Penn State's Joe Paterno fired

Joe Paterno fired in the Sandusky scandal

Approval Rate: 40%

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    Wed Dec 21 2011

    Not a major event- but I feel very sorry for all the kids whom he could and should have saved from that sicko Sandusky,who,in a country I ran,would be hung from his toenails to rot over a big windy bridge.

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    Sat Dec 17 2011

    As far as "events" go, his firing is not as important as what he knew about the assault: day/post/Joe-Paterno-told-a-grand-jury-he-8216-knew-ina?urn=ncaaf-wp11597 Oops. Well, to many people in our addled culture, the point Frank made below is about correct: back in ancient Greek society, this wouldn't have been a problem. Let's review! One of the accepted social practices of ancient Greece was pederasty. You can read all about pederasty here: reece Yes, this disturbing practice was the norm in ancient Greece. What is more disturbing is that this is exactly what the homosexuals in our culture want to bring back. Now, before you swell up like a toad and try to deny it, let's look at this logically. Our culture, that is to say, Western Civilization, is based on Greek culture. Greek culture worshiped youth and beauty, particularly the nude male, which the ancient Greeks thought of as... Read more

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    Tue Dec 06 2011

    Yet another titillating story on the evening news. It will be forgotten as quickly as Casey Anthony. While the Anthony trial was national news, twenty other Orlando kids were killed by their parents. You didn't hear about those kids because their mothers were not hot babes. News is entertainment. I think McQueary told Paterno he saw inappropriate behavior, a modern euphemism for sex. Paterno, being old school, thought it meant bad form. All this could have been avoided if people said what they meant instead of talking in euphemisms. The word is rape, not abuse, molestation, indecent liberties or inappropriate behavior. For those who say they should have called the cops, they did. They told Schultz, chief of the university police, who are deputized by the state and have the same authority as municipal police. They are not night watchmen like corporate security guards. Under Pennsylvania law, teachers and cops are required to report sex crime against children under their care. Sinc... Read more

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    Mon Nov 21 2011

    In Paterno's defense this sort of thing wasn't frowned upon back when he was a kid in ancient Greece.

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    Mon Nov 21 2011

    The fact that Penn State's season was allowed to continue under the current coaching staff is repulsive. Even though Paterno is out, I'm sure nearly everyone on that staff knew what was going on.

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    Mon Nov 21 2011

    The facts as I understand them are as follows: -Assistant coach rapes 10 year old kid -Basketball player witnesses act and reports it to Paterno -Paterno reports it to his higher ups -Powers that be sit on this information -Years later this information becomes public and Sandusky and Paterno get the ax If I have this story correct there are so many what the fuck moments in this that i don't know where to begin. -Why didn't that basketball player personally kick Sandusky's ass himself? -While it was good that Paterno did not cover up Sandusky's action, and did in fact report it to his boss', why didn't he kick Sandusky's ass when he saw that the school did nothing? -Why did the school do nothing when they could have been kicking Sandusky's ass? -Why is Paterno getting crucified when everybody even remotely involved should be feeling the fire? Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's my understanding of the scandal.

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    Thu Nov 17 2011

    Talk about a media lynching and a rush to judgment, this case is exhibit A. Not one witness has taken the stand and been subjected to any meaningful cross examination.