Planes, Trains and Automobiles
1987 American comedy film written, produced and directed by John Hughes Website
Approval Rate: 89%
Reviews 0
by monstermaster1_3
Fri Jan 06 2012This movie is a John Candy classic, you cannot go wrong with it. It's funny and also has sad parts near the end and is very lighthearted. Steve Martin and John Candy play Neil and Del - two guys who cross paths on their way home for Thanksgiving and the two end up in various funny situations. Del is a very lovable character, he's sort of like Donkey from Shrek minus the annoyance factor, and his moments are some of the most heartwarming scenes ever put on film. It's a movie people can relate to. Because really, who HASN'T had one of those days when nothing goes the way they planned? If you did not get all teary eyed during Del's speech at the hotel, then you either are a robot or don't have a soul. Watch this movie, it's a classic - it's the real article, what you see is what you get.
by carlstewart
Fri Jun 26 2009I've only seen this movie in a movie theater so am not knowledgeable about the qualities of the DVD that is marketed by Paramount. So let's put aside criticisms of the DVD production and talk about the movie. I first watched this movie when I was in my 40s. At a much later time I watched it with my teenage son. I then watched it again and after 3 viewings it is still a wonderful entertainment. But it is more than that. John Candy was, as usual, brilliant. There have been very few screen actors since Groucho Marx, Charlie Chaplin, and Buster Keaton, who had Candy's natural comedic gifts. And Steve Matin was pretty wonderful also. However, the movie is more than a slapstick (in the best sense of the word)comedy; there is genuine pathos in this film and Candy's portrayal of a man desperately searching for a real human connection is extremely moving. Those of you who were disappointed in your first viewing, see it again and see if you can keep your eyes dry when Martin ... Read more
by khaled28685
Wed Jun 10 2009Steve Martin, took a plane to return to his family in Chicago for thanksgiving. He meets John Candy on the plane and can't stand him from the first second he saw him. His flight does not land in Chicago and they land somewhere else instead. Steve and John try to find other means of reaching Chicago together, and they have the weirdest and funniest experience of their lives. The jokes are typical 90s kinda jokes, quite funny though.
by craigconnell
Fri Apr 10 2009Steve Martin and John Candy do a wonderful job playing off each other in this memorable comedy. I say "memorable" because everyone I know who has seen this film vividly remember this movie and their favorite scenes. Martin and Candy are stuck without plane rides home and wind up trying all modes of transportation to reach their destination. Both run into unbelievable obstacles, most of them the fault of Candy, who drives Martin almost insane. Candy was the funnier of the two in this story but both comedians were at the top of their game here. Too bad there was so much profanity for a film that could have been enjoyed by everyone in the family. Yet, some it is understandable, especially with Martin's character. Candy's character would have made anyone swear! And.....Martin's profane tirade with the rental car woman at the airport is hilarious. In addition to the wacky story, I enjoyed the soundtrack. National critics didn't like it, but I found the sudden bursts of rock 'n roll ... Read more
by spike65
Sat Mar 21 2009One of Steve Martins and John Candy's best movies. Rent this movie now!
by smockey_421
Fri Feb 27 2009This is one of my favorite movies of all time and I never get tired of watching it. It is a brilliant observation about two very different characters from different backgrounds who are brought together against their will. I love watching there relationship unfold from loathing each other into becoming firm friends. Along the way there are some very funny moments with both Steve Martin and John Candy, who are at their finest. They provide loads of hilarious situations, from driving down the freeway in the wrong direction, getting robbed, stealing taxi's and sharing a bed to name a few "those aren't pillows!". Martin plays the straight man in this film, where as Candy plays the likable but annoying shower curtain ring salesman. They meet each other when Del (Candy) steals Neal's (Martin) cab. Both men decide to make their way home together before thanksgiving when bad weather shuts down the airports, the journey home is full of many laugh out load mishaps. From the start of the film you ... Read more
by ronaldbelton
Wed Feb 25 2009Steve Martin playes a businessman trying to get home for Thanksgiving, John Candy is along for the ride. You guessed it everything that can go wrong does. Martin and Candy are in top form, this is the greatest performance of their careers.
