Pepsi Reviews | RateItAll


Carbonated soft drink manufactured by PepsiCo Website

Approval Rate: 76%

76%Approval ratio

Reviews 49

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    Mon Jul 24 2023

    Very high % of sugar :/

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    Mon Jul 25 2011

    Regardless of the taste, I am boycotting Pepsi because they used the Spice Girls in their commercials. If you feature talent-free idiots in your TV commercials, I am banning you.

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    Fri Jul 22 2011

    im drinking it now and its pretty good and refreshing

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    Tue Jun 28 2011

    normally if im out and i order coke and they only have pepsi i will opt for sugar free tea, pepsi is so damn nasty sweet and besides its always gonna be the coke wanna be ,it did come out after coke

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    Thu Jun 23 2011

    One every now and then is ok.

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    Thu Jun 16 2011

    Love it. Much better than Coca Cola.

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    Sun Feb 27 2011

    i say pepsi is an allright product, i mean i like the taste of it but sometimes its a little too much, it like bloats my stomach up,, i also think its a lil on the too sweet side, it doesnt seem to quench my thirst that well in the summer

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    Wed Jan 26 2011

    Pepsi Is a milder soft drink-with a sweet taste--again as with cokes, Pepsi's die all too quick and have also lost alot of it's bite!!

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    Fri Jan 21 2011

    pepsi is a great drink as well i love it when its ice cold its good for your money the only thing i hate about the drink is it gets flat to quick but other than that its ok

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    Wed Dec 08 2010

    Yes, it is a good drink but drink it too much will causes cavities.

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    Sun Oct 10 2010

    Love it, great soda, but coke is my fave

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    Mon Sep 13 2010

    I love the 16 ounce cans you can get from gas stations and mini marts for a buck. Its the right amount of Pepsi for the right price, a dollar!

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    Wed May 19 2010

    a 2 liter bottle of soda has the same calories as a STICK OF BUTTER. I'm just sayin'...

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    Sun Feb 28 2010

    People often say "What's the difference?" when refering to Coca-Cola and Pepsi. The truth is, there is a difference, and Pepsi falls short to the greatness of Cola.

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    Thu Dec 31 2009

    tasts like dirt and sugar mixed together. the ads make it look like the drink for pop culture followers who live on myspace and listen to britany spears while talking on a cell phone and using "like" at least 10 times in each sentanec

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    Wed Sep 02 2009

    I prefer the Diet kind but to some people Pepsi is just pepsi!

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    Wed Sep 02 2009

    Much sweeter than Coke, but I will say that to my taste buds, it has a more syropy flavour that I like. In the world of international oligopoly over the cola, Pepsi ranks the best.

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    Wed Sep 02 2009

    Eversince I was a child, I've loved Pepsi. Back in 1981 I started collecting the Pepsi lids that had letters under them. When a person found the following letters , they won $1000 bucks. The letters were C-H-A-L-L-E-N-G-E. The letter A was the hardest to be found. I could never find the A. Pepsi probably made very few of them. It would've been neat to have had $1000 dollars at the age of ten but it didn't happen. I've always enjoyed Pepsi. I like its taste but my brother does not. I liked the former white Pepsi cans more than the present blue ones. When Coca-Cola fixed the taste of the New Coke, it tasted similar to Pepsi. I give Pepsi a 4 star rating.

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    Mon Jul 06 2009

    I prefer this soft drink just a bit more than coke. It is sweater, that's for sure, but I kinda prefer that! However, if it gets even a little bit flat, the flavor gets annoying. The same can not be said for coke, which often tastes a bit better when a lil flat.

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    Sun Jun 21 2009

    Flat! I always think that Pepsi taste flat. I have tried it many times, and in diet and regular and I think it taste flat. It also goes flatter much than Coke! I recently tried Pepsi Throwback and liked it because it tasted like Coke! Pepsi is not better than Coke!

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    Tue Jun 02 2009

    Pepsi is a very good soda. It is very sweet, but that seems to be a part of its charm. It’s slightly less carbonated than Coke, but overall a good soda choice as well.

