Police Officer

Approval Rate: 48%

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  • by


    Mon Aug 23 2010

    Potentially a soul-killing occupation. You deal with shitheads, mopes, skanks, grifters and assorted assholes on the one hand, and the victims of the previously mentioned on the other. In between you get scofflaw drivers, domestic arguments, noise complaints, drunken teenagers, and occasional crowd control. While this may not kill your sense of humor, it will probably instill a level of cynicism in you that others will find grim. Should you be successful, and rise in your profession, you will likely specialize in one or two areas of crime, be that homicide, robbery, fraud, burglary, or the like. This will have the benefit of providing you with contact with the more accomplished of the first group listed in this review. Its not a job I'd want, but I'd hate to live in a society without them.

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    Mon Aug 23 2010

    It's a brutal occupation. Basically your job only really starts when someone else's life has gone for shit in some way. You deal with victims and criminals all day. Try going home to a quiet normal family life after 10 hours of that every day. I've had two friends in the profession. A high school friend who got chewed up and burned out by it at an early age and left town to start a new life after the job cost him a marriage and a neighbour who just got a transfer to homicide after working in the low track part of town as a beat cop for a decade. Interestingly the neighbour finds the job tolerable after having served in the armed forces and done two tours of peacekeeping duty in the Baltic States.

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    Mon Aug 23 2010

    Personally, I don't like the police, and believe more than half of them are probably corrupt. It probably isn't great for a cop to know that there are a lot of people like me out there. However, when you see a police officer standing in line for an ice cream or a sub, it kind of makes you wonder.

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    Mon Mar 23 2009

    I respect the good ones, and what they do to protect. Living in a big city tho, you couldnt pay me enough to do what they have to put up with on a day by day basis. You hear about them getting shot all the time.

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    Sun Jan 11 2009

    A necessary evil. I have respect for most officers.

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    Tue Dec 02 2008

    Let's just say I got mixed feelings about the police. You got to give the ones credit for serving in high crime places for just meager pay. Moreover, there are indeed some in it for good noble reasons and that  of course deserves high praise but in plenty of cases they get less praise for what they actually deserve. However, with no intention on my part to construct any type of diatribe against police, I feel I must tell it like it really is. There are indeed many (i'm going to say a sizeable minority of 40 percent) in it for the sheer power trip and this is obviously no secret. It is also astonishing when you look at the percentage of police that are women batters which are around 24 percent. That is three times the population of U.S reported cases of women battering (which is around 8 percent)!!!! There are some police that are in it because they are actually attracted to violence and they're some that actually have criminal records themselves. I'll admit this is confusing for me bec... Read more

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    Thu Aug 28 2008

    In capitalist society, they serve the function of enforcing capitalist rule, upholding capitalist law (law made by the capitalist class) and defending the massive wealth of the rich from the working poor. So, police in capitalist society get one star: * In socialist society, police serve the necessary social function of preserving order, maintaining the rule of law, and defending socialism from the nefarious activities of reactionary counter-revolutionaries seeking to restore capitalism. The above star rating is in regards to police operating in a socialist system.

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    Wed Jul 16 2008

    Too scary!

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    Tue Jul 15 2008

    Hopefully soon, my husband's career

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    Sun Jul 06 2008

    keewl but i wouldnt do it

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    Sat Jul 05 2008

    I wouldn't want that job. Period.

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    Fri Jul 04 2008

    sometimes i don't trust all of em

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    Tue Jul 01 2008

    my job man

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    Fri Jun 27 2008

    They have a difficult job. Not my first choice.

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    Thu Jun 19 2008


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    Tue Jun 17 2008

    Good to 'help the community' but bad because of the dangerousness and dealing with violent people!

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    Sun Jun 15 2008

    best job in the world

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    Thu Jun 12 2008

    Work to hard for not enough money they make. I wouldn't want to put my life on the line for $30,000 a year.

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    Thu Jun 12 2008

    as long as you dont have a superiority complex or really want to shoot people

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    Mon Jun 09 2008

    I am way too trusting Id get shot

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    Mon Jun 09 2008

    i wanna be a police chic!

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    Mon Jun 09 2008

    Too much routine and dealing with low-lifes. That is not for me.

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    Sat Jun 07 2008

    i want a gun and it would be pretty cool to save people

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    Fri Jun 06 2008

    You get disrespected and you may make many wrong judgments and look like a complete fool for it.

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    Fri Jun 06 2008

    Lot Of fun

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    Thu Jun 05 2008

    a lot of risk for the buck.

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    Thu Jun 05 2008

    Could be a interesting field!

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    Thu Jun 05 2008

    Bad Boys...Bad Boys...whatcha gonna do? whatcha gonna do when they come for you?

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    Fri May 16 2008

    If it were not for the police, your best friend would have killed you and taken your wallet by now.

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    Sat Nov 17 2007

    This is the very last time I'd want to put myself at the service of the state.

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    Wed May 02 2007

    If you have ever lived in a small town you know they have nothing better to do than arrest young kids at a party. Once I was at a friends house doing things kids do when the police show up and barge into his house acting like complete assholes saying racist slurs to my black friend, The police let all of the drivers and pretty girls leave which dosn't make any sence. Then arrested all the kids who couldn't drive, all because we looked like punk kids. From that point on I lost all respect for police.

