Penelope Cruz

Approval Rate: 58%

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    Fri Sep 23 2011

    Yum Yum Yum. AND she's talented,too.

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    Fri Sep 23 2011

    Two friends of mine spent an hour trying to tell me she was too skinny, and not at all attractive. I'm pretty sure that after I left, they split a pizza and pounded each other in the ass.

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    Tue Jun 28 2011

    Penélope cruz is what i would define as a talented and successful actress. Making it big in her home country Spain, taking part in various Spanish films, she would only grow as an actress, receiving parts in major projects in Hollywood. As a result, she had been nominated for an Oscar for Best Actress in a Supporting Role and Leading Role, and WON an Oscar for Best Actress, an award that many other deserving actors will never win in their career. From other reviews iv'e read on Penélope, people seem to focus mostly on criticizing her looks. I think that she is pretty, and calling her ugly is definitely far fetched. Also, going into detail on how her facial features aren't aligned perfectly, well, nobodies face is perfect! I also feel that it is harsh for people to criticize her English. It is always hard to learn another language, but from what iv'e seen from her movies, her English is perfectly fine. I can understand that it may be a let down when ones' career seems to revol... Read more

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    Fri Jan 16 2009

    How can you people say that this beautiful woman is ugly!!?? You are all just brainwashed by what American society tells you is pretty. Blonde hair, blue eyes, little pug nose, and perfectly proportionate features. All of you are spoon fed beauty. You can't look at something unique and different and appreciate it. You lack culture, class, and intelligence. It's disgusting how hard you are on this lovely lady. In any other country without ignorant farmer's boys and frat boys who only care about banging the hot blonde who his friends will approve of, she is considered absolutely gorgeous. Think outside of the box and appreciate some culture you in the closet racists.

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    Fri Aug 29 2008

    at least she doesn't overact

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    Thu Apr 17 2008

    how to get famous: 1) date famous actors 2) wear lots of makeup 3) get naked in almost every movie you're in voila

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    Thu Feb 28 2008

    Just goes to show that anyone can be made famous by Hollywood.  You don't even have to be able to act, speak English, or even be attractive.  If' Hollywood says you are, then you are.  Pathetic.  People are sheep.  I hope Al Qudea kidnapps her, dips her in acid, feeds her through a paper shredder and puts her remains in a pipe bomb and blows her up.

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    Wed Feb 13 2008

    Penelope cruz is wicked pretty, any one who think otherwise needs glasses i luv her i think shes great! so keep hatin haters, jelous jelly beans!

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    Fri Sep 14 2007

    She needs to really learn how to speak English! I would rather she spoke Spanish than attempt English on her Loreal ads which are completely incomprehensible!

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    Thu Jul 05 2007

    Learn some spanish nerds, and you will see she is not that bad.Is not my problem that all the fucking cinema production is in the States,you should get more cultured and try to find another kind of cinema, like french or spanish.Is not easy to go to the abroad and get rid of your accent in few years. Nevertheless, I think she is cute, not awesome, just cute. Un saludo desde españa.

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    Wed Feb 14 2007

    I don't she think she is even pretty, calling her ugly is giving ugly people a bad name. She is beneath ugly. Terrible actress, monotone when she tries to act. Please Penelope, drop the Spanish accent on your English, it's horrible. It was ok at the beginning, but not anymore. Just talk in Spanish, at least it would sound normal!!!

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    Mon Dec 04 2006

    She is definitely not beautiful with her long narrow face and awkward mouth, but to add to her flaws, she is a terrible actress and has no class what so ever

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    Sat Apr 08 2006

    She's outstanding!

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    Thu Mar 09 2006

    She is ugly, very nasty and whats worse, she is so stuck up!

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    Sun Aug 14 2005

    She has unique features, but I think she's pretty good looking. Not a bad actress either.

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    Thu Aug 11 2005

    grit eww

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    Fri Aug 05 2005

    Penelope doesn't have the conventional idealism version of beauty, but that is one of the things that makes her stand out. I am not a fan of her acting, but I think as a woman, a person....she is charming, and funny. I can see why she and Salma Hayek would be best friends.It would be hard not to like her.

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    Wed Aug 03 2005

    What the hell is Tom thinking?!

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    Sun Jul 10 2005

    she's so fugly. what is wrong with those people who think she's pretty? I do not understand this.

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    Thu May 19 2005

    I don't see why everyone thinks she's so pretty. Her mouth and nose are out of proportion to the rest of her face. I recently watched Captain Corelli's Mandolin and thought she did a real crappy job at acting.

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    Sun May 15 2005

    Who cares about her personal life. This beautiful young woman is one talented actress.

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    Sat Apr 23 2005

    Someone mentioned her chest was ample? Watch vanilla sky youll see thats not true. I think Tom Cruise wanted a girl whos last name was easy to remember so he hooked up with her.

