
Approval Rate: 81%

81%Approval ratio

Reviews 18

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    Wed May 21 2008

    I would never want to do this. I have worked closely with politicians for years and the ones that impressed me were few and far between.

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    Sun Feb 03 2008

    He voted against the Bush tax cuts twice, now he supports them and wants the cuts to be permanent. She supported NY Gov. Eliot Spitzer’s plan to provide drivers licenses for the state’s illegal aliens saying “it makes a lot of sense.” She says yes, then no, then dodges a couple of bullets from Chris Dodd, who sounded quite reasonable on the question, then she blamed Bush. In 2004 he came out for decriminalizing marijuana use, he was asked the question again recently, now he opposes the idea. In 2007 he was asked whether he would bring in "both corporations, labor and healthcare groups into the health care debate, he said, "I think you try to bring everybody to the table. You want their participation, you want to make the system work for everybody. Now he says,  you can't talk to insurance and drug companies and get universal health care. These people have billions of dollars at stake. Keep in mind that a change in a position/issue is not exclusive to one candidate.

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    Thu Dec 07 2006

    For the most part, politicians are corrput egomaniacs out to feather their own nests, and that of their cronies, at the expense of everyone and everything else. Politicians start wars but never fight them. Politicians make laws for other people but generally think themselves above them. I bet many who go into politics were outsiders at school and want to get their own back on the world. Many politicans have never worked in the real world and base their policies on fancy unworkable economic theories. Sure, you've got to have a system for running countries, but the thing is most who go into politics are third rate lawyers, bit part actors and people who've never had any other job. Truly capable types who've got a grasp of the real world - like entrepreneurs, engineers - dont generally go into politics.

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    Thu Dec 07 2006

    I'd rather have a sister in a whorehouse, than a brother in politics.

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    Fri Apr 28 2006

    I see myself doing this in another 10 years. I would enjoy the spectacle of media coverage and I dont care what dirt they dig up. I plan to have a blast!

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    Thu Apr 06 2006

    This is a redundancy on your list,since you already ask us to rate comedians.lol

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    Tue Feb 15 2005

    An honest politician is like a needle in a haystack the size of the Twin Towers.We'd do better to make their jobs part of a lottery where EVERYONE has to serve at some time in their life,like Jury Duty.

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    Tue Aug 10 2004

    Cows may come, and cows may go. But the bull in Washington goes on forever. I agree 100% with the reviewer who stated It's a shame that a profession of such importance tends to attract exactly the wrong type of people. Namely, master manipulators who never stop trying to play others like a violin. A few high level politicians are routinely honest, show high integrity and deserve five stars. Unfortunately, too many will simply say whatever they need to get elected, with actual agendas that don't always follow the script of their campaign promises.

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    Thu Jul 01 2004

    Getting paid to make empty promises, being above the law, making money while others are struggling to get by, lying through my teeth while others are convinced that I am helping them out, and never having to show up for work if I don't want to, sounds great, sign me up!

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    Thu Mar 11 2004

    The strategy, the energy, the ability to get to know a lot of people, the sex (oops that wasn't supposed to come out!!) make this an interesting occupation, you've got to admit. You're the center of it all here. On the other hand, the political arena seems to be confined to a self-contained bubble. Sometimes the pursuit of legitimate policy goals is hindered by personal political calculations (eg re-election). Ego is the problem here, a lot of politicians would rather win and be popular than do the right thing. Maybe that's why the political establishment is so weak and lame in general.

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    Sat Nov 15 2003

    It would be ok to lie or to say one thing and mean another. I could flip-flop that would be fun.

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    Mon Oct 20 2003

    The scum on the earth. Lawyers are saintly, benevolent and trustworthy compared to politicians. Who do you think writes and passes all the bad laws that created the lawyers in the first place?

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    Sun Oct 19 2003

    Bravo to the people trying to help run our country and change it for the better! Politics is a brutal war and it takes a lot of guts for people to engage in it.

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    Wed Aug 20 2003

    I myself am interested in becoming a politician, to improve my country and make it a better place for everyone to live in and to make a difference in our shattered world. I think the people who are in it for those reasons are great citizens, and being in politics is a hard job, and that people don't appreciate them as much as they should. if it wasn't for them, how would your country be run? how would laws be passed, how would anything in our country get done? Are YOU going to do it? No. So someone does!

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    Sun Mar 09 2003

    It is really a shame that 80% of all politicans are simply in it for the power and fame. Not too many actually have the people in mind when they run for office. If you watch the movie "Primary Colors", it truly tells the story of a politician who actually seems to be in it for the people. As someone who is seriously considering getting into politics when I get older, I consider those who are actually in it for the common people are among the most noble people of our society.

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    Wed Dec 18 2002

    I could never be a politician, because I can't keep a straight face when I'm lying.

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    Sun Oct 27 2002

    Good Politicians are hard to find. The public is stuck with rich brats who are looking for their 15 minutes of fame. Believe me, I know! My mayor is one of them. Mayor Mike is only interested in appearing on TV and not the ordinary citizen. ....I am also sick of the political mudslinging. These politicians act like six year olds.

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    Wed Dec 20 2000

    It's a shame that a profession of such importance tends to attract exactly the wrong type of people. I think it was Plato who said that in his ideal society, the people would force someone who didn't want the job to be the ruler, because only someone who didn't want the job was really qualified to hold it. Ideally the profession would attract people genuinely interested in serving the public good, but more often than not politicians seem to be people who are more interested in power, status, or a special interest agenda than they are in improving things.