by amber_ish
Tue Sep 23 2008I remember all the cussing. Gotta love John Candy : )
by fb549726214
Sat Sep 20 2008Steve Martin no me suele gustar, pero al juntarlo con John Candy la cosa cambia...
by jamie_finn
Wed Sep 10 2008hate billy crystal
by lt3_leana
Tue Jul 22 2008?????
by oo_michelle_oo
Thu Jun 19 2008"Six bucks and my right nut says we're not landing in Chicago."
by feeling_great_and_loving_it
Wed Jun 18 2008I don't think I ever saw it
by liz7b74b
Wed Jun 11 2008it's's not the best movie but there are some funny parts
by g879b09b
Wed May 28 2008John Candy was one funny guy!
by trebon1038
Mon Mar 24 2008Very funny movie! I like both John Candy and Steve Martin and they had good chemistry in this movie.
by czechmate
Mon Mar 17 2008Candy is at his best, overall great picture!
by teresag
Thu Feb 28 2008Great movie! Steve Martin and John Candy!! I don't usually find John Candy extrememly funny, but he paired up nicely with Steve. Whole movie had me rolling!!
by louiethe20th
Wed Feb 27 2008"Those aren't pillows!" John Candy was the man. I loved when Steve Martin was washing his face with Candy's underwear, lol.
by molfan
Sat Nov 17 2007funny movie.Two different men a snob and a slob end up with each other on a trip home to Chicago. One is on his way for Thanksgiving. Steve Martin is good as the up tight snob who wants to get home to his family and he and John Candy an easy going "slob" who kind of get stuck with each other taking planes. trains and autos to get to Chicago. the difference in the guys is the funny part. Of course they end up friends in the end. John Candy is great as the nice guy who sells bathroom curtain rings. Fun to watch and a lot of laughs in this road movie. the ending is touching.
by randyman
Sat Nov 17 2007Steve Martin and John Candy pair up well together. This is one of my favorite comedies. It has a few sentimental tear jerker moments to go along with the laughter. This is probably my second favorite Candy movie, the first being "The Great Outdoors".
by irishgit
Fri Aug 24 2007It's ok. I wouldn't put it in the top 50 comedies of all time though.
by coltseries70
Thu Feb 22 2007One of my all time favorite movies. i never get tired of it. It is just an amazing bittersweet comedy with some fantastic lines you can use in real life. The Hughes/Candy/Martin combo is perfect. Probably the best Thanksgiving "Can I make it home on time" film. Well Done. Sad thing is, I know someone who actually went thru this scenario and he does not like it. Also it has a Kevin Bacon cameo. Love that scene with Edie McClurg. Anyone who needs a replenishment of humor needs to see this. RIP John Candy. Perfectamundo
by genghisthehun
Thu Feb 22 2007That will buff right out. A great John Candy line that cracks me up every time I see it.
by leftfinger
Tue Apr 18 2006Candy and Martin are great in this movie.
by robbo59
Fri Jan 20 2006Two comedy giants at the height of their powers sharing a magical chemistry between themselves. The scene where Steve Martin's character lets loose an obscenity laced tirade at a smiling rental car agent (played by Edie McClurg) and her response to him is hysterical. This oddly matched pair is forced to share the same space for a period of long days leaving Martin's character frustrated and edgy. Their quest to get home in time for Thanksgiving is finally resolved following an outrageous series of misadventures. The precurser to the Chris Farley-David Spade pairings but on a more adult level. A must see film.
by outsideblitz
Sat Nov 26 2005My favorite movie of all time. Steve Martin and John Candy made a terrific pair in this movie. I laugh my hind-end off every time I watch it.