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    Thu Mar 03 2005

    It's hard to like an actress who is responsible for breaking up so many relationships. Matt Damon - Her co star. He left Winona Ryder (his live in partner of several years) while he was her the male lead on a movie with her. Casualty No 1. Nicholas Cage - Her co star. Ms Cruz went straight from Matt Damon to Nicholas Cage. Cage was married to Paticia Arquett (his wife of many years) and like Matt Damon, he announced his marriage breakdown just after making a movie with Ms Cruz. Casualty No 2. Tom Cruise - Her co star. A friend of mine owns an entertainment business here in Sydney and her business hosted the wrap party for Moulin Rouge. This was only 4 months before the Kidman/Cruise marriage broke up. In my friends words, Nicole and Tom were extremely affectionate and all over each other (in the nicest possible way) and this was as they were in private, with no cameras anywhere near them. Nicole and Tom also renewed their marriage vows shortly afterwards. Four months later,... Read more

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    Sat Feb 12 2005

    Charming. Impossible not to like her.

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    Tue Feb 01 2005

    I love her.....she's got a beutiful spanish look, and she's so hot and sexy. Yea, i agree that she doesnt act that well in her english movies, but i've seen many of her spanish movies, and she's very talented. Oh, by the way, she didnt break up tom's relationship with nicole....tom just needed some sexy latina love, and gringas are white asses that cant do sh***!!!Latinas are allways the best, adn guys love them....stop hatin!!!!

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    Thu Jun 03 2004

    She is not beautiful, she cant act....SHOOT

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    Wed May 19 2004

    Couldn't act dead if she were sprayed with an Uzi. Overrated and not at all attractive...Looks like a yardmaker

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    Thu Apr 22 2004

    salma wihtout the big chest..

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    Thu Feb 05 2004

    See the star?

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    Thu Jan 22 2004

    I give her some credit, hence the two stars. The industry-tramp is blessed with substantial physical beauty. Lush hair & lashes, handsome iconistic features, modest athletic build, ample bust, toned lithe limbs, and a dancer's grace. She is a picture of raw strength on a petite frame. Of course the opposite of that is feminine delicacy: Exquisite features, delicate complexion, soft fine hair, smooth skin, clear eyes, etc. In short, beauty is not absolute and one must ignore the rumor being passed around that she is the most beautiful woman in the world. A lot of this myth is perpetuated by air-brushed photographs. As an actress, she lacks the ability to focus and become her character, although there is notable passion and sincerity in her performances. What is more annoying, actually is her inability to change her little girl style of speaking; it is almost like an irremovable vocal impediment that prevents her from delivering her lines more convincingly. The woman is almost 3... Read more

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    Mon Nov 03 2003

    Untalented and ugly.

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    Sun Aug 31 2003

    If Salma Hayek wasn't around, I would have considered having her star in the movie "Frida." She looks so much like Frida Kahlo!

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    Tue Aug 26 2003

    She is so ugly. How the hell could anyone like her, and she looks like she is on pot or something. I can't stand her acting

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    Wed Jun 04 2003

    Haven't seen her work, just giving her the benefit of the doubt.

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    Mon May 19 2003

    She's ugly and annoying that's all I can say. She's nothing compared to Nicole!

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    Tue May 13 2003

    I am not impressed with her. She only seems to be famous by the famous men she is with.

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    Fri May 09 2003

    She has the most annoying accent...I mean who talks like that anyway... Hire a dialect coach or something! Oh yeah and Nicole is a far better actress than her...and far more beautiful too!

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    Sat Feb 08 2003

    Bad actress and boring too boot!

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    Fri Dec 27 2002

    there needs to be a 0 for worst! shes only popular cus she broke up nic and tom... what an idiot... nic could kick this lil chicken anyday. She needs to live her own life and stop butting into happy marriages... i hope nic does kick her butt and tom leaves her then she will be nothing like she was and is in the first place@!

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    Thu Dec 12 2002

    I don't care if she can act. I just like to sit and look.

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    Mon Nov 18 2002

    She looks like a beautiful statue - nd acts like one. ;=8)

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    Tue Oct 01 2002

    She looks like she ought to be my housekeeper, not an actress. I actually feel embarassed for her when I hear her speak. What WAS Tom Cruise thinking when he ditched his beautiful perfect wife for this illegal? She's ridiculous looking. And this new kick of hers to try to bleach her hair, what is this? Trying to look like Nicole? Never!

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    Thu Sep 19 2002

    Yuck! Not only is she ugly, and not talented at all, but she also can't have a relationship with a man who is not taken. Women like her are sickening! Hopefully Tom Cruise will see the light soon and dump her! The only reason she's getting attention at all is because of him.

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    Tue Dec 11 2001

    Go Away Pen-ne-lope you man stealer you

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    Mon Oct 29 2001

    She is just that whole latin thing going on with the dark hair and eyes, and the beautifully tan skin. She is a good actress, you'll see that once you see more of her movies. As for Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman they are over they had THEIR problems and penelope will be good for tom.

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    Tue Sep 11 2001

    Ick! Only reason she's gettin attention is because she stole Nicole Kidman's husband(Tom Cruise, obviously.). How could anyone like her? Shes a home-wrecker! She broke up a 10 year marriage, a marriage that produced 2 kids, and does she care? NO! I think she's just using Tom Cruise. She'll get what she deserves(Nothing)

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    Sat Aug 18 2001

    She's very pretty, a classic beauty is what you would call her, but I'm not so sure if her acting is all that great, let's just see how she does in Captain Corellie's Mandolin.

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    Sat Jun 30 2001

    She is so touching in Todo sobre mi madre, see that movie! A great actress, and such a nice person!