
Approval Rate: 56%

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    Tue Dec 28 2010

    Seriously, you can't say any board sucks ya know? I mean everyone has their own preferences. I just switched from Baker to Plan B and I love it. I skate mainly street and was wreckin shit. I would definately recommend it!

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    Sat Oct 23 2010

    i just got a plan b paul rodriguez deck and it is sick its one of the cooooolest boards i have ever seen p.s tell me if its any good

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    Wed Sep 29 2010

    plan b sucks cause you cant land tricks on it lol u cant even land a ollie or a kickflip its just bull shit

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    Fri Sep 17 2010

    i hate Plan-B, they're just not good :( and weird to skate.....

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    Tue Sep 14 2010

    good at vert, nice flip, not the best pop its ok... over all its a good board for vert

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    Wed Aug 18 2010

    I don't like them the one I tried felt like A piece of old cheese. Mine broke two weeks . you want quality go to mini logo.

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    Tue Jul 20 2010

    The deck is very light and has a really nice pop but the tail snapped by the end of its first day of use, the first day!

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    Mon Jul 12 2010

    i got the new plan b t pudds deck wit the pro 2 technology with monster pop and dat board i sick but i had 2 relearn all mah trikz cuz i got an 8 n im not uzed 2 dem but dey keepdey pop 4 a long time n dey got good flick n all yall r liars cuz da concave izz fine but it do get razor tail. now, my trikz r nearly effortless. im out pce

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    Mon Jun 21 2010

    dude the plan b prolites are the best skateboarding decks that are out right now! they have the best concave and have alot more pop than other decks

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    Wed May 19 2010

    ummm ive got a plan b prolite ltd ...and it is sick ive had it 5 and a half months now and its still awsome no chips or square tail its been my third deck and i will probs get another in the future because its that great i found it alot better than my consolidated and my almost ......btw im not one for stair sets so that might effect in why it is still in great condition .....

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    Tue Mar 16 2010

    DONT GET THE PROLITE DECKS mine snapped in a week

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    Sat Jan 02 2010

    The first board I ever got was a plan b. I learned all kinds of stuff on it. I like how it had a mellow concave and decent pop. It just recently broke but had it for a year ,but I only skated for 7 out of those monthes. still that is amazing. Sure I started off on that board so for the first 2 monthes, I sucked. Still they are very good boards. when people say they chip easliy they're either some hot head little shit that throws there board when they don't land trick or they're bullshitting. One thing that i'm pissed about is that plan b doesn't make any more board with the stardard consturction. instead they use "prolite" consturtion which sucks. Anyway, they are very good ,durable boards.

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    Fri Nov 20 2009

    okay.i just wanna say that all the people who say they are bad are friend came over one day and all i got to say was holy shit.he just got the board with silvers which i recommend and he was tried out the board and it was just tre after tre after tre.i highly recommend plan b skateboards and if you like them i would also do a baker.but i like plan b better.i recommend you go down to the local skate shop and try to get a plan b.if you want to save some cash them get silvers.but if you want something sick them i would do tensor magnesiums.the friend that skateed the plan b just ordered a prolit and i did and theregreat.plan bs do not snap!that is a huge friend a big and huge and weighs like 170.he snapped every board exept the plan b.there also you should skate plan b.

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    Mon Oct 26 2009

    Alright, I have never had a problem with Plan B or any of their product prior to this experience. I have been skating for quite a while and have tried out almost every type of board. I was bitter towards Plan B because they bought out all of the good pro's off of their original teams. I finally got a Plan B deck as a gift and set it up just a couple of hours ago. It is the brand new Paul Rodriguez Pro-Light deck which is supposed to be super light and ultra strong. Well, I went out and skated it with a brand new setup. I was extremely disappointed to see that it had very little pop and I couldn't ollie nearly as high as I could with all of the other boards I have skated. What urged me to write this review is that after TEN minutes of skating and doing a few flat ground tricks, I snapped the nose on an ollie north. TEN MINUTES. I can't get a hold of Plan B's customer support because their website is extremely unhelpful and they won't respond to any of my attempts to get a hold of them. ... Read more

