Approval Rate: n/a%
Reviews 0
by stanuzbeck
Sun Nov 16 2003I enjoyed a lot about this movie, like the hippie frat who show up to play ultimate frisbee on acid and get clobbered by a team of bull dikes. Or them getting George CLinton and P-Funk to play their party. Some of the stereotypes are pretty right on, like the obnoxious tree-hugger types that they dump a load of ground beef on. The thing I didn't like about this movie was them claiming that the single most important skill in college is the ability to bulls--t, that if you could do that you could do a Master's thesis on virtually anything. This isn't true, college is not a joke, and it isn't something that you can just bluff your way through. Not by a long shot. Those kind of people are usually gone by the Christmas break.
by kamylienne
Tue Oct 14 2003Can you BLOW ME where the PAMPERS is? Ohmigod, this is the BEST college movie! I fall over laughing every time I watch it. That pre-fresh should've been on the track team for cross-country.