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    Wed Feb 21 2007

    I'm gonna tell everyone to STFU (ask around to translate the chatspeak) about cops. I may not always get along with all of them, but this week we lost a 24 year old officer in Glendale to some loser ass felon who shot him in the face with a .357 mag. This bastard shouldn't have even been let out of prison and now we have a dead officer because we've gotten too soft on these asshole felons. NOW I FEEL BETTER!

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    Wed Feb 21 2007

    Yes, a place to voice my anger! Lol, well for the most part there are two problems I see with the police force in all towns in all states. First, the police officers that are in downtown areas are not respected, they are restricted to how they can serve, and god forbid anyone shoot a crack fiend, its always seen as the cops fault. Second, the cops that deserve to be shot themselves, such as Officer EF Mckelroy Humble Police Department, sit around in dark areas, where they are not visable, where they know people are going to speed, and pull over 5 cars at once, write 5 tickets and meet thier quota of the day. These lazy bastards need to be retrained, and then sent to Kerplakistan, or something like that. Let them have a taste of what it really means to serve and protect. Rights, liberty, justice, all these things are set aside so the city/police dep can make more money on middle class America. I feel better now!

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    Wed Feb 21 2007

    I agree with numbah. Not all police officers are perfect, but there are a few bad individuals in any profession. They are the "blue line" and too many people take for granted the security these brave men and women provide.

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    Fri Apr 28 2006

    There are many types of Police Officers from different walks of life. Some truly are judgemental dicks. Others are genuinely cool people. I've thought about it at different times in my life and I know I would be good. I like the officers who really are concerned about fighting true violent crime and could care less about Joe smoking a bowl.

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    Tue Feb 15 2005

    I have total respect for those who truly serve and protect.I have worked with and known many a fine officer.However,I have also seen and dealt with abusive and corrupt ones.These are the ones who lose the respect of the community for the job.Police need to stop covering for the ones who need to be removed from the job.They also deserve to be paid much more,but they should be held to the highest standards.

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    Wed Dec 15 2004

    a joke. frat boys and racists who need to express their hostility. paid to carry out pointless laws on a regular basis. i have no respect for the boys and blue.

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    Wed Dec 15 2004

    I have the upmost respect for police officers. Yes, their are a few bad apples in the force, but every job has a few.

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    Sat Dec 11 2004

    Why aren't they higher up the list? I mean for petes sake, police officers actually help people! They make a difference!

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    Tue Jul 20 2004

    most cops are power hungry racists who like violence.

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    Thu Apr 15 2004

    When I was a child and our family used to go on vacations, we often got pulled over by the police and accused of speeding, even though local cars had been passing us. It always happened when we were out of state. Years later, I was driving in Colorado, with my cruise control set at 56, and they pulled me over and ticketed me for going 72 - which was impossible! He would not even let me leave until I wrote out a check for the fine and handed it over to him. Those kinds of officers are not much better than petty criminals themselves. However, my father always taught me that the police are like people in all professions: there are lots of good ones, with a few bad ones thrown in. Over the years, nearly all the officers I have encountered have been brave and courteous people, and I'm thankful we have them around. We couldn't really live without them.

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    Wed Feb 25 2004

    Not a job I would EVER want. I would never want to handcuff anyone or slam them against a car. I'd hate to strip search them too. I would never ever force someone to take off their pants and underwear if they didn't feel comfortable! If I were a cop, I would have to do so.

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    Wed Feb 25 2004

    I think it is quite obvious that without police officers, this country would be in complete anarchy ! These men and women are totally underrated and should be thanked more often for their hard underpaid work. Thank you too all the police officers out there that protect me everyday. I appreciate it so much. (this job is obviously not for everyone however, I don't even think I could do it.)

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    Fri Oct 24 2003

    Hello, this is my future career. I love police officers where would we be without them? It's too scary to think about.

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    Tue Aug 26 2003

    Police Officers have my respect and where would we be without them....Enough said!

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    Tue Jul 22 2003

    Well Moosekarloff, without these "boys in blue" keeping some degree of order, someone undoubtedly would have shot your loud ass years ago.

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    Tue Jul 22 2003

    This is a great occupation if you're into eating hamburgers and doughnuts, chain smoking, sitting around scratching your butt while dreaming of your retirement home, hiding from dangerous criminals while hassling respectable, law-abiding citizens, making targets of Afro-American males, generally being corrupt, being on the take, being above the law, making moronic wiseass comments to taxpayers who pay your salary/pension, beating your wife and children, committing suicide, shaking down drug dealers for their stash and then doing it up yourself, getting totally faced at the tavern after work and then driving around, knowing you'll get a free pass by your oinker buddies if you kill someone with your car, having your butt kissed constantly by those of the drooler mentality, and essentially taking up space while feeding at the public trough. Most police officers are total losers, pathetic, threatened punks who are so terrified of the world that they have to hide behind a shield and gun: t... Read more

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    Mon Jun 30 2003

    That's a negative!

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    Fri May 30 2003

    Pigs: cant live with em, cant live without em.

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    Mon May 05 2003

    Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?