Pit Bulls

Approval Rate: 48%

48%Approval ratio

Reviews 19

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    Tue Sep 08 2009

    Only of their owners, who use them for attacks. I have actually met quite a few of them, up close ever, and I am still alive and intact.

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    Mon Sep 07 2009

    Only if their owner made them mean.

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    Mon Sep 07 2009

    The American Staffordshire terrier is one of several breeds of dog known as the 'pit bull.' Because several dogs are included in this description, the injury rate is understandably quite high. This would be the equivelant of saying that all blacks are dangerous and then prove it by showing prison statistics of blacks, latinos, Asians, Italians and Iraqi's. However, I will confine this review to the Am. Staff because they are one of the more popular breeds of pit bull. The Am. Staff was bred to fight, this proves beyond a shadow of doubt that people back then were cruel and starved for entertainment. Because they were bred to fight, it was very important that they be highly tractable and have loyal temperments. Am. Staffs are true terriers, they are active, playful and confident. At the turn of the 20th century they were very popular family pets it was not until the last 30 years or so that people began to fear them. When trained using positive ennforcement (as you should do with all do... Read more

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    Sat Jul 11 2009

    These dogs are nervous and high strung. They can be made to do much harm. They bear watching, but many breeds in the canine kingdom fall into the same category.

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    Sat Jul 11 2009

    "That was strange, my Pit never attacked anybody before". I don't want me or my family on the other end of that statement.

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    Sat Jul 11 2009

    The ones I've Known have been Friendly, but they tend to jump a lot and seem to have a lot of Energy. Seems like a good dog to go Hiking with.

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    Sat Jul 11 2009

    I hate the damn things, and I tire of the excuses. If I see one in my yard....target practice. It is such a load of crap when people say that "it all depends on the owner", etc. How often do you hear about a Lab or an Irish Setter chewing the face off a two-year-old? These monsters have been bred for fighting and killing- it is in the DNA.

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    Sat Jul 11 2009

    I'm only familiar with two of these beasts. The one who lives in New York likes to have his ears scratched. The other one - who lives in Florida - might lick you to death, if you don't watch out. http://tinyurl.com/4fdxm

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    Fri Jul 10 2009

    I work in people's houses as a satellite dish installer, and I meet alot of dogs on these jobs. Sometimes a Pit gets put away because the dog is "funny with people" and sometimes they're frickin' babies. Know the difference and you won't get the business from them most times. For the record, the most vicious customer's dog I have encountered was a chihuahua named Chiquita. Its a good thing I was wearing jeans that day.

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    Wed Oct 24 2007

    Fear these lousy mutts, their owners, who are mostly sleazy dirtbags or some sappy freaks who think they are misunderstood.

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    Tue Oct 23 2007

    You betcha. Staying clear of them, I am.

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    Sun Nov 12 2006

    no one should play with this animal.

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    Sun Nov 12 2006

    Again, I am rating on the "danger" factor here. These dogs are not AS dangerous as people perceive them to be. Every dog is different of course, but for the most part they are a product of their upbringing. If a dog is taught aggressive behavior, it will be aggressive. If it is abused, it will defend itself. If the dog is brought up in a friendly environment, the dog is more than likely to remain friendly and family oriented. My advice though: if you want a pitbull, get it as a puppy. You never know how it was raised otherwise, and you don't know what behavior it has learned to live by. A puppy gives you a clean slate to bring it up however you want.

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    Fri Jan 13 2006

    I own a male pitbull, named Rocky. He's 90 lbs. of pure terror to any sock laying around the house. He has also mauled a few remote controls. And it's hard to even talk about what he did to the trash a few weeks ago...lol. But people are the last the thing in the world that have to worry about my 90lb baby. He has let my two year old nephew do everything but seriously hurt him go with nothing more than a lick on the face. People who judge these great dogs by the few assholes that turn them into crazed animals. All they want is to be loved and taken care of and they will be the best dog, and friend you ever had.

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    Wed Nov 16 2005

    i own 2 pit bulls. one is a brindle named apocalypse shortchop and the other one is a red nose named shady. i also have a cat named mimi hatchetface and she is meaner than the 2 dogs combined. neither one of my dogs have ever bit anyone and ive owned paco now for 9 years and shady for 4 years. it is in how you raise them. they are loyal and well trained dogs, they are territorial so if trained right they will never even leave your yard(their territory) even if you leave a gate open etc...pitbulls get a bad name because of irresponsible owners and bad training. their ability to lock jaw and rip something or someone to shreds makes an untrained or illtrained pitbull very dangerous. i'm not afraid my dogs will hurt someone as much as im afraid that those uneducated about pitbulls will hurt my dogs.

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    Fri Nov 11 2005

    Im the proud owner of a female pitbull named Kyra and she is the most friendly, gentle dog i have owned to date (and i've had several) She is friendly to everyone she encouters, and gets along great with children. She loves to go outside and 'babysit' the children next door as they play in the yard, they love to put doggie outfits on her and play ' dress up'. I really hate that people give them such a bad reputation, it really is all in how you raise them i mean if she was so vicious would she be mothering a 4 week old abandoned kitten right now?? I have seen cats meaner than my pit-bull. So please to all of those that insist that pit-bulls are all rabid dangerous kid killers- please keep you opinions to yourself untill you get a clue as to what the dogs are really like.

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    Tue May 10 2005

    One of the few breeds that are banned in certain areas of the country. The breed has a bad rap but many cases of dog attacks on people and other animals are pit bulls. I also agree that is has a lot to do with how they are raised and kept but they do seem to have the vicious trait.

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    Mon May 09 2005

    I am really sick of mike spouting his mouth off about these dogs. I have a pitbull who saved my life numerous times! Maggie is a heroine, Mike! You don't know her so please shut the hell up. I'm sorry, but you advocated the killing of pitbulls. I read it with my own eyes. I couldn't help but wonder how dumb you are. Sorry, Mike. This is a reason that I'm really smoking with rage. If you ever tried to hurt my dog, I'd have you locked up in a women's prison next to Courtney Love and the future's next Aileen Wuornos. Not every pitbull attacks kids, mike. If you were smart, You'd see that. My pitbull Maggie loves kids and she's protected me from rapists. But according to you, mike, My pitbull is evil. You mention the case of ONE pitbull a few years ago attacking a kid but you never mention the abusive owners of pitbull puppies who beat them to death, Mike get a clue!

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    Mon May 09 2005

    When raised and treated right they make wonderful pets. I've had one Pit Bull in my life and she was a loving, playful dog who loved being the center of attention and playing with the kids. When raised wrong they can be the most dangerous dog in the world. But it's people who cause this problem not the dog.