Pet Rocks
Approval Rate: 63%
Reviews 16
by x_factor_z
Tue Nov 20 2007Actually I liked them better than dogs, at least they didn't bark too much or crap everywhere. The person who came up with this probably had the last laugh. Otherwise, just a good gag gift, a reason to waste money.
by kattwoman
Wed May 17 2006i would never have paid for one when there are so many out there in need of good homes and are free.
by silver_eagle_252
Mon May 08 2006I wish I thought of this fad. It wasn't so much the rock itself, but I remember laughing all the way through the instruction booklet which I thought was pretty clever even though it was kind of stupid. My pet rock left me because it was sad and needed a boulder to cry on.
by irishgit
Mon Feb 20 2006I'd like to take my pet rock collection and use it on your collector plate collection.
by molfan
Tue Oct 25 2005pretty harmless. they were the fad when i was in high school. I never had one but I others who did. My goodness it cost about $5.00 for this little stone in a box with straw. It even came with instructions what a laugh. and to think at least for awhile someone made some good dough off thinking this one up.
by gentle_jude
Tue Oct 25 2005That is stupid to sell stones that you just find on the street or in the backyard. Next, we should start selling pet dirt or birdettes (feathers!). But I suppose you can't blame em, they are only kids! I think I would worry though if the parent started doing this. If anyone ever gives them money, it is purely out of pitty.
by sixty7a
Sun Mar 13 2005Gotta love anyone who actually bought one of these, instead of just picking one up off the ground and painting a face on it for free. (If you had to have one.)
by minkey
Sun Jan 09 2005I don't dislike pet rocks for the same reasons as everyone else. When I was a kid I had one and thought it was pretty cool. The problem arose due to my compulsion to throw anything that is remotely shaped like a baseball. I distinctly remember and cringe on occasion when I think back to an accident I had with pet rock when I was about 10 years old. I was lying on the couch waiting for my Dad to come home and play catch. To ease my boredom I was tossing the pet rock in the air and catching it. My Mom told me it wasn't a good idea, but I was 10 what did I care? Well one time I didn't catch it and it knocked out a few of my teeth. Painful. No more pet rock after that.
by scarletfeather
Wed Dec 01 2004It's pretty sad if your only friend is a pet rock. And if you're in love with your pet rock, I don't even want to go there.
by seraph
Wed Dec 01 2004People will buy anything, and here's the proof.
by andrewscott
Mon Aug 02 2004I sent my pet to a rehab clinic. She was always acting stoned.
by jamie_mcbain
Sun Aug 01 2004Damn! If I thought of that idea, I would be a millionare!
by pikachan
Sat Mar 06 2004Yeah, it is irritating. Why would you blow cash on some dorky rock in some box when you can just get one from your own back yard!?
by tvtator
Sun Dec 14 2003One of the stupidest fads ever around! People actually fell for this and spent money on these things? Hello if you want an inanimate object such as a rock as a pet, then go outside, and pick out your own rock and give it a name. Another thing, rocks are not pets!
by castlebee
Wed Oct 29 2003Silly, dumb, borderline retarded...oh, yeah! I only wish I'd thought of it first!
by ladyshark4534
Tue Oct 28 2003The only pet you can't interact with!