
Approval Rate: 74%

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  • by


    Sat Mar 20 2010

    I am rating it bad because really if I were to pick something that would be it. I think the pictures are degrading to women. That is what goes on. The thing is it is also seen as being a mainstream magazine. It makes some guys think it is funny and some girls a different view of themselves. I knew one girl who wanted to be in it so I almost put it down ok for that. I don't think nudes themselves are degrading. I think the way in which it is portrayed is. I always read the writing is supposed to be good and that excuse but maybe not. I guess for a men's magazine it is supposed to be better. I was offered a temp office job there and turned it down. There was enough trouble and I didn't think I needed that. Now I think I would need to take it but it was only temp. It was the principle.

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    Sat Mar 20 2010

    I only read it for the Cartoons, I swear!

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    Thu May 21 2009

    The women playboy features are too generic. If I want to look at attractive women nude I want a myriad of different types of women, not the traditional American cliche of the blue eyed blonde. However playboy isn't all about the girls. It also features dull interviews accompanied by bad writing. Playboy magazine is in the American overrated cliche club right along budweiser and marlboro reds.

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    Fri Sep 19 2008

    Playboy is the mack daddy that gave birth to you other followers...

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    Sun Sep 16 2007

    This is the magazine you take with you to the bathroom. But it's pretty much all it's used for.

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    Thu Jun 14 2007

    Once there was a great magazine, with good fiction, funny risque cartoons, witty articles, and pretty women. They paid top dollar to attract good writers and published some of the better short fiction of the sixties and early seventies. That magazine died in the mid seventies. The modern version is pedestrian, dull, and the women look like the Barbie dolls they were once accused of being.

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    Thu Jun 14 2007

    Playboy is a pretty decent magazine and it really does have some good articles. The airbrushed girls do get a little boring.

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    Sat Mar 24 2007

    Still the best. All the 'lad mag' wannbes pale beside this.

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    Thu Sep 07 2006

    Ran out of gas for me sometime in the mid-90s.

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    Tue Aug 15 2006

    Fake boobs,fake tan,fake nails, fake hair extensions, liposuction, airbrushing, flattering lighting, generic hollywood pam anderson branding of image. I met a Playmate once and I hate to say it but she was a dog compared to her pictures. But it's all a fantasy anyway.

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    Mon Mar 06 2006

    If Chyna is in it then I'm lowering my rating. Chyna is a man dudes. I enjoy the "articles" in playboy.

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    Sun Oct 30 2005

    great like chyna and sable in them

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    Tue Oct 25 2005

    I always, ahem, read this mag for the stories. Har! Har! Har!

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    Sat Oct 22 2005

    Great stories. Oh, and the pictures are alright too.

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    Fri Sep 30 2005

    A whole lot better than Penthouse!!

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    Thu Aug 11 2005

    Ill be the first to take a nuetral stance

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    Thu Aug 11 2005

    Believe it or not, I used to pick this up occasionally because of the interviews (although, in the feverish days of my adolescence, it was put to other uses when I was able to shoplift a copy from the neighborhood luncheonette). Hefner in some ways was a social revolutionary in his heyday (he was an early champion of Lenny Bruce, as just one example) and a champion of progressive causes, but what the Playboy Empire represents now seems so antiquated and almost grotesque. This elderly, cigar-smoking Playboy in his dressing gown, surrounded by a bevy of siliconed, giggling robots would be almost laughable if they didn't seem to take it so seriously.

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    Mon Jul 11 2005

    Not as good as it once was, but still a good seller thanks to it's sexy, yet not as trashy as most magazines pictures, and the occasional good read.

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    Thu Jun 23 2005

    Would get 5 stars from me if they would occasionaly put in big asses. Like the voluptuous 1950's thigh slappers. otherwise a good mag.

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    Mon Feb 21 2005


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    Sun Dec 19 2004

    Now, Redoedo, how many times have I heard that line? I read 'Playboy' for the articles. Right! LOL. UPDATE:Geez, this McGowan REALLY doesn't care for Hugh Hefner or his magazine! I think Hef is silly, but I don't want him dead!

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    Sun Dec 19 2004


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    Sun Dec 19 2004

    I will admit it. I buy Playboy for the pictures. UPDATE: I agree with JonTheMan about the pitcures, but I still like the pitcure. At least I will admit to it.

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    Sun Dec 19 2004

    Airbrushed? Yes. Nice looking. Sure. The articles are good, the jokes suck. I wouldn't spend money on it. But I'll look if it is put within reach.

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    Sun Dec 19 2004

    Actually, since the pictures seem to depict only incongruously large-bosomed, airbrushed, artificially blond, slightly famous models of nominally diminutive intellect, I do just read it for the articles.

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    Thu Aug 12 2004

    It is like the most popular one and its a nice mag Marilyn Monroe was named playboy sweetheart in 1953.

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    Thu Jul 01 2004

    Yeah, the women/girls are lovely but airbrushed and usually endowed with silicone. Hefner is a perverted old man who has no idea of the value of women. These girls only gather around him for the possible fame or fortune, both of which are fleeting at best.

