Approval Rate: 78%
Reviews 0
by poolguy3511
Tue Jul 26 2011I love it! I think it tastes great. Great if you are starting to get sick and have a sore throat as well.
by algonquinbonsp_eil
Tue Jul 26 2011The smell alone makes me want to vomit, the taste follows through on the smell's threat, as all "cheap" tequila does to me. I would rather drink Montezuma, or Kroger brand "margarita-grade" than this grossly over-priced, though handsomely marketed, spew.
by pcpeter774
Mon May 31 2010Normally I do not care much for tequila, but when it comes to this stuff I'll make an expection. It's ultra smooth with a short lived let peppery, oak, spicy finish that left me wanting more. However, there are a few grivences that I have with this beverage. First off it is overpriced, good tequila, however; not worth any more than $30 in my opinion. Second off, I hate the hip image this drink has. Whether we are talking about hip-hopers or preppy phrat boys that wear pink holister striped pollos they enjoy this drink in copious amounts. I am not about to start wearing pink striped pollos, wearing visor hats, and listening to Jack Johnson.
by forkeh
Sat Apr 03 2010It's definitely not a bad tequila, rather nice actually. It's downfall is the price. I mean seriously $40+? It's not worth it, it's not that good. White tequilas aren't aged, even the best aren't that smooth, there's no reason this product should be that expensive. Especially since it's not even the best tequila. If you want a decent white tequila, at half the price, check out Milagro. The white is about $25 a bottle, aged is obviously quite a bit more expensive. But white is fine for shots or mixing. Don't get me wrong, it's a perfectly lovely tequila. If you're feeling lazy and don't want to have to do your research to find a good, cheaper white tequila, by all means, pick up some Patron, you could do a lot worse, oh god could you do worse.
by charliekoopa
Tue Mar 02 2010I'm usually not s very big tequila drinker, but when it comes to Patron, I usually pass. I once had the opportunity ( by a generous bartender) to try shot-for-shot next to each other, Patron Silver, Quervo Silver and Cabo Wabo Silver. The result was this rating: #1 - Cabo, #2 - Quervo, and #3 - Patron. Sorry, but as a matter of taste, I found Cabo way better. This is an overpriced, overrated tequila that has high commercial value, but failed to deliver for me.
by roastingmallow_s
Thu Feb 11 2010Very smooth, doesn't hurt going down. BUT the smell reminds me of moldy bread and sharpies and it doesn't taste much better. Just smelling it makes me gag, but in general I hate tequila, so I'll give this 3 stars.
by oceanhombre
Sun Dec 20 2009Not enough delight for the price. Great bottles especially when the corks were real.
by pacificpete
Wed Nov 18 2009Great marketing, pretty bottle, average and overpriced tequila. Don Julio, Herradura just about any other true tequila with some soul is much better tasting.
by imogen
Tue Jun 16 2009I am shocked and awed that Patron does not have a 5 star rating. This tequila is smooth and pure. It is absolutely delicious complimented by a squeeze of lime. It certainly deserves its recent barrage of mentions in pop culture, specifically hip hop songs. It is pricey, but so worth the price. Buy a bottle and drink at home if you don't want to be overcharged at the bar.
by sydbarrett
Sat Jun 13 2009Patron (blanco, repo, anejo) isn't horrible, it's just way overpriced. For around $20 you could get some El Jimador & do just as well. But I'd spend my $50 or so on Don Julio, or save a few bucks & get Don Eduardo. Also........whoever said Partida is good has probably never tried it. It's garbage & they can't give it away in CSL.......................if you ever get the chance, try Clase Azul. It's tough to find in the states & will probably run around $75/bottle...........but it's worth it every once in a while.
by mnkys123
Tue Jun 09 2009Chilled Tequila! Yummmmm! I love doing Patron shots because it is easy and smooth! I don't have that gag-reflex after and no lime is needed! It's a tequila shot rountine simplified! No salt needed, no lime...just the tequila. No better way to show that it's good! Really good! Chilled makes it the best!
