General-purpose scripting language geared towards web development Website

Approval Rate: 80%

80%Approval ratio

Reviews 10

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    Wed Aug 02 2023

    As a seasoned web developer, I can confidently say that PHP is an incredible language that continues to impress me with its versatility and power. Over the years, PHP has become the backbone of the internet, powering a vast majority of websites and web applications, and for good reason. One of the standout features of PHP is its ease of use. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, PHP's straightforward syntax and extensive documentation make it accessible to all. Its C-like structure, combined with dynamic typing, enables quick prototyping and rapid development, allowing me to turn ideas into functional code within no time.

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    Mon Jul 08 2024

    PHP is a beginner-friendly scripting language that excels in web development. Its large community, extensive frameworks, and free-to-use nature make it a popular choice for building dynamic websites and applications. However, it can lack the strictness of some languages, potentially leading to code quality issues.

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    Wed May 15 2024

    PHP is one of the best programming languages

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    Wed May 08 2024

    PHP is my first learned in programming world. I've been more than 5 years being a friend with PHP. It have easy syntax, easy develop, easy maintain and easy deploy. It also have a super large community in many countries that can be collaborate to build it to be more .. powerfull.

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    Fri Apr 19 2024

    Язык с очень запутанным синтаксисом. Все, что может PHP - ест и в других языках, только лучше.

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    Tue Feb 27 2024

    - Easy to use - Multi paradigm, OOP, functional, procedural - Huge community (See communities of Symfony or Laravel) - Share nothing architecture by default i.e. if a request fails, it won't affect other requests - Tons of high quality libraries, see - composer, the best package manager there is

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    Sat Jan 20 2024

    I really love to work with PHP, because you can start using it in a simple way or you can study and do really big things. Some people in the internet says that PHP is dying, but year by year the PHP community brings improvements, bug fixes and a lot of evolution for that language. In the forums, communities and freelancers websites, you can see a lot of people talking about PHP, looking for new programmers and the language keep growing and growing.

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    Tue Oct 17 2023

    PHP is a beloved backend programming language known for its simplicity, versatility, and active community support. It enables rapid development of web applications with a vast library of functions, making common operations easy. PHP is highly compatible with different systems, cost-effective as it's open source, and has a proven track record with well-known web applications. It offers security features, cross-platform compatibility, and strong database integration. PHP's ability to embed within HTML, support for APIs, and scalability make it a versatile choice for web development.

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    Mon Sep 11 2023

    One of the most widely used languages for web development. Its syntax is not so common when compared to other languages but the programming experience is good.

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    Wed Aug 30 2023

    The programming language that is used the most for web development in the world right now. If you learn it, there are so many doors that open up for you.