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    Thu May 27 2004

    We've all heard the old saw I buy it for the articles. I have not seen a copy of Playboy in a number of years so I cannot comment on the current state of the magazine but as a younger man I cherished and have saved the comedy pieces written by the late Jean Shepherd including a 1964 article where Shepherd interviewed the Beatles. Throughout its run Playboy has welcomed many points of view whether they be political such as Jimmy Carter, or controversial as in Lenny Bruce. Their advertisements, such as full page color ads for 1960s Shelby Mustangs, command top dollar at conventions and swap meets. With outright porn easily available through the internet and adult video stores Playboy may be past its time. By today's standards it could be (and probably is) considered soft core. Should there ever be a book or a series of books of their best articles and interviews, it would be a fascinating time capsule of Americana from 1953 to the present.

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    Thu May 27 2004

    A sexist, degrading magazine with very little to redeem itself.

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    Wed May 05 2004

    A pointless anachronism. There was a time when Playboy was the only place to see girly pics. It hasnt moved on one inch and is still stuck in 1971.

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    Tue Jan 06 2004

    Great for ugly, fat, beer guzzling, sexist losers without girlfriends. Hugh Hefner will die soon...

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    Sun Jan 04 2004

    Too boring.....

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    Sun Jan 04 2004

    Great articles, great interviews but the air brushed bubble heads that pass as attractive (at least in this society) are lacking sorely. Note: there are still those of us out here who love REAL women with all their gorgeous blemishes and imperfections intact.

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    Tue Dec 23 2003

    the most important magazine of my youth has not aged gracefully. the articles don't have the same bite they used to, and the centerfolds aren't appealing unless you love fake hooters.

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    Sun Nov 16 2003

    Still needs to broaden their scope a little when it comes to what they believe are beautiful women. Would be nice to see women of color, more hispanics and oriental. Too many big-breasted (and fake at that) blondes for my tastes. The articles (isn't that why we all read PB anyway?) are still top-notch.

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    Wed Oct 15 2003

    Definetly a magazine for pervs, rapists, and criminals. Of course it's only freedom of speech, but hey, at least they wont advertise and try to appeal to todays teens and college students.

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    Wed Aug 27 2003

    It's sophmoric and Hugh Hefner is a viagra swallowing slob. Get real - get outside, get some excercise and see the real world.

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    Thu Jun 19 2003

    I admit that beauty is to be admired, and part of me is jealous of the drop dead gorgeous women in those magazines (even GQ). I am not as much upset that men look at women because they are pretty (who could blame them, ) but that the pornography makes sex seem like "no big deal" anymore. Sex and nudity (One on One) should still be something considered intimate and special. I would like my body to seem special to that specific person. I think that nudity be so accessible can make the whole experience "dull" and unexciting. Maybe men can still find their spouse's body arousing, but I think it makes it more difficult. I think that people would respond much more to nudity if it wasn't so accessible to them. However, since it is around and easy to may make it "not such a big deal." As you can tell, I am confused about the whole issue. I don't want my children to grow up thinking pornography is normal.

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    Mon Jun 09 2003

    Too much filler between photo spreads, I would let a young child look at this stuff

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    Thu May 29 2003

    Perfect example of ART.

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    Thu May 22 2003

    it's time has passed

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    Thu May 08 2003

    Yes, I've read it. Do I currently have it in my house? No. Would I let my children see it? Of course not! I know this is an old cliche, but the articles really are good. I remember reading interviews with Pat Moynihan and Saul Bellows that were terribly engrossing and informative. If you don't like the naked ladies, don't look at them. It's not like they're spread-eagle with whips and chains. The bottom line is that this is not going to go away, men like to look at naked women and Playboy has a lot of good information in it. Just because I'm married or muslim shouldn't mean that I have to censor myself with how I get my information. For all of the howling I hear on this site about morals, deal with yourself and family first. I'm comfortable with the high moral standards I've set for myself which includes having an open mind and allowing myself to get information from any source I find useful.

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    Mon Apr 14 2003

    This is very good! the porn is awsome!

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    Tue Mar 04 2003

    Beautiful women, but it's been on a downward slope since the early 90's. . .I find the mag to be increasingly politically correct and quite tame. "I don't like my filth this clean" - Tom Hanks in "Bachelor Party"

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    Mon Mar 03 2003

    just so sexy

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    Tue Feb 18 2003

    Personally, I don't really care one way or the other. Why not have something like this? It isn't degrading to women because they are chosing to work in this area. They make great money...I'm a girl..if I could I'd do it in a minute. Good for them for making money - use what you have. As for Errol's comment on what we aren't supposed to see... what year do you live in? We're not in the 50's anymore... if guys want to look at naked girls, let them have their fun. And just because something is seen as forbidden, doesn't mean that it is necesarrily bad for you either. I don't see any harm in playboy. Lighten up people.

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    Fri Jan 03 2003


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    Thu Jan 02 2003

    Well, it's obvious why we men read this. They do in all seriousness have great articles too. The cartoons are hilarious as well. I personally still have every copy that I have ever bought. SIDENOTE: I'm guessing by all the "didn't find it helpful" marks that it's mostly women who are rating this particular magazine.