
Approval Rate: 74%

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    Fri Nov 19 2010

    I have seen my fair share of Phish shows although I didn't go nuts with it and sell veggie burritos begging for money from show to show like some people I know/met (not trying to hate on those people, some very cool people). Phish actually tried to persuade people not to do that kind of thing (feed off of Phish) by making tickets more expensive, doing less shows, and making the shows farther and farther apart, which I totally understand, they don't want to be responsible for these people's daily life. I really like all their music up to and through the early 2000's. The stuff they are doing now, after their hiatus is okay but I never really got into it. They took the whole, expensive shows, do just a few shows thing a little far. You have to spend a few hundred bucks in some cases just to see them and that's if you're lucky. That being said, Phish is one of the sickest set of musicians on the planet. Some of their, what I call 'thick' jams are completely mind blowing and grooviliciou... Read more

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    Thu Jun 12 2008

    i still love these guys, though i cant listen to anything live earlier than 93, and especially love the deep interesting jamming of 97 on. yeah a lot of their lyrics are silly, esp the early stuff, but some of their later compositions, are really nice. there are a lot a songs that dont do it for me anymore, but if they jam it out well enough, it hooks me. the only good record is the experimental sicket disc, it actually flows like a real album. anybody who ws more into their open-ended psych jamming should check out the old krautrock bands from germany, like CAN, FAUST, and NEU. trust me its worth a shot.

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    Mon Jul 10 2006

    I dont dig this jam rock, pseudo hippie doodling but they really do have some good songs. Especially Farmhouse. Out of spite I like that album because all the Phish heads dont. I had to change my rating to 4. They really are a good band. Not everything they do is my cup of tea but, they are talented.

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    Sat Jun 11 2005

    phish is timeless....I like farmhouse and I'm a phishhead ;) I would love to be there too, i had tickets to the zooma tour but then it was cancelled.

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    Tue Mar 08 2005

    a decent band. more studio mis-fires than gems, but i liken that to Phish being similar to the Dead in that their best work is captured on the stage. that said, I believe Farmhouse is the band's most complete studio work, followed closely by Billy Breathless.

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    Fri Oct 08 2004

    phish is really good musically w/silly my opinion, they got too big too fast and that was their ultimate real great albums, just a good live concert.

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    Sun Sep 19 2004

    One of the better bands I have ever heard. They aren't a band for people who think marijuana is the devils weed, but if you like to do a jay or two they might be for you. I like them...

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    Thu Aug 12 2004

    Thank God it's all going to be over soon. Creed and Phish both gone in the same year. It's a beautiful thing.

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    Fri Jul 30 2004

    Hmm, maybe a reason some of their songs suck is because they were written when THEY WERE 12!!! If you don't understand the essence of Phish, it doesn't do much good to criticize their music because they have made strides beyond belief. Just check out the fall 97 tour (FUNK!!!) and then you'll get what they're all about

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    Mon Mar 29 2004

    wow...ther best live band i have ever heard...they can turn a 3 m in song into a 45 min jam session that doesnt get old...get baked and hit up one of their concerts and its heaven.

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    Thu Mar 18 2004

    Come on guys, all of you who are bashing Phish either havnt given them a chance or are too disgustingly biased against them because they aren't metal. Well, as an old metal head all I have to say is that Phish is one of the greatest bands I've ever heard. To all of you who think Phish is amazing you know exactly what I'm talking about when I say that the raw feel to their music rivals any act I've ever heard. And as for those of you who were bashing them, well, if you've given them an honest chance I'll respect your opinion, but if you're just calling them lame because they aren't metal, for the love of god get out of your parents basement and broaden your horizons a bit. There's a lot more to music than Metallica and Ozzy, and while I respect both those groups immensely, they can't hold a candle to Phish. And for the rest of you who say that all Phish fans are nothing but stoner what? Loosen up and just get into the music.

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    Fri Jan 30 2004

    Are you experienced?, if you are, you will love this band! But, if you have no foundation in Zappa, the Dead, Floyd, Zep, Jazz, or free form live music you probably won't get it. Phish is one of the best bands out there, the fact that they can sell 100,000 ticket venues without the help of MTV, Clearchannel, or radio play says it all. But wait, forget that, there are already too many people catching on... I take my comments back, Phish suck, never go see them... but, if you have an extra, I could use it.

