Patriot Games

Approval Rate: 80%

80%Approval ratio

Reviews 9

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    Mon Oct 13 2008

    I tried reading a Tom Clancy book once, got about 5 or 6 pages into it, and had to stop. Look, I'm ok with right-wing fantasies as long as they're at least marginally entertaining ("Dirty Harry", "Death Wish") but I decided life was too short after reading only a half dozen pages of fetishistic descriptions of military hardware and weapons, and closed the book, never to re-open it (or any other Clancy book). So, I wasn't exactly eager to see this film, but somebody lent me the DVD, expected it back in a timely fashion, and so I bit the bullet, figuring, How bad could it be? Turns out, pretty bad. If it had been made 50 years ago, Harrison Ford would have been John Wayne and the Irish would have been savage, bloodthirsty Indians. I'm of primarily Irish background, but I'm not so sensitive that I can't watch a negative portrayal of an Irishman on the screen (I'm still waiting for someone to do that cinematic version of William Kennedy's "Legs" by the way) but there's not an even halfway ... Read more

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    Sun Apr 08 2007

    My favorite of the Jack Ryan movies, I especially liked the scene where the commandos take out the terrorist camp while the suits watch the action back in DC via satellite link. Probably happens all the time now.

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    Thu Sep 14 2006

    harrison ford playing the role he is best at, the reluctant hero. a great film with a great plot.

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    Thu Jul 13 2006

    Probably the best adaption of a Tom Clancy book on film.

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    Thu Aug 28 2003

    THIS is rated below Face/off?!? (scuse me, have to go lay down...)

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    Thu Jan 18 2001

    i never get tired of harrison ford in tom clancy thrillers. of course, that only includes this and "clear and present danger". but this movie has a perfect blend of realistic and action-fantasy....

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    Wed Nov 08 2000

    I thought that Harrison Ford played an excellent hero. I like the way his character was shown to be a strong family man with compassion.

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    Wed Aug 30 2000

    could have been soooo much better

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    Sun Dec 12 1999

    Go Go Harrison Ford!!