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    Tue Oct 20 2009

    awesome designs i had the PJ Ladd fader deck the pop and concave on it was amazing i skated it for a year and hasnt chipped but after about 6 days it lost its popped so i stopped skating it theyre worth the price

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    Wed Oct 07 2009

    i had a plab for about 2 weeks and i pressure cracked the board over a small 4 stair set, pissed me off so much< and then two days after that i kick fliped the same 4 stair, and broke both my nose and tail at the same time, talked to the company and said they would send me a new board< been waiting two months now still no board in the mail< plan b sucks ass do not buy them go with santa cruz board aswome warrenties

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    Sat Oct 03 2009

    I got a Plan B Ryan Gallant Kingston ltd edition deck. Ive had it 5 months. It chipped so bad im down to the 6th layer of wood. It started off insanely good after about a week i could ollie about 30 inches. now after 5 months i can ollie about 5 inches. On my mates 1 year old board i can still get a good 20 25 inches. These boards are good for short term like 3 4 months but i wouldnt recommend it if you want to use that board for a while. It is a challenge just to ollie a 3 set. In the first 2 months i kickflipped a 6 stair. I really wouldnt recommend plan b because most of them lose pop soo quickly :( I am going to try out an enjoi

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    Mon Jun 08 2009

    my Plan B was good it got no chips or anything it razortailed in a month or more and then after about a month it snapped for me doing a boneless to caveman off a 6 ft ledge but i did land in the middle so im gettin another to try it out again.

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    Mon Jun 01 2009

    Plan B is Great!!! I Love the design!!! But the worst part is that I lost my pop in two months............ But I recommned you people to skate Plan B!!!

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    Sun May 31 2009

    its alright but its really thick

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    Sat May 16 2009

    I skated on my friends p-rod today i landed prolly 5 hardflips and 2 inward heelflips and he had his board for bout 5 months without a chip and he skates everyday on his half-pipe and his rails and just around and his hasnt chiped it just got week they r actully good and if u say u cant hardflip on them thats a lie cuz i landed 5 today so and my next board is defiently being a plan b

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    Mon May 11 2009

    ok check this i had plan b flair style bought it back in last setember. it only chipped away i mean the boards have mad concave and pop and i landed my first kickflipmannylate180 on 1 but the get weak easily when you dominate to much like my plan b p-rod deck that didnt snap it just got weak like this one.doesnt snap just gets weak

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    Sun May 03 2009

    when i was in S.F. i broke my old girl Mike Carroll big girl 4 deck, so i took a trip to skates on haight and bought a plan b out of pure impulse. BEST. DECISION. EVER! i got the pat duffy pantone deck with kruz, and at first it seemed rly heavy, but then the krux broke :( so i put on my old pair of silvers and they match perfectly with plan b decks. overall an awesome deck and the best buy out there.

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    Sat Apr 18 2009

    this tuesday i went to my local skate shop and picked up a plan b pat duffy acid trip deck. when i first skated it, i thought it was a little heavy. but soon after that i realized that its a really good board. very nice concave, nice pop and flip. i really love plan b decks, i will probably be getting another one here soon. if your looking for a good deck, give plan b a try.

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    Tue Apr 14 2009

    just got one yesterday skated it all day at rochester every one says they chip easy thats a load of bull i am going to always skate plan b the only reason they chip is because there using vert boards for street or street for vert

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    Wed Mar 25 2009

    Ok guys, I had 2 Plan B linotype decks and they freaking suck. I fakie big flipped about 5 times and then the whole top corner of my board started breaking off fast on both no lie. Plus it is completely hard to frontside flip and hardflip on them and its not because I suck at those tricks I can land them on my friends Girl board but not on the Plan B so they hardly have any flip. All im trying to say is I dont recommend you buying there Plan B linotype decks. I really cant say anything else on the other decks because I never rode any of them.

