
Formed in 1977, the Police includes lead singer Sting, guitarist Andy Summers and drummer Stewart Copeland. ...

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    Mon Oct 27 2008

    These guys were not a bad band at all...what are we using as a standard here...Mozart?

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    Sun Oct 26 2008

    A real cure for insomnia.

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    Thu May 24 2007

    I can't say my knowledge of the Police extends much further than their main hits, but I enjoyed what I heard, although the songs do grow old after a while...

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    Sun Dec 17 2006

    The Police were actually a post punk/new wave trio, so I don't understand why they are included on the classic rock list (as of this comment). Nevertheless, the group was one of those relatively short-lived bands that burned fiercely for a brief moment (1978-83), gained lots of critical and popular acclaim, and then burst into nothingness through self-destruction leaving everyone wondering what happened. In many ways, the continuous popularity of the band is primarily due to its dying young, specifically the Police never lingered long enough to release any sub-par efforts, (similar to James Dean in the acting world). Nevertheless, it was quite a run, and it was fun while it lasted. The group started out as a pure punk/new wave band but with style, maturity, and more focused energy (similar to the Pretenders in this regard). This sound is easily recognized on their 1978 debut "Outlandos d'Amour", which has a flatter, lower production, yet reggae influenced feel (e.g. "So Lonely", "Roxan... Read more

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    Mon Jul 31 2006

    Outlandos and Regatta were pretty good and so was half of Ghosts. In the other half Sting was beginning to get lost up his own a*se. By the glossy Synchronicity all you could see were his feet.

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    Tue Jul 18 2006

    Are you kidding me Sting Jeez

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    Tue Apr 18 2006

    Stewart Copeland - killer drummer.

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    Mon Dec 19 2005

    These guys made some great music-too bad Sting had to be an a$$ and screw it up!

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    Wed Nov 02 2005

    The Police were a one-of-a-kind band. Their punk music with soft reggae undertones created a distinct, feel-good sound. If I may quote another user (scarletfeather) "They had a unique sound and their music had depth and intelligence..." the trio created complex rythms that allowed listeners to indulge themselves into one-of-a-kind music from a one-of-a-kind band.

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    Thu Jun 23 2005

    I say this this was a good band. They had some good albums. The Outlandos De Amour album sucked, but everything from Regatta De Blanc to Synchronicity seemed to be good. Synchronicity is their best album.

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    Tue May 17 2005

    A very clever, innovative band from the late 70's-early 80's. Unfortunately, Sting's ego grew and he became a pretentious pop weirdo! They were the best post-punk-New Wave band from England.

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    Tue May 17 2005

    Never could get into this band. Sting was pretty hot, as long as he kept his arrogant yapper shut lol.

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    Wed Feb 09 2005

    pretentious and non-melodic. can't understand the appeal of this band, or its lead singer.

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    Sat Oct 09 2004

    one of the greatest 3piece bands of all-time....sting, stewart, and andy make great music and sting provides great song writing....can't stand losing you and so lonely are some of my faves.

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    Thu Mar 25 2004

    I have a problem with Sting. He's one of those people that mean well such as his concern for the environment but at the same time are not good adverts for their causes. He come across as too worthy and self-righteous. With the Police he wrote some decent songs on the first 2 albums but these became fewer and fewer with each next release.

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    Sat Oct 18 2003

    They had a unique sound and their music had depth and intelligence. They were one of the best bands of the 80s.

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    Sat Oct 04 2003


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    Wed Sep 10 2003

    They weren't around long enough, but they belong in the top ten all-time. Very innovative and original to say the least. Three great musicians collaborating as one great group.

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    Mon Aug 18 2003

    One of the limpest and lamest bands of the new wave era. Flat sounding, monophonic, totally retarded and insipid lyrics. Stink's fake Jamaican accent is totally laughable, yet that no-talent takes himself so, so seriously. This was synthetic, pre-formed nerd wave designed to appeal to musical cretins who wanted to come on hip. Well, when anyone tells me they're a fan of this musical abortion, the message comes across loud and clear: "Kick me, I'm a douchebag."

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    Tue Aug 12 2003

    The Police made some incredible music with clever lyrics. This power trio impresses me from the top down. Copeland is one of the best percussionists in the history of rock. Sting's vocals are stellar and his bass skills are underrated. The sharp timing they use as well as the off-beats make their songs much more complex than they appear on first listen.

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    Tue Jun 24 2003

    One of the all-time greatest bands. Zenyatta Mondatta was their best album. Synchronicity was good but too polished, and too Sting. Zenyatta has energy. power, talent, passion, and performance. All of these guys were unreal. Then Sting had to go and screw it all up

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    Mon May 26 2003

    The Police were awesome...though Sting solo is even better.

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    Sat May 10 2003

    Great group,left on top, very smart.

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    Mon Mar 24 2003

    I miss these guys.

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    Sat Mar 22 2003

    better than Sting solo

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    Thu Oct 03 2002

    Drummers awesome but thats all i have to say about them...

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    Sun Sep 29 2002

    They went downhill fast after "Ghost in the Machine." Took themselves way too seriously and did not have fun any more. They were much better when they were a reggae/ rock/ new wave band.

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    Thu Oct 25 2001

    Message in a Bottle is a really good song. Every Breath You Take is actually about Cold War paranoia. They really mixed several genres of music well (similar to the Clash). Roxanne, Don't Stand, and Every Little Thing are good songs as well.

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    Tue Oct 23 2001

    Im sending out an SOS and it says listen to the police. they are a good band. I find myself rockin' to them constantly.