by arsenaltequila
Tue Apr 28 2009Good tequila, but it is more about marketing than the tequila.
by tjfe8867
Fri Jan 02 2009A Good tequila, but way too over-hyped. Its better than average, but not worth $50/bottle or its reputation.. If I get it as a gift or on sale (i.e $33/bottle), I love to make margaritas with it. This stuff is clearly made for the US market. If you travel to mexico and shop for tequilas, you can't find it anywhere and the mexicans have never heard of it.
by snarfsnarfsnar_f
Fri Apr 04 2008I have to say this stuff (and I'm drinking some now) is really not that good. For the price, I'd rather have one "Hecho en Mexico" rather than this marketing gimmick. I tell you what though, get you some 40-year aged Don Julio and sip it slow while watching South Park, and you'll be good to go girl scouts.
by tequilaauthori_ty
Tue Feb 12 2008***if you are considering buying Patron tequila, read this first*** Patron is owned by Paul Mitchell Haircare products and thrives off of a marketing gimmick... -Casa Siete Leguas (a family owned tequila distillery founded in the 1950s) began producing and selling their high end tequila to Paul Mitchell and Martin Crowley (huge beverage distributor) to be sold as Patron in the United States in 1991. The high quality tequila was a HUGE hit in the US, and with a fancy hand blown bottle, gave Patron the reputation of a quality, premium tequila the likes most Americans had never seen. However, in 2002, due to a number of reasons (mostly profit and the inability to meet demand), Mitchell and Crowely decided to ditch the traditional, high quality tequila being produced by Siete Leguas distillery. Instead, Patron began buying all their agave (plants that tequila is made from) off the open (and sometimes black) agave markets in Mexico. Therefore, Patron no longer produces a quali... Read more
by juanma38
Mon Feb 11 2008Great Flavor, Great Bottle, Greate everything, I love Patrón.
by garo409f
Sat Jan 05 2008I think the ropasado is ok, the blanco sucks, and I thought the more aged, expenive anejo wasn't as good as the ropasado. They have a really expensive one call Grand Patron, but no thanks. Its a lot better than most of the cheaper garbage and considering all most americans know is Jose Crapo this is better then that. But yes, unfairly prices, thus the rating.
by joerucker1
Sat Jun 23 2007this tequila really sucks huge donkey ball sacks. i'm drinking it right now, and i really don't think it is that great
by tqdog798
Sat Feb 24 2007another over-priced medicore tequila. If it wasn't for marketing this product would be just above cuervo gold
by dawg50322
Mon Nov 13 2006Nice and smooth for sipping! My favorite!
by trebon1038
Tue Sep 19 2006I like patron, its smooth, but it is pricey. the silver is good for shots and margaritas and the anejo is the sipping it chilled with "no wheels" as a side kick to whatever I am drinking.
by kos5c64d
Fri Jan 27 2006This stuff rocks! I recently decided to give Tequila a try again. 21st bday has kept me away for almost 20 years. There is not a better Silver on the market. Repo and Anejo are truly great. Gran Platinum is butter baby! Sorry, but other Tequilas just don't have it.
by antik599
Mon Jan 16 2006Patron is pretty good until you try a few others and then it pails in comparison to some really good tequila's. Sorry to rain on anyone's parade but Patron isn't as great as many think. For a similar price, Don Julio Reposado is a lot better...
by patchwlogan
Tue Dec 20 2005A really wonderful friend of mine gave me the (overpriced) 375 ml bottle of Blanco for Christmas. I love her and she knew that I used to go through Tequila at an alarming rate. However, she is a wine drinker and wouldn't know a blanco from a tres anos. This tastes okay. It is not as rough around the edges as many people have claimed. It is nowhere near as smooth as a reposado and it shouldn't be, but the truth will be in the pudding...or better yet, in if you can consume this without getting hurt the next day. Frankly, yes, if you enjoy the taste of Tequila then you want a product with less aging. However, if you prefer a "kind spirit" that will not kick your anejo the next day after having too much..that remains to be seen. Herradura Reposado will always be my first and foremost. I recently changed jobs and as I was packing up the contents of my desk I gave my beloved Herradura keychain to a colleague. With the instructions that he break down and try something other than Cue... Read more
by trueblueusa
Sun Oct 09 2005OK tequila for Gringos...
