Physical Education
Approval Rate: 58%
Reviews 0
by baccerchewer57
Sat Mar 12 2011I don't see why this is listed in Toughest school subjects, i can see physical education being a real tuffy if your overweight or what not but it was more like 50/50, stuff like weightlifting was fun, the games like baseball, hockey, dodgeball was fun, it was tough ,though ,doing the laps and during the phsyical tests the one week, and the1 mile lap time wasn't that fun too me
by conus4cf
Mon Aug 30 2010I was always a softy when it came to sports. When I was a kid, I was only good at dodge-ball and basketball, but I wasn't good at other sports. I cannot pull myself up during chin-ups. In the weight room around 9th grade, I didn't know how to bench a 25-pound bar. I still can't bench the bar today.
by misspackrat4je_sus
Thu Jul 01 2010It wasn't bad, as it encouraged physical activity. I'll admit, I kind of liked playing badminton. My worst problem with P.E. was my self-consciousness about wearing gym shorts. I used to have an odd self-image about my body in those days, especially my thighs.
by jedi58
Tue Sep 22 2009I was rubbish at this subject - I did enjoy football (soccer to you Americans) and some of the other sports (especially Athletics) but I was never that good. I remember constantly trying to do the 100m faster but I could never beat 2 other people in my year :( EDIT: actually just remembered I did enjoy volleyball and basketball enough to do them after school so I probably should have given this 2 stars? When it came to GSCE I took the option that was more theory than practical and it was still incredibly boring as it mostly covered things already taught in Biology combined with things that just didn't interest me.
by osagepony
Tue Sep 22 2009"Phys. Ed." is an oxymoron. Dodgeball is bloodsport. You have it in you, or feel balls on you. Physical, but not educational. Anything too much fun rules out education.
by wiseguy
Mon Sep 21 2009I did well here, thanks in part to the Roseville Michigan police department.
by fitman
Mon Sep 21 2009I can't imagine co-ed gym, but the gf's kids tell me that's how it is at their school here in FLA.
by chalky
Mon Sep 21 2009Phys Ed is a good way to go. Students need exercise. I just think schools need to do a better job hiring good gym teachers instead of that stereotypical chad you see on tv (but in reality, those are the ones teaching the class in real life).
by mr_matt
Sat Aug 02 2008hooray for sports!
by paula5816
Mon Jul 21 2008This class was great 'cause half the time you were goofing off in the locker rooms...and then I took Weight Training with Mr. teacher, I was a senior and he was so darn cute...I held the record for leg press that year and several years after that, coincidence...I don't think so...
by punkluv2000
Fri Jul 18 2008ugghh... how tedious and miserable..
by crystal911
Fri Jul 11 2008hate P.E.
by jessie_loo
Thu Jun 26 2008i love bein active n gettin down n dirty!
by brenden
Fri Jun 20 2008It's really not that hard.
by oo_michelle_oo
Thu Jun 19 2008Public humiliation. Let me recommend Summer PE.
by mecha_becca_loves_ian
Tue Jun 17 2008easy A
by kelsey943
Thu Jun 12 2008gym is amazing in school... especailly football
by g8rhoo
Sat May 31 2008It seems like a good idea, but in the real world, it isn't.
by myspace_270507871
Wed May 28 2008Three words Girls in Sports
by myspace_30849171
Tue May 06 2008Sucked except for swim team :P
by genghisthehun
Tue Apr 29 2008Not my favorite, but it was a pain in the as* several times a week. Looking back on it, it was o.k.
by lmorovan
Mon Apr 28 2008I was one of the lucky ones and was excused from it on the basis that, being a in the national gymnastic team, they didn't want to be responsible for anything happening to me while fooling around in the courts.. Of curse I always passed it with the highest grades. LOL. Sometimes privileges have their "benefits."
by trebon1038
Mon Apr 28 2008I think its good for kids that never are active. When I was in school it was a waste of time for me because when I got home I was riding two or three horses on a regular basis...not to mention cleaning up after them!
by magellan
Sun Apr 27 2008I always thought of Phys Ed as sports for people that don't like sports, which makes it sort of miserable. If you like sports, you're on a team.
by twansalem
Mon Feb 18 2008PE was kind of a joke in my high school. Our prinicipal actually told us once that PE was worthless, and that if it wasn't a state requirement, we wouldn't have it at all. As it was, we had PE once a week for 45 minutes. If it was warm outside, we played softball or kickball outside. During volleyball season the net was usually up in the gym, so we played volleyball. For about a month during winter we walked to the nearest bowling alley. The rest of the time we played kickball in the gym.
by uncnc08
Mon Feb 18 2008I enjoyed P.E.most of the time.In high school we only had to take one semester of it,which I think is rediculous. In junior high and elementary it was fun depending on what coach you had and what 'sport' you where playing,for example every six weeks we would change to a different.class and sport and I hated football yes,they made girls play football. But as well I did like softball and volleyball.Either way it wa better than math class.
by going2oahu
Wed Feb 06 2008I used to hate gym class (phys. ed.)! I was real active in band and I thought I got plenty of exercise in that class. The thing I hated most was showering after class was over. I think I'm okay looking, but I was real uncomfortable being in front of so many people naked. I have since found out that showering in gym class is a major issue with lots of people. Going2Oahu
by louiethe20th
Mon Jan 14 2008Only the druggies and fat kids didn't like to go to gym class!
