Pol Pot

Approval Rate: 7%

7%Approval ratio

Reviews 16

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    Wed Mar 23 2011

    A cruel dictator who thought he was reincarnated as god. Killed millions and other powerful nations looked the other way. As if it was an internal squabble and not the shameful human rights violation that it really was.

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    Tue Nov 30 2010

    Pol Pot is a butcher and a goddamn pig. I am half Sino-Khmer (Chinese Cambodian). My family on my father's side were wealthy landowners who bred horses near Phnom Penh. When Pol Pot came into power, they were forced to fled. Not all made it out. My father's younger cousin (an infant at the time) disappeared, most likely killed by these vicious pricks. His other cousin's mother, a civilian who looked after children, was hung from a tree with piano wire, where she conjointly suffocated and had her throat slit by the wire. Two aunts also disappeared completely and are presumed dead. Some of my family's friends, civilians with no affiliation to the government, were lined up and shot. Even though I had not been around at the time of these events, I can still see the pain on some of my relative's faces when the issue is brought up (30+ years later). Even though I am fairly agnostic, part of me is really hoping there's a hell so that monsters like Pol Pot will repay 1,000,000 times ... Read more

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    Thu Jun 03 2010

    Notorious for having people killed for knowing how to read, in the interest of starting all over. An American Pol Pot would only have to kill about 5 people. Prove me wrong by spelling things correctly in your reviews, people.

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    Sun Nov 16 2008

    communisme dont have to be evil but so mucht power and always in wrong hands

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    Fri Aug 31 2007

    A little maniac killed 1 to 2 million people for no other reason then to start over at the year zero,and make a utopia as i said before Communism sucks pol pot is evil beyond belive.

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    Thu Jun 14 2007

    Killing Fields. Man this guy is twisted.

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    Mon Mar 27 2006

    By far the most cruel and sadistic dictator in human history. It was under him that vast swathes of the Cambodian countryside became known as the 'Killing Fields'. Under his brutal reign of terror, unrivalled in all the long and bloody annals of human history, at least one in five Cambodians went to premature graves. He committed genocide against the Vietnamese living inside Cambodia and randomly accused any opposition of being either 'capitalist', 'fascist', a 'CIA agent', a 'KGB agent'... the list goes on. By the most recently assessments of his regime the death toll stands at around 2.4 million for the few short years he was in power. By some estimates the figure is well over 3 million - or half the population of Cambodia. He is a lesson to us all - communism is a cult of death. Communism is about the killing fields of Cambodia, the gulags of Siberia, the concentration camps of North Korea, the re-education camps of China, the dark NKVD and KGB torture cells in Moscow. Communism is ... Read more

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    Tue Dec 06 2005

    Worse than Mao Zedong.....another shining example of how "wonderful" Communism really is.

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    Wed Apr 13 2005

    Pol Pot, a.k.a. Saloth Sar, is an understudied genocidal demogogue and Cambodian communist leader who is said to have murdered between 1-3 million (that is, between 1/4 and 1/3 of his entire nation) of his own people. Like most demonic figureheads in history of similiar stature, he never faced prosecution for his countless crimes against humanity. Along with Stalin, Mao Tse-tung, Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il, and a handful of others in recent history, Pol Pot stands as a haunting example of how communist ideology - like other forms of totalitarianism - is frequently utilized to create cult of personality figures who ultimately kill the ones who initially worship them most. However as someone once told me, No one is useless: a person with no good qualities can always serve as a bad example, or I would like add, an example of evil incarnate.

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    Wed Mar 09 2005

    Killing your own people to make your country a better place is just sick.

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    Sun Jan 23 2005

    I wonder what hell is like for someone like him.

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    Sat Jan 22 2005

    He was a compete c*nt.

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    Thu Aug 05 2004

    Scary, ambitious, and crazy as hell. This guy killed more people than smallpox. One of the most horrid regimes of the 20th century. Watch The Killing Fields

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    Fri May 21 2004

    One of the very worst ever.

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    Thu Mar 18 2004

    Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge government was one of most horrid regimes of the 20th Century. The extension of the Vietnam War into Cambodia in 1970 lead to increased communist subversion of the area. Within a few months, the government, which was supported by the United States, only had control of 1/3rd of its territory. Communist guerrilla were making converts out of the peasants. The US stopped supporting the government in 1973 as a result of the backlash from the excesses of the Vietnam War. By 1975, Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge had full control of Cambodia. An extreme Maoist, Pol Pot completely rejected all modernity which he considered a corrupting influence imported by Westerners. Cars and other modern convienences were burned, urban dwellers were forced to move into the countryside; the country became a xenophobic agrarian society essentially. Those who opposed the policies of the government were summarily executed; all political enemies, including members of the upper and middle class,... Read more

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    Thu Mar 18 2004

    I hate to admit that I didn't think of this guy myself and added it due to a suggestion by someone else. All things considered, he should have been an obvious choice. After all, I'm definately old enough to remember these times and the atrocities he committed. I even saw the, The Killing Fields for the love of mud. I guess it just goes to show how western-centric we sometimes are in the US and, perhaps, how complacent some of us became about the Viet Nam era - both during and since. Here is a man who was every bit as vile as Hitler, slaughtering his own people and yet we still think of Adolf as the worst guy ever born. It makes me sick to think that the worst person ever born may not have even been born yet. Anyway, there never seems to be a shortage on them. I decided to create a little animation to tell the story of how I feel this guy and all the rest will end their careers.