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    Sun Nov 16 2003

    I enjoyed a lot about this movie, like the hippie frat who show up to play ultimate frisbee on acid and get clobbered by a team of bull dikes. Or them getting George CLinton and P-Funk to play their party. Some of the stereotypes are pretty right on, like the obnoxious tree-hugger types that they dump a load of ground beef on. The thing I didn't like about this movie was them claiming that the single most important skill in college is the ability to bulls--t, that if you could do that you could do a Master's thesis on virtually anything. This isn't true, college is not a joke, and it isn't something that you can just bluff your way through. Not by a long shot. Those kind of people are usually gone by the Christmas break.

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    Tue Oct 14 2003

    Can you BLOW ME where the PAMPERS is? Ohmigod, this is the BEST college movie! I fall over laughing every time I watch it. That pre-fresh should've been on the track team for cross-country.