Paula Zahn
Paula Zahn's television news experience includes hosting "The Edge With Paula Zahn" and anchoring "The ...
Approval Rate: 72%
Reviews 0
by buttspanked
Sat Oct 11 2008Solid!!! Great legs...... Unmatched knowledge, good interviewer I miss her a lot, She can sit on my face anytime Saw her not too long ago in S Florida true is is not 25 anymore, but make no mistake, she is still hot. I was the first time I had seen her not in "on-air" clothes in a tight t-shirt and tight jeans, she is real hot.
by farmer60
Sat Dec 22 2007Nice looking but doesn't seem to care to much about her personal behavior.
by loerke
Sat Sep 08 2007I first saw her on TV when she was covering the Olympics. She did that just fine, but probably shouldn't have ever been assigned anything more serious. A beauty queen turned talking head. Not the first, and not the last.
by ginnim3
Mon Aug 06 2007Paula Zahn does a pretty good job of relaying the news that is presented to her to broadcast. She is not a reporter so get off her case. Even as an interviewer she does a good job. She stands heads and shoulders above any of the other female newscasters. Diane Sawyer on the other hand, really bad interviewer. Even the interviewees, first look shocked at her stupid questions. Example: She was interviewing a mother whose daughter was found dead. Sawyer: How did you feel when you heard the news of your daughter's death. The mother looked at her as if she was crazy, and then with distain repondid: How do you think I feel. However, she responce was such that you could tell she wanted to add "you overpaid dope" at the end of her sentance! Every interview I have seen Sawyer invovlved with she puts her shoe in her mouth. With the money she gets paid, she should be carrying a golden shoe horn in her purse! So she can dislodge her foot! If she's on, I change the channel to the John Dailay News H... Read more
by genghisthehun
Sat Mar 10 2007She has kept it together and is still worth watching.
by rok100
Sat Mar 10 2007She has TWO BOWLS of Kelloggs Super Stupid Flakes for breakfast everyday.
by emaqa3d8
Mon Jan 08 2007When Paula delivers the news she's direct, she necessaryily have to be excessively agressive towards her audience. All in all, she's beautiful and still has a great set of legs!
by herculean
Fri Aug 11 2006The greatest combination of internal & external beauty, intelligence, class, and grace in the news business, bar none.
by olovejoy
Fri Feb 03 2006the single most annoying person anywhere on TV
by eschewobfuscat_ion
Thu Dec 08 2005I like Paula just fine, allowing for the incessant and predictable liberal bias in her questions. If you think she's a right-wing hack you've either not paid very close attention, are dyslexic or you're Ted Kennedy.
by drummond
Thu Dec 08 2005A right wing hack, who was the only journalist on the planet to back Colin Powell as Powell was attempting a snow job at the Security Council meeting to drum up international support for the war.
by tark42
Wed Oct 05 2005paula is a longtime favorite newscaster of mine. she is not only gorgeous, but she exudes intelligence. i hope she is on a long time.
by solly_lipps
Mon Oct 03 2005Paula is outstanding!! Intelligent, warm and interesting. Plus she is terrific looking! Pair her with someone like Jack Cafferty and it would be a great show! CNN are you listening?
by barno3d8
Fri Sep 23 2005I am a leg man so it is obvious why I rated her so high despite her being a communist.
by haveopinion
Sun Sep 11 2005Does Paula Zahn wear dentures and has veneers ? Something always seems to be in the way when she talks. WHEN DO SO MANY OFF CNN'S female ANCHORS TALK FUNNY !!!! I'm sure they are smart brilliant women but most of them seem so unnatural on camera. The male anchors are much much more likeable.
by truthordare
Thu Aug 11 2005She puts her best foot forward. Unfortunately, that foot is often in her mouth. Good looking 47 yr old, she's do-able, but she'd have to keep her mouth closed to avoid left-wing/feminist drool from leaking out.
by jimmydradio
Tue May 17 2005Good thing she IS a very beautiful woman, because she has nothing else to offer - unless you count being one of the biggest on-air snobs in network television.
by jackivory
Fri Jan 28 2005Damned hot for 48. Still has great legs, which is the only reason I tune in.
by foxx67
Mon Jan 10 2005you can do better than her at CNN. I find her not to be good at reporting.
by trainwreck
Tue Dec 28 2004No doubt Spencer, clean your screen and find a better venue to jerk the monkey. Paula's still strong enough to compete, but I don't see her on the air for more than 3 to 5 years.