by zuchinibut
Sun Jan 13 2008I loved PE in elementary school. It was a well needed break in the week to be able to just run around and play games. I loved it. In high school it got pretty lame. I was an athlete and it wasn't enjoyable playing games with guys who didn't want to be there. Luckily I only had to take it freshman year, so my PE memories are mostly good.
by blue47
Tue May 01 2007I played football and track.
by broodinghen
Mon Apr 30 2007In fact it's great and necessary, but I cannot remember any other subject that filled me with such profound LOATHING as physical education. The only bright spot was volleyball.
by somalicat
Sat Mar 24 2007I was a klutz (still am) so I hated it, especially since we had gym on a daily basis. The only decent thing was the balance beam, and I kid you not, disco.
by drummond
Fri Mar 09 2007Unfortunately, it's being cut out, as we become one of the most obese countries in the world.
by cherrysoda99
Thu Jun 01 2006I hated, hated, hated, HATED gym for about 9 years, but this year is the last year I had to take it, and he just let us walk around the school all class.
by numbah16tdhaha
Thu Jun 01 2006It wasn't bad for me, but I have a cross country and a track letter. Even the running I did in the Marines was kinda boring until I got some rank and could run my troops 'till they puked. (numbah is a sadistic freak)
by molfan
Tue May 30 2006P.E. was okay in school. this was years ago but did not recall having a horrid time there. I was about in the middle athletic wise. not awful but not star either. got through for the most part with no awful memories.
by dumbblondecowg_irl
Fri May 05 2006I loved Phys. Ed. Maybe I'm one of the few, but I enjoyed the chance to be let loose outside to get out the excess energy I had to stifle all day sitting in a classroom.
by vudija
Sun Apr 30 2006I liked PE up until my freshman year of hs. I had played sports all of my life, which I am told eventually led to the problems I had with them in high school. By 9th grade, I had problems with my knees and ankles which led to days when I was physically unable to change into my gym uniform. My mother about had a field-day when she found out that they wanted to give me a referral, a week's detention, and 2 Saturday's because I didn't dress out enough for class, especially since the space I would take up could easily be used for people who were non-productive members of that year's freshman class.
by historyfan
Wed Mar 15 2006Most P.E. courses, if not all, grade on effort rather than athletic ability because some kids just cannot run an 8 min. mile. I was out of shape and unathletic as a kid (I wish I was) but I still kept getting As in P.E. like it was nothing. I give this course three stars instead of two because sometimes P.E. is a little rough.
by ih8rateitall
Mon Mar 13 2006A 2.38 rating? How can you not like p.e.? Physical Education is America dudes.
by butyubchubstub
Sat Jan 14 2006I don't think I've laughed quite this hard in a long time. The comments in here should be seperated as such: Those who royally suck at sports on one side; Those who have extraordinary talent on the other. I personally feel that PE should be offered, yet not required. If people want to be obese, let them be. If they want to stay in shape, let them be.
by ndfeb39a
Fri Oct 07 2005It is a great thing to have manditory up till middleschool. After that the students have learned how to stay in shape and it is their responsibalyy to do so.
by 93century
Tue Jul 12 2005I was always an imaginary person, so gym class never appealed to me. I did not like the activities or the people. I never could swim either. When they were picking teams, i was always the last one picked.
by kingguiness
Fri Jul 08 2005It should be based on just doing basic execises. Then the Instructor should just allow the kids to play the games they feel comfortable playing. If a kid sucks at basketball then let him play baseball.
by inmyopinion
Mon Jun 13 2005You know, being one of the least athletic people in my school, i was very glad to only have to take it my freshman year. But shortly afterward, durring my sophomore year, i realized that i was not in great physical condition, i wasn't obese, but rather scrawny. P.E helped me because it was the only real workout i got. This should only be necessary for kids who aren't athletic or sick. I will never forget the kid in my 9th grade P.E class, who had asthma, he would have an attack at least twice a week. Those kids should be exempt, and i think now they are. Athletes don't really need PE, but they seemed to enjoy it the most.
by redoedo
Mon Jun 13 2005I got this out of the way my first year of high school. Absolutely dreadful waste of time.
by canadasucks
Mon Mar 28 2005No way. Easiest class to skip!
by gentle_jude
Mon Feb 14 2005In the beginning, especially when I was a grade 8, I hated it, because of all the testosterone and the fact that the bigger boys would make fun of and bully the year 8's, especially me! Sometimes, you get some really horrible and rough people in physed. The teachers had a real attitude! (not a bad one). They were funny. But as I got older and especially being in a class full of my friends, I found it to be a really good subject which I enjoyed. The thing which makes physed enjoyable is having good, mature company. Physed can be the worst subject if you don't have good company. On a practical note, I'd give this a 2 (not necessary to learn).
by laurie_strode
Wed Feb 02 2005i hated this class i was teased my teacher will always yell at me and it is a waste of time i would be playing a game and miss a ball and the teacher will yell at me and send me to sit on the benches and while i will be walking to the benches i will over hear the teacher and the athletic students gigiling and laughing not in a kiddy way but in a boy is that kid stupid way i was emoitionlly hurt the kids will tease me all the time.
by lanceroxas
Sat Jan 08 2005Probably the only class I aced in high school...LOL