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    Tue Feb 10 2009

    there rubbish mine started chipping like hell ive got a ryan sheckler ashbury and the concave isnt particularly good and mine went oblong shape in two months i would not recomend them im getting a girl ............plan b suck

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    Tue Jan 06 2009

    ok boards. nothing too special about them. not very good concave. mine started to chip really bad after a while.

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    Sun Jan 04 2009

    Plan b are not as bad as many people say they are but i think they are still not that good.they have very long lasting boards,they have okay pop and flip i really like but after a while it felt like it got water log and i never left it out in the rain, and the layers get very week after while and chip like crazy after a couple of months intil it shrinks down to some small shit u didnt have b4 but they did last VERY long i had mine over a year and i took it down stair, big gaps,and rails and i really like the first 4-5 months but then it just didnt feel the same . :)

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    Sun Jan 04 2009

    i have a pj ladd one rite now and it has good pop. not too good of a concave...and it hasnt chipped yet. whenever u pop it, it sounds like it just snapped, but it was really ok.

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    Fri Dec 19 2008

    they are heavy and the boards chip very easily they are ok but the are plain sucky uim goin to be gettin a baker and people say they are light and durable im thinkin about gettin a baker plan b sucks balls thre chip like hell

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    Thu Nov 27 2008

    i havent used mine yet but wen i told my friend i got one he was like holy shit a fucking plan b??? holy shit man that tight so im lookin forward to using mine... i just gotta wait till my knee heals:)

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    Wed Nov 26 2008

    now i have actually tried two different plan b boards and they bothed really sucked they were ok weight and shape but there pop is the worst it feels like im riding something from wal-mart and they are flat across they have no concave at all they are easily the worst board i've ever tried and ryan sheckler sucks

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    Fri Nov 21 2008

    plan B decks are not that great. at first i was exited because of what people say about it. i have only had for about a month and a half and its chipped over 5 times already! HALF OF MY TAIL IS GONE! i use it more for transportation and it still got chipped so much its hard to ride. it very flimsey and heavy. i would not recomend it to people

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    Mon Nov 17 2008

    Hey World industries started this thing off.But overall they are GREAT boards.Great quality good graphics great pop and dont break easily.They have a good team like Paul rodriguez brain summer or Jereme rogers

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    Sun Nov 16 2008

    tons of great popi recomend this board

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    Sat Nov 15 2008

    well i own a p.rod battle axe and would like to say that the board has very little of a concave and the wood feels kind of cheap like its left over from old wood scraps also my cracks everytime i perform a kickflip but it hasn't broke so i give it 3 stars.

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    Tue Nov 11 2008

    my plan b ryan sheckler pro model got major chips in the board in under a month! the concave in the board stinks

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    Mon Nov 10 2008

    Whoever said that you'd be better off buying a walmart board is an idiot. I'm not the biggest fan of Plan B skateboards but i've skated a few and they are not even close what so ever to a anti quality board from wal mart. They truly are not that bad of a board. The majority of their team do ride for DC footwear which also do not make that shitty of a product so thats some sort of relivence that their team isn't there just for cash. .htm

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    Sat Oct 18 2008

    plan b are probably the best decks they have great pop,concave and can really slide and move

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    Tue Oct 07 2008


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    Thu Sep 04 2008

    Plan-B decks are some of the worst decks. the only reason they have a good team is because they could afford to pay them cause they're graphics and name and logo and popular other than that they have no pop,concave,or shape you would be better off buying a wal-mart brand

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    Fri Aug 22 2008

    best decks ever

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    Thu Jul 31 2008

    my friend has one and it has god pop but it doesnt slide at all

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    Mon Jul 14 2008


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    Fri Jul 11 2008

    good board pretty strong nothing special

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    Thu Jul 10 2008

    plan b have nice concave,pop,and are good overall. snap eaisily. very light