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    Fri Oct 19 2001

    Yes, we all know the classics; Roxanne, Message, Every Breath.... But what about all of the others: Tea In the Sahara, Invisible Sun, Secret Journey, Canary in a Coalmine? The stuff that didn't make the radio is also excellent. For the five years that they recorded, they were the greatest band in the world. For my money, they still are. Even now, in this post-Napster world of MP3 mixes and CD party mixes, I'll pop in a Police CD in and listen to it all the way through. That's some great listening!

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    Mon Sep 17 2001

    How can you hear songs like "King of Pain", "Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic", "Spirits In the Material World", and "Wrapped Around Your Finger" (to name a very few) and not become just enchanted? I know I was the instant I heard them. The Police is one of my favorite bands in the world. I love pre-tantra Sting's rough and almost reggae like voice. I love the way they add "o" to the end of almost every word they say. I love the stupid way they repeat the same word ten bilion times at the end of each song. This is true blue good music and I recommend it as highly as one ever could. I'm listening to "Wrapped Around Your Finger" right now in fact and it makes me want to cry. It's so sad, but so happy and hopeful. How could they know the exact right thing to sing to make a girl's heart just melt? Perfection

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    Wed Jul 18 2001

    In all the years that I have been throwing parties, and I mean PARTIES, there has yet to be a party go by that someone hasn't demanded that I play the Police. What a group...The only crime they committed was breaking up. In my book, they beat the beatles hands down!

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    Tue May 22 2001

    These guys are awesome! I especially love "King of Pain", "Every Breath You Take", and "Roxanne"

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    Fri May 18 2001

    hi how is everyone from a person who listen's to many types of music and is apart of a diverse culture (hip hop) which is not the crap you see on tv but the hip hop culture from the bronx. and keeping a open mind is what is important here and people dont seem to get that well the police have changed music for ever wether you think they suck or not they are by far one of the most unique bands with everything they do to their sound all the way to the way the carried themselves and i regret missing their reunion show in chicago. but just take a listen carefully if you will and just listen and open your mind and you will see that the police or one of the greatest bands of our time thanks for your listening ear peace

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    Fri Mar 02 2001

    greatest 3 man band ever

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    Sat Feb 24 2001

    Sting is still a babe after all those years. The fact that he can still SING too is just icing on the cake.....:o)

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    Mon Feb 05 2001

    Oh dear Ruby, it looks like I'm going to have to slap down your comment - yet again. The Police produced ground breaking music of their time that infused reggae, pop and rock. They had numerous hits such as 'Message In A Bottle', 'Roxanne' 'Don't Stand So Close To Me' and 'Every Breath You Take'. They won over both the British and American audiences. As for Sting, I don't think his music is at all depressing, it reflects his emotions. There are thousands of people who like The Police and Sting, and I'm one of them and proud of it.

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    Sat Jan 27 2001

    as a musician i have to say that the police was magic, the sound was so unique and still all kind of different songs. within 5 years and 5 albums they did all kind of music and reached everything a band can reach, imagine that, 5 years....today there are no such bands compareable to the magic of the police. people were trying to look like sting, girls were deadly in love with him. ghost in the machine is the most crazy music i ve ever heard...how did he come up with such songs and how did they get this unique sound?? stewart invented a new way of playing drums, andy plays like hes from another planet and sting is the most charismatic person on the planet....a big shout out to my heros.

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    Wed Dec 13 2000

    Had they not gone there seperate ways, The Police have been mentioned in the same breath that the beatles are.Great band, who should come together one last time.

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    Mon Nov 06 2000

    Not a bad little rock outfit. That is before in-fighting turned it into the estranged Sting show.

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    Fri Sep 08 2000

    This band rocked!

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    Fri Sep 08 2000

    When I was in junior high school, the Police played a big concert the night of Thanksgiving. My parents, citing family togetherness, wouldn't let me go, and to this day I'm still a little bitter about it. Sting's voice, creativity, and interest in reggae, combined with Stewart Copeland's musical talent, produced a unique and enduring sound. With albums like Synchronicity, Regatta De Blanc, Zenyatta Mondatta, and Ghost in the Machine, the Police are firmly entrenched as one of the top 20 all-time rock groups.

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    Fri Aug 04 2000

    i only like 2 songs by them, i personally don't think they are all that, if anything Sting himself is the man!!

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    Sat Jun 17 2000

    People forget that the Police were almost a punk band when they started. My favorite album is Outlandos d'amor - with "So Lonely" being my favorite track. If you look at a list at their hits over the years, there are some real masterpieces mixed in there from "Don't Stand so Close to Me," "Message in a Bottle," "Walking on the Moon," and of course the mega hits from Synchronicity.

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    Thu May 04 2000

    i can't believe that the rolling stones and bob dylan and elvis and bruce springsteen and other such influential musicians were excluded from this list. also david bowie

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    Tue Mar 21 2000

    I was blown away seeing that the big VH-1 Greatest 100 Artists countdown of a few weeks back included the Police AND Sting as a solo artist -- that's insanity. The Police made consistently miserable music and then Sting went out and did even worse things on his own. Who likes this crap?

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    Fri Mar 10 2000

    Pure Genius!!! Gordy gives it to you in a way only an English teacher can!! Sometimes it is the band that makes the man, this could not be truer than here. No one has ever written about stalkers in a more eloquent way before or after the Police.

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    Sat Dec 18 1999

    Decent musicians but no songwriting talent & Sting should've hired a better vocalist. Always change the station when I hear one of their songs,

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    Tue Dec 07 1999

    They made loads and loads of good, solid songs. They had their sound, distintive and repititve as it was, and made it well for a lot of years. Sting is still going. Message in a Bottle is one of my favorite songs. These guys are cool.