People using profanity in almost every sentence
Approval Rate: 41%
Reviews 25
by misspackrat4je_sus
Wed Oct 31 2007This is uncalled for. What's the need? There are better ways to add emphasis than to resort to this.
by numbah16tdhaha
Fri Jun 15 2007I can explain it. The people who do this are often times in the military. I only did it because a cursing corporal is terrifying. UPDATE: Its apparently the only way to get your point across about smokeless tobacco, too...
by callitdownthel_ine75
Fri Jun 15 2007Using profanity in almost every sentence speaks volumes of a person's total lack of class (and low upbringing).
by donovan
Thu Feb 22 2007No reasons to do this, people with the habit of cursing use it as a filler to avoid a gap in their conversation. Those who use it to shock someone or to make a point need to try something else as there are better ways to communicate.
by humorbot
Wed Feb 21 2007The ****s
by vudija
Wed Feb 21 2007Because I take you that much more seriously for doing so?
by frankswildyear_s
Thu Nov 24 2005What the (expletive deleted) is (expletive deleted) wrong with using (expletive deleted) language? Profane language has its place for expressive purposes, but it is far more effective if used sparingly.
by sixty7a
Fri Apr 22 2005No class, and a limited knowledge of how to correctly speak english.
by canadasucks
Wed Mar 16 2005You people are weak. Profanity is no worse or better than any language. You can discuss art, literature, politics, theology, or science in abstract terms in any language as long as you know your stuff. When did Americans become so weak and sensitive?
by conus4cf
Mon Mar 07 2005Hey maybe when people use explicit language in their vocabulary or writing, it usually makes sense. Profanity is just entertainment.
by castlebee
Fri Mar 04 2005Swear words are the refuge of the mentally lazy and verbally challenged. If you want to convince the general public that you lack intelligence, class and possibly that your parents were first cousins, keep dropping that F-bomb every chance you get.
by bird808
Wed Mar 02 2005This isn't unexplainable its really quite simple, people who swear constantly have limited vocabulary.
by randyman
Sat Feb 26 2005When men are at work, you can bet there is profanity being tossed around. I try not to, but sometimes a curse word is the only appropriate word a guy can use. But I never curse in front of a women, not knowingly anyway.
by beatlesfanstev_eo
Sun Jul 11 2004There is just no need for it.
by marleyodin
Thu Jul 08 2004when children use profanity and laugh afterwards,don't you wonder why?they are too young to know what the word actually means,they just know it's they use it to get attention.all they know is that when they say a bad word they get attention from their's ok for adults to use profanity,and when it accidentally slips out in front of a child,don't make such a big deal out of it.if you do,they will just notice and keep it as a bookmark in their head because they know it gets adults heads to turn.if they know it moves you when a certain word comes out of their mouth they will continue doing it.
by classictvfan47
Thu Jul 08 2004The mere fact that people use profanity at all is mind boggling enough, but to use it is normal sentences is just plain stupid. Its a tired attempt to shock and shows a lack of thought and creativity on the speaker's part. It also shows an extreme lack of respect. UPDATE: Another reviewer on this list suggested, don't make such a big deal out of it. That's exactly the *wrong* thing to do. What you propose is desentization, which wouldn't work at all and would do more harm than good.
by jkooks
Fri Mar 26 2004All right, I'm here. Perhaps I'm a little late to this party, and perhaps some of you are wondering where I've been lately. Truth be told, I was intensely preoccupied with not caring about my cyber identity, which I found very refreshing - a nice change of pace indeed. There are certainly more than a few around these parts for whom it would do much good to take a break from the RIA routine, let me tell you. But I digress. Is there really anything I can say on this subject that I haven't said before? Shall I yet again waste a great deal of family-friendly words which will serve only to temporarily envelope ClassicTVFan47 in a cool shade as they soar clear over his closed little mind? Shall I once again take the time to gain the the support and admiration of people who have already long since pulled their heads out of their nether regions? You have a right to your opinions, ClassicTVFan47, but I openly challenge you to not only articulate your point of view in a much more sufficient fash... Read more
by stanuzbeck
Sat Mar 06 2004Have you ever been to rural Canada? Like really out of the way places up north? The f-word is used probably two or three times per sentence on average. For example, the phrase I can't f-ing wait for the weekend so I can go to the f-ing lake, do some f-ing fishing and drink some f-ing beers, eh? It's probably part of their dialect, so I find it super entertaining whenever I'm up there.
by reenyf4b
Sun Feb 29 2004There's no big mystery here. When a person can't find the words to express what they are feeling or are trying to say, then curse words suffice as place fillers.
by abichara
Sat Feb 28 2004Again, it's not like any of us have ever heard a curse word before. Sometimes putting a curse in a sentences adds emphasis to a point that you're making. If you curse in almost every sentence, then either 1. you want ALL the points you're making to be emphasized 2. you want to shock or entertain us or 3. you just don't have nothing to say.
by enkidu
Sat Feb 28 2004When someone is really angry I can accept it, but if someone does this all the time it is wearisome. Those words lose their effectiveness if overused.
by kolby1973
Sat Feb 28 2004This isn't necessarily think alot of people do this because it is just a bad habit that is hard to get away from once you start doing it.
by tvtator
Fri Feb 27 2004I honestly don't curse that often, and certainly don't use it continuously when speaking. But I have and do use profanity. Many people do, and it doesn't bother me that people do. This is something that you have a hang up with. People are going to use profanity when talking, some more than others.
by forgotten_hero
Fri Feb 27 2004If I'm really pissed off then it's more like every other word.
by irishgit
Fri Feb 27 2004Where's JKooks when you really need him? LOL. Seriously, in the hands of a true artist, this can be like poetry, never a phrase or word repeated in a three minute rant.