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    Sat Dec 06 2003

    They are extremely talented and I just love the music they have created over the years. Even those songs that aren't as well developed as the others are usually still good because of the great lyrics they create. I just love their new album round room, it relaxes me.

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    Mon Aug 11 2003

    Jam bands like Phish are just for neo-hippies and overly analytical music snobs who think music has to be showy in order to be good. They have no songwriting talent.

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    Thu Apr 03 2003

    Stupid, lame schlock for people with child-level intelligence. That Wilson nonsense is about the worst crap I've ever heard. And to think people take that trash seriously.

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    Thu Mar 06 2003

    Phish is back. New Years was a blast! Thank you for Phish music.

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    Tue Jan 14 2003

    Despite their cult following, Phish is oftentimes mind-numbingly bad. Many of their songs just seem to drag on forever, while many others are populated with nonsensical, stupid lyrics. There is no doubt that the members of this band are talented musicians, but jamming for 20 minutes or more straight like they do in concert is really not entertaining in the least unless you are stoned out of your mind (which most people at their concerts are).

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    Mon Nov 11 2002

    I see that many people posting here seem to either love or hate Phish. There's not a lot of "Well it's got a good beat, so I give it a 4" reactions. This reminds me of the general public's usual reaction to any art that stretches the limits (like modern art and jazz). Those that don't understand it (perhaps because they were never shown what to look for) automatically don't like it. Maybe because they don't want to make the effort to understand, or maybe becaue they were never exposed to the art or music that came before and influenced the current new creation, so they have no foundation. People without a strong musical background probably think of Phish's music as "confusing, chaotic, and weird" They may think, "I don't understand it, therefore I don't like it". But some of us... ready, trained, familiar with what came before and open to new things, think, "This is AMAZING! It's completely different! It's interesting, technically challenging, straight up FUN, and I LOVE IT!... Read more

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    Sun Aug 11 2002

    Exceptional musicians. If only their music had a snappy pop beat I could dance to, like N SYNC and Brittany Spears...

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    Wed Mar 20 2002

    Being hippies is bad enough, but being corporate merchandising whores living off the afterglow of the equally s*itty Grateful Dead is even worse.

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    Sat Feb 24 2001

    They created a cult-like following. That says something!!

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    Sun Feb 11 2001

    The 90s by far was the WORST decade for popular music ever, and the 2000s have started out even worse. I don't know why the idiotic public loves to go for pre-fabricated teen pop that lacks any iota of intelligence, unpredictability and originality. Luckily, there is one genre of modern popular music that really has grown, and IS the direct descendant of the best 60s and 70s rock (the decades when you were able to feel proud of the music you listened to).....Jam Bands. Jam music is basically improvosational guitar rock graced by stunning guitar solos, intelligent lyrics and amazing in-concert experiences. No band today captures the style and spirit of the 60s and 70s better than Phish. A Phish concert is something to experienced, every show is different, and there are always new & tasty things popping up. Trey, Page, Mike & Fish always work so well together. Although there's plenty of room for solo, they never resort to showboating, thus their music stays fresh and interesting. Phish's... Read more

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    Tue Dec 19 2000

    Phish is the most unreal experience you will ever have. The band is amazing. If you don't like them it is because you don't understand, or maybe you just have something against having fun. As a musician I strive to become half as talented as Trey and it amazes me that their are people out their who like weak acts like DMB more than these guys. My life revolves around these guys!!!!!

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    Wed Nov 15 2000

    Probably my favorite of the so called Jam Bands. They combine interesting, lyrics, "Your Hands and Feet are Mangos... You're going to be a genius anyway," with catchy, albeit drawn out, music. This Vermont band is aiming to be the next Grateful Dead.

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    Sat May 06 2000


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    Sun Apr 09 2000

    Live shows are fantastic. Studio albums are super. What other band can play so many different styles of music and put so much energy into them all

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    Thu Dec 16 1999

    Phish rocks my world. Can you think of another band who can play such a wide variety of songs, originals and covers, that span so many genres? I didn't think so.

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    Fri Dec 10 1999

    Phish rocks!!!

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    Tue Nov 30 1999

    Jam bands are always underappreciated. But, they are GOOD. Phish doesn't have any real good radio cuts, but the don't need any. These guys are all about the music.