of diversity here and Multnomah County spends lots of money "honoring" it with special programs/policies. It's very gay friendly, dog friendly, bike friendly, diversity friendly, etc. The weather is dull and the long rain season is harsh, but the spring and summers are beautiful. If you like weird, you'll love Portland.

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    Fri Jan 13 2006

    I am going to go soon cannot wait! thanks for all of the positive post! Just to let you right wingers know, Being a lefty does not mean your a hippy or a pot smoker, just we believe in progression not regression. If the people of Portland are open minded, it has to be awesome!!

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    Mon Jan 09 2006

    Portland to me, seemed like a smaller version of Seattle. Nevertheless...the locals were friendly...traffic didn't seem to be much of a problem. Man, I went there last August...and the weather seemed chilly for some odd reason! What's so darn great about Portland...the downtown area that is...is some of the public transportation is FREE! I had a field day riding buses from shopping malls back to my hotel. The weather did suck while I was there...cloudy like Seattle. Oh, and don't forget there's no sales tax in the state of Oregon! I'd say Portland is a lefty kind of city ...but I've never bumped into any hippies or pot smoking weirdos. I would not mind living here.

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    Tue Nov 08 2005

    Been there many times and love it! Beware, lots of bums and hippies.

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    Fri Jun 17 2005

    Never been there but the pictures and the stories lead me to give it 5 stars. I'll be there someday soon I hope.

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    Tue May 17 2005

    A large city with a small-town feel. People were friendly and I felt as if I knew half the town in only 3 days. It's safe to walk around at night because there are very few thugs. There is plenty to do in the city in terms of cultural activities, restaurants, shopping, etc. The light rail is great and a quick way to get around. The city is also very clean, and green due to all of the rainfall in the winter months. Downfalls are high unemployment and outside of Portland there seems to be very little happening in Oregon.

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    Thu Apr 14 2005

    Good city in a great state. The weather is simply too dreary (the days in winter seem like they last two hours). Great walking city though. Downside is the economy is very bad for a city this expensive.

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    Sun Feb 13 2005

    you can't get more overrated than pdx. no jobs, horrible weather, and secretly closed-minded people. yeah, property's cheap, compared to CA. for a reason.

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    Fri Feb 11 2005

    What a beautiful city. By far one of the cleanest downtowns I've ever been in. Bustling downtown with great shopping from Nordstrom, Saks and Mier and Frank. Love the light rail. Beautiful parks, great neighborhoods and plenty of great restaurants too. Absolutely beautiful natural setting. Great art galleries and bookstores and a pretty safe big city. I think Portland is one of America's best kept secrets. I highly recommend this beautiful city for a nice visit or to live.

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    Sun Nov 28 2004

    Portland is stunningly pretty, has an amazing and huge park system, a lively downtown and a very laid back atmosphere. The biggest problem I have with Portland, and the only thing that drives it down to good from great is the rain. The summers are beautiful, but eight months out of the year it's gray. To my mind, all those parks don't really do you that much good if the trails are constantly muddy and you have to have an umbrella everywhere you go. But in the summer -when Mt. Hood is visible and the roses are blooming - this is one of the most pleasant cities in the country.

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    Sun Oct 31 2004

    I spent some time here several years back and was greatly impressed with this place. Oregon is one of the most beautiful places in the lower 48. Portland you have a great airport. Keep it up.

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    Fri Oct 22 2004

    a whimpier version of seattle (see my less than impressed opinion of seattle too)

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    Mon Oct 18 2004

    Absolutely beautiful city and state scenery within a short distance to the ocean and mountains. Very pleasant, down to earth city with plenty of things to keep you busy.

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    Wed Mar 24 2004

    Lived in Portland 11 years, still have enormous affection for it. Besides some good friends, here are the top 10 things I miss about Puddletown: (1) Big green trees everywhere and clean, green environment; (2) low crime rate; (3) Hawthorne St.; (4) good public transportation even to the 'burbs; (5) high rate of political literacy and activism; (6) social tolerance for alternative lifestyles; (7) thriving African music scene and dance clubs; (8) KBOO, one of the best community radio stations in any city; (9) wonderful and inexpensive restaurants everywhere; (10) Powell's City of Books, my all-time favorite bookstore. You may be wondering, with all that great stuff why did I leave? Well, I did get weary of Portland's lack of racial/ethnic diversity (95% white at the time I lived there). But in the end I left because Portland is characterized by the deadliest combination: high housing costs combined with almost no economic opportunity. It's a very tough place to make a living.

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    Fri Dec 26 2003

    If it wasn't for the gloomy rain, Portland, Oregon would probably be one of my favorite cities in the whole country. The people seem to be very, very down-to-earth as well, which is always a good thing. My brother loved living here, and claims it will always be his home...

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    Mon Aug 25 2003

    Only large American city I like actually. This is what Seattle used to be before Seattle turned into L.A. Great people who actually listen to each other, and a laid back vibe that doesn't translate into a laid back smug arrogance like that infesting Seattle and Vancouver.

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    Thu Jun 05 2003

    Sounds like the people there are way too liberal for me.

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    Fri Feb 07 2003

    p-town the sh*t suckas lotta nice white people a few mean asians no blacks and a grip on mexicans who dont talk much. go to the hush hush cafe.

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    Tue Jan 02 2001

    Portland is the most amazing city. It is a city yet has a homey feeling to it. It isn't so big that it overwhelms you. It is big enough though to have a variety of people. Everyone is so down to earth. There is so much to do from great restaurants filled with personality to movie theaters that serve beer and food to breweries to great little streets to browse or St. John's landing to stroll along the water. Portland has a great strip of sidewalk that you can ride your bike or run on. It is just this great city that has everything you would want. The cost of living is so reasonable, especially for all that is there.

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    Sat Sep 09 2000

    Dog friendly, environmentally conscious, largest city park in the country, clean, great music, great food, quite affordable, beach in an hour, mountains in an hour, can't lose here.

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    Fri Nov 05 1999

    Never been but I hear it's a great city to live, as far as laid back cities goes. Apparently the city government has put out bicycles in the street for people to use them at their convenience. Talk about a revolutionary concept; also advantageous and ecofriendly. This also speaks highly about the trustworthiness of the inhabitants.