by numbah16tdhaha
Fri Dec 24 2004TO SPENCER: Go find a porn site.
by richard_j_spencer
Fri Dec 24 2004Slowly Paula hikes up her skirt and pulls down her panties. She then bends over, pulls apart her bare buttocks, and I am forced to lick up and down her ass crack! No problem.
by xlegslouie
Thu Dec 23 2004She's Gone W-A-Y-Y-Y Down Since Her CBS Days. Still Sexy, But Absolutely NO Comparrison To The Incredible Legs We Saw Back Then.
by craven_moorehead
Thu Dec 02 2004Could care less about her interviewing style or her political leaning. I'd bang her so hard her toenails would ache! The ultimate TV MILF
by y_washinton
Mon Nov 15 2004I think she is great. I missed see her on the Cnn morning show.I wished she would wear short skirts all the times.since she got great leg.
by gingerpyle
Sat Nov 13 2004I actually looked for Paula Zahn and Deborah Norville so I could rate them down. They are both plain awful. I have to change channels when I start to hear them chalk on a blackboard to me.
by cpfoley
Wed Nov 10 2004still pretty smokin'
by spondge
Sun Oct 24 2004All-time leg-goddess, best work was on the cbs morning show in the 90s. Bit thick in the waist after 3 kids, could use a good corset.
by rocket_robin_hood
Sat Oct 09 2004My, what a looker for a 48 year old. She is best when she is wearing short tight skirts with high heels!!!
by cade5134
Wed Oct 06 2004She may be 47, but shes still looks hot
by budabbott
Sat Aug 28 2004Anti-male dumbass.
by fasszzel
Thu Aug 26 2004Plastic. Plastic. Plastic.
by tompson
Sun Aug 22 2004Not a bad anchor. And what a MILF...
by eric04
Mon Aug 02 2004She and CNN had no reason to be ashamed of that little sexy slip in the commercial for her show. She is damn sexy and an outstanding anchor. If all 48-year-old women were like her, this world would be a better place.
by tdubya71
Mon Jul 26 2004A dead raccoon could get better ratings. She might be in a competition with Keith Olbermann to see how many jobs they quit or get fired from.
by early69
Wed Jul 21 2004Good anchor
by carindyguy
Sat Jul 17 2004paula is very smart and sexy would love to have her interview me. she might be 48 but man oh man is she hot.
by newshack
Wed Jul 14 2004Cookie cutter anchor. period
by musicman539
Fri Jul 02 2004Good anchor if only she would not interupt her guests so much. She is nice looking and seems to take very good care of herself.
by diamonddavid
Mon Jun 21 2004Let's just say I wouldn't be complaining if my wife looked as good as Paula at 48. Her reporting is top-notch, as she asks poignant questions in a non-confronational manner. She may lean slightly to the left, but it's not a blantant bias, and she's pretty fair to all her guests. It's too bad she and Fox News parted on such bad terms; O' Reilly, Hannity, and Cavuto get all the attention, but after Special Report, Paula's show was my favorite. It's good to see her return to nighttime hosting a show that's similar in format to her Fox News gig.
by slickwillie71
Sat Jun 05 2004Good but not great. Attractive but not hot. Paula does deserve to be way higher up the list though; no way in hell Juliet Huddy or any of the other FSN females -- save for Vester and Browne -- are better than she is.
by marcm9999
Mon May 03 2004Great looking elitist communist.
by lickety_split
Tue Apr 27 2004Gawd, I'd LOVE to have those muscular legs......over my shoulders! hehe
by tog36c95
Tue Apr 27 2004Love to watch her, who cares what she says.
by ukexpat
Sun Apr 25 2004What a MILF!
by exec1107
Tue Mar 23 2004Used to like her several years back when she did a morning show on CBS with Harry Smith. Now she seems to be impressed with her (supposed) importance. Her best days have passed.
by mastiff_fan
Wed Mar 10 2004Very good looking and smart as well. On the downside she seems a bit arrogant. I'm suprised she's so far down the list though ( #76).
by garrycooper
Sun Jan 11 2004she really is an idiot and should not be given so much attention.
by paula_zahn
by ville41
Fri Dec 05 2003Amazing woman. Very talented, intelligent, hardworking, and a real professional. I have always been a fan of hers, and think is very sexy.