Pompei, Herculaneum and Torre Annunziata
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by djahuti
Thu Dec 03 2009Pompei is a fascinating place to visit.You can actually walk in an ancient town,go in the buildings & even see bodies of the townspeople preserved for thousands of years.(well,they're not technically the bodies,but volcanic ash that took on their shape).Last,but hardly least,there is an ancient bordello where various sex acts were painted on the walls (now THATS a "fresco"!!!) so the visitors who did not speak the language could point at what they wanted.Those were the good old days! All in the sublime and sunny bit of paradise on earth known as Italy.
by jedi58
Thu Dec 03 2009We made our way over to the Garibaldi train station in Napoli and was able to get tickets to Pompeii very easily from the ticket office. The thing to remember here is that the tickets are actually in the direction of Salerno and that they have two types of train which go there. It was a bit confusing trying to follow the directions we were given to get to the correct platform. Eventually we found someone on one of the underground platforms who was able to translate directions from a guard for us. So we followed his directions and got down off the platform and crossed the railway track onto the platform on the other side just as we'd been told to. Sure enough when a train pulled in it said Salerno on it, so we were confident we were about embark in the correct direction. We were a bit dubious as to whether or not the train was the correct one, it seemed a bit too run-down and empty for it to be the main way of getting to Pompeii from Naples. It's a strange journey when you're constantl... Read more