by jmb884cd
Thu Nov 10 2005A very funny movie with two great actors on the front line in John Candy and Steve Martin.
by inoitall
Sat Oct 29 2005Those are not pillows!!!
by siamtor
Fri Oct 28 2005Funny, intelligent and poignant. Watch "A Christmas Carol" and this movie during the holiday season and you'll rediscover what's really important in life. John Candy is definitely missed.
by the_one_true_freeman
Thu Oct 27 2005john candy is wat some may call a god. same with steve martin
by sfalconer
Sun Jun 12 2005You have to watch this at Thanks Giving. This is the late great John Candy at his very best.
by james76255
Sun Jun 12 2005The best comedy to come out of the 1980s. Without a doubt, it is John Candy's best movie. It's a shame he didn't get more roles like this one. It may very well be the movie that cemented the fact that Steve Martin could be funny without putting an arrow through his head. The R rating is a little misleading. If not for the 30 F-bombs Martin drops in the car rental scene, this probably would have gotten a PG-13, if not a PG.
by vetteman03
Sun Mar 13 2005Great movie! The scene where Steve Martin flips out on the car rental lady is classic.
by skizero
Fri Feb 11 2005a fine road/buddie comedy by two neo-legends in Steve Martin and JOhn Candy. was actually quite an endearing film as well.
by gentle_jude
Fri Feb 11 2005I've watched it a few times and every time I watch it, I get bored or fall asleep. But it is OK.
by tunaa8ad
Sun Dec 26 2004One of my very favorite comedy movies, thanks to the excellent talents of John Candy and Steve Martin. I've watched it many times. Sure do miss John Candy.
by aurielle
Fri Dec 24 2004John Candy and Steve Martin are brilliant in this one. I love when they're driving the burned car down the road and get pulled over by the police officer. However, the ending kind of made me sad, since John Candy really didn't have any family.
by hawkster
Wed Dec 01 2004My all time favorite movie. Hilarious from start to finish with a great ending by Neil taking in Dell for Thanksgiving. A definite pick me up type movie.
by da_minx
Mon Oct 04 2004Fantastically funny film. Martin & Candy work these roles great together. Love the uncut car rental desk scene. After a belly full of laughs throughout; the ending makes you warm inside.
by kitkatsangel
Thu Aug 19 2004love this movie its down to earth and very funny
by riker32
Tue Nov 04 2003John Candy was hilarious.
by tototoo
Sun Sep 28 2003All time favorite comedy. John Candy was always funny - I think he died of a heart attack. Love Steve Martin too and the circumstances of this movie make you really laugh.
by actress12345
Sun Jun 29 2003funny movie
by whatt_happened_d
Sat Jun 28 2003i'd like to rate my uncles movies but ive only seen cool runnings. john candy was my great uncle...i never met him personally. what happened to him? i dont want to bring up the subject in my family, it might be too upsetting!!
by redoedo
Wed May 21 2003Probably one of my all-time favorites. What amazing chemistry that the late John Candy and Steve Martin exhibited in this film! I was laughing my tail off every five minutes- there was never a dull moment. The two scenes that stick most in my mind is Martin's rude comments to the lasy in the car rental center, only to recieve an equally rude "You're f@*%!&". I'm not too big a fan of the "f" word, but I thought that the way that Martin used it was hilarious. And who can ever forget the best of them all: "THOSE AREN'T PILLOWS!". If you have not seen this, you don't know what your missing!
by grille101
Thu May 15 2003On of the stupidest VERY funny movies of all time. Great from start to finish.
by president_x_d
Thu Apr 24 2003I must have watched this 50 times. Those aren't PILLOWS!
by forsakenbuyer
Sun Mar 09 2003A perfect comedic pairing for this movie. It's a classic for Thanksgiving. Who'd ever forget the line from the car rental agent,"I guess your #@*%!&" I miss the talent of John Candy which will never be replaced. Watch The Great Outdoors too. Another favorite of mine.