by agave_boi
Thu Sep 22 2005Ask for this stuff in mexico... they will laugh! It is only sold in america, and its god awful. Don't be sucked in by its marketing ploy.
by kidcapri
Fri Sep 16 2005Overrated. The only reason people are drinking this is because rap stars are drinking it. It's the Cristal and Hennessey of tequila.
by ssbravo
Sun Jul 03 2005For those who do not have the opportunity to try other tequilas....this is the americanized....kind of like taco bell....don't waste your money!
by mike_d
Wed May 11 2005Patron is above average, but it is 20$ a bottle over priced. Don Julio is a far superior tasting tequila at about the same cost. Not even a close contest.
by jim94294
Mon Feb 21 2005Not the worst I've tried, but not really good. Very highly overrated and overpriced, only from their agressive advertising, that typical Americans fall for, and false word of mouth that it's one of the best (as with Jose Cuervo). There are so many better tequilas out there, even for less money!
by agentfortune
Thu Sep 30 2004Patron Anejo is the best Tequila that I've ever tried. The silver is mighty fine, too.
by mossy058
Thu Sep 23 2004Patron is decent tequila, certainly not in the ranks of El Tesoro or Herradura. To me, it has a chemical taste similar to that in Cabo Wabo. And when you consider its price, it certainly isnt a good value at all. I find Patron is favored by tequila neophytes and wannabes, who don't know that there is no Patron distillery. Its basically a marketing company founded by hair-gel tycoon Paul Mitchell, whose buyers take others' product and bottle it themselves. Patron reminds me of Starbucks -- not the best product certainly, though it has somewhat raised the bar from what people are usually accustomed to (Cuervo Gold, the Folgers of tequila)
by pedros_repasado
Sat Aug 14 2004With the exception of Chinaco and Cabo Wabo, Patron Silver is the best Blanco I've had, albeit slightly rough bite! Enjoy!
by patron
Thu Jul 01 2004guarentee not to have a hangover
by unodostres
Sat May 29 2004Over priced.
by rick175
Wed Mar 24 2004Patron Silver is the best tequila available, bar none!
by cjose251
Mon Jun 02 2003They need to go back to basics.
by jantonio
Mon Jun 02 2003I don´t like the taste of Patron, it´s not quite smooth...
by lowrider
Tue Apr 29 2003it'sgood not anything to get too excited about there are lot's of better tequila's out there ask a bartender to give you something good and try differnt types to find out what you like
by donniebrasco69
Wed Apr 02 2003One night I made the mistake of drinking Patron. I say mistake only because I refuse to drink any other tequila besides it now and that hurts the old bank account. I think if they made the bottle less involved they could lower the price, but I am a college student, Im not supposed to be drinking Patron now anyway.
by tequila_tanner
Fri Jan 24 2003Patron rocks!
by brandon
Sun Dec 17 2000This is the only tequila I drink. It is 100%. It has a sweet mellow taste. It's the only tequila I can do shots with.
by damage
Sat Dec 16 2000Patron is top of the line smooth. Patron is a very potent brand. I think the corportaion should lower the price. It's too expensive, needs to lower price of bottle.
by sugawolf
Thu Nov 16 2000Me and Tequila Patron go back a long time. Ever since I was seventeen and the guys in our neighborhood would go over to a friend's house who breeds pit bulls. We would watch sports and late night videos and just kick it. We never drank another type of Tequila besides Patron. One day we were trying to think of a name for one pit bull that no one bought when I, the genius, came up with Patron(Spanish for boss). That dog grew up to be the ugliest but sickest pit bull I've ever seen and my neighbor bought it.