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    Sat May 23 2009

    When I was a kid, and drank a lot more soda than I do now, I preferred Coke to Pepsi. I didn't necessarily dislike a pinch, I'd drink it with alacrity...but it seemed to have a different taste to it that, for whatever reason, was less preferable to me than Coke (I'm talking about the old Coke that was made with real sugar, not the vile corn syrup shit they peddle nowadays). My parents tended to buy Pepsi rather than Coke, as they claimed it was less sweet. In my old age, I drink water, lemonade, or grape juice; I stay away from soda altogether at this point. The only time I'll drink when I'm having a particularly nasty migraine. The caffeine does help somewhat with the pain, and the concoction itself does help settle my stomach. That's the only time, though, that I'll partake. I don't drink it for pleasure or to quench my thirst.

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    Fri May 22 2009

    Makes me thirstier when I drink it and it's too sweet.

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    Sun Apr 26 2009

    Too sweet. Too much caffeine and leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

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    Fri Mar 20 2009

    Not as much carbonation as coke. Better tasting and being a born and raised Georgian with both parents working for the coco-cola corp. that is almost treason. I might be dead after I post bury me with a Pepsi.

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    Wed Dec 10 2008

    If I wanted a Pepsi, I could open a Coke and let it sit for a day.

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    Sun Aug 17 2008

    I have always loved the taste of a good cold Pepsi. Pepsi is sweeter than coke.

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    Tue Aug 05 2008

    I absolutely love Pepsi. Restaurants that serve Pepsi tend to be my favorite. It just tastes better than Coca-Cola.

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    Thu May 08 2008

    My all time favorite colla. Not so common in the EU. My favorite variety is Pepsi Max.

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    Sun Apr 27 2008

    terrible in comparison to really anything, its like medicine

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    Sun Apr 20 2008

    I Love Pepsi, But I Still Think Coca-Cola Is Better. Never the less, 5 out of 5, as this is a classic as well.

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    Wed Feb 20 2008

    The best carbonated beverage on the market

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    Sun Dec 09 2007

    Please make Pepsi with real cane sugar instead of that lousy corn syrup that is making people fat!

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    Wed Dec 05 2007

    Too sweet, and it tastes watered down at the same time. Sugar water. It also goes flat way too fast.

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    Mon Aug 06 2007

    I'm not fond of colas but as colas go I think Pepsi's the best. Doesn't hold up well to ice, however. Gets flat really fast.

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    Mon Aug 06 2007

    I do not drink regular Pepsi, as I find it awfully sweet, but I do occasionally like the Diet caffeine free Pepsi.

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    Mon Aug 06 2007

    My favorite cola softdrink!  Yea, Yea so it may not taste that great with rum or liquir lol,  but it tastes GREAT by its self.   Also tastes VERY good with pizza in my opinion.  Course I drink it with everything.  Very great tasting compared to the competition.

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    Mon May 21 2007

    I'm definitely a fan and I'll choose it any day over coke.

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    Sun May 20 2007

    its way better than cola!!! but it's not my favorite pop my fav's are barq's and dr. pepper!!!

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    Mon May 07 2007

    Pepsi if my favorite cola and it is right up there with Dr. Pepper for me.

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    Mon May 07 2007

    I don't like colas in general. So to me, there's no real difference between Coke, Pepsi, RC Cola, etc.

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    Sun May 06 2007

    Great taste, smooth on the throat, and highly recommended to anyone looking for a great tasting cola!

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    Sat Feb 10 2007

    the best soda out there. bar none. i took the pepsi challenge in the 70's, & found that coke tastes like prune juice next to pepsi. i am drinking an ice-cold pepsi at this very minute.

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    Thu May 18 2006

    Right up there with Dr. Pepper!

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    Thu Apr 27 2006

    Loses the Pepsi Challenge every time.

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    Fri Apr 14 2006

    I prefer its sweet taste to Coke, but I'd rather have a nice, cold Dr. Pepper, RC, or Barq Root Beer. Still, if it's my only option, I'm not complaining.

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    Sun Mar 26 2006

    If you like a sweeter cola, there is none better than Pepsi. On the political side, PepsiCo is a much better run company than Coca Cola.

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    Wed Nov 02 2005

    Cleaning fluid.

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    Mon Oct 03 2005

    Pepsi is an excellent soda. A very sweet flavor when compared with Coca-Cola's spice. It's biggest drwback: It goes flat within a few hours. Fix that and this will be a five star cola.