Pat Robertson

Approval Rate: 47%

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    Mon Jun 28 2010

    I love Pat Robertson and the 700 Club. His prayer line has been a blessing and a god send to me. I love Pat and his group because they are open to Reborn Christian Catholics. He never cuts the Catholics down and he always has positive feedback for me and my Catholic friends. He is a true christian reborn believer. God Bless Him.

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    Tue Nov 24 2009

    I don't have enough money to belong to his flock.

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    Mon May 18 2009

    He squeezes his eyes shut so hard every time he prays it looks like he's taking the biggest dump of his life. One day he might squeeze so hard that the vessels in his brain will explode.

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    Sun Apr 19 2009

    Pat is ok, but he is no John Hagee when it come to evangelists.

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    Fri Nov 07 2008

    Why didn't he run for president again???

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    Wed Sep 17 2008

    i pray that he moves to public access

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    Tue Aug 12 2008

    The longer and louder this arsehole speaks, the more evident his bigotry is, and the more foolish his followers look.

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    Sat Jul 05 2008

    Robertson and his buddy Jerry Falwell (Rest In Pain Fatso!) are nothing more than christianity's answer to Osama Bin Laden.  These hateful religious wackos are why the atheist movement is growing by leaps and bounds.

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    Sun Dec 16 2007

    I may get in trouble for this, but Lord take him away now. His is not the example of evangelism that wins converts to Christ.

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    Mon Nov 26 2007

    Why won't they give us negative stars???    Robertson is to religion what Ahmadinejad is to diplomacy.    I don't know which was worse, his endorsement of Rudi or Rudi's eager lap dog acceptance.  This is the best (among many) reasons for not voting for "America's Mayor."

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    Fri Oct 19 2007

    Another celebrity that gives me nightmares.  The fact that people, listen and hang on to his ever word, and actually agree with him, scares me more.

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    Thu Oct 18 2007

    Pat only likes White Fundie Christians with big pocketbooks.

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    Wed Oct 10 2007

    1 Timothy 6:5 "...who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain." Actually, read all of 1 Tim. 6 to learn a proper attitude about money. As for the so-called "gospel of prosperity", this verse alone proves it's a big fat lie. And if you want to give Biblically, give to the poor, the widow and the orphan...see the need, meet the need. DON'T BE DECEIVED!!!!

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    Mon Jul 23 2007

    The King of Doofuses. A DOOFUS a total DOOFUS The Doofus of all the Doofuses! Who listens to this DOOFUS? A bunch of DOOFUSES!!! Go to the library, check out the reference books on Christian history and theology and MAKE UP YOUR OWN MINDS___DON'T BE DOOFUSES!!!!

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    Thu May 17 2007

    Two points: 1. If this man seriously believes the nonsense he spews then he needs psychiatric help.  2. If he doesn't really believe the nonsense then he is nothing but a phoney.  Either way, he is pathetic.

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    Thu May 10 2007

    It's pretty obvious to most sensible people that this bozo is a joke.  But what really gets me is that there are apparently LOTS of brainwashed goofballs out there who follow this idiot, and they are politically motivated. This is a perfect example of how dangerous religion can be.  We've seen the fanatical Muslim wackos and what they will do, and history is full of the death and destruction caused to innocent people by lunatic religious cults, of which  Robertson and his flock are a part.  This bonehead recently posted an article on his website entitled, "How to identify a cult". Ha, well Pat, look in the mirror!  You and your nutjob followers are the epitome of a cult!

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    Wed May 02 2007

    The man who invented stupid statements. He just removes one foot to put in another. Idiot! LOL, he did it again. His comment on Sharron. Great! Sharron's illness was the "wrath of god." Great Stuff. Here we have Pat telling us it's a punishment from god and george bush praying for him. What great comedy! Now he has apolizied for what he said. That is because Isreal told him he could not build his bible thumper center there. LOL We have a saying down here in the south there Pat. Don't let you aligator mouth overload you tadpole ass.! Pat, your're the poster boy for all the christian faith. we go. Last night Ole Pat was with another favorite of mine Benny Hinn. Now Pat was telling Benny how god had spoke to him in the past few weeks. It has been revealed to Pat, we'll have many, many earthquakes and the east coast will be plagued by violent hurricanes. Good Pat! One, earthquakes ARE a natural occurance and this is hurricane season. What a revelation. But how many poeple will be ... Read more

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    Mon Apr 23 2007

    The fact that anyone believes he is a religious man is a real cause for worry. People worried about far away places when they should be questioning who are the religious fanatics supporting this guy.  His multimillion dollar mansion, his antique furniture, his private jet, his million dollar race horse (no joke), the millions of dollars of donated money he said was going to hunger relief and instead went to buy diamond mining equipment..  These things didn't come from g*d, they came from checks that the brainwashed folk wrote to him.

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    Thu Apr 05 2007

    geesh this guy has been getting a bad rap for a while now. I am really not sure what to think but I will let God do the judging.

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    Fri Mar 30 2007

    Reciprocity sounds a lot like the prosperity Gospel? ? Give now get now .

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    Sat Mar 24 2007

    How's that benchpressing going Pat you old charlatan?

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    Sat Mar 24 2007

    Though I don't agree with Pat on a few theology questions  .I feel he is miligned by the press for some of  the statement he makes...occasionly he guilty of responding off the cuff with inapropiate remarks and large he is right on ......

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    Tue Mar 13 2007

    Passtheloot, you are kidding right? I agree with the principles you referred to, but------? You are an excellent writer, just can't tell if you are for or against the un-CHRIST LIKE behavior of this pathetic creaature. No offense intended. Just want to make sure that you are witnessing on the side of Jesus, a poor carpenter, that had no place to lay his head.

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    Tue Mar 06 2007

    Pat, please, please do not speak for me any further. I don't think God or I need you to stand up for what we believe, especially since what you believe seems quite different. And while you're at it, please stop passing off the Republican agenda as though is was some sort of Christian mantra. And BTW, your showcasing of Tom DeLay as one who was blameless and persecuted was nothing short of ludicrous. Maybe you should read the news some time before you start telling others what to believe.

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    Tue Mar 06 2007

    From Pat Robertson is a wealthy man... An extremely wealthy man. Some estimates put his net worth at 140 million. He lives on the top of a Virginia mountain, in a huge mansion with a private airstrip. He owns the Ice Capades, a small hotel, diamond mines, and until recently, International Family Entertainment, parent company of the Family Channel. How does a televangelist, who is supposedly involved in non-profit work, manage to create such a fortune for himself?

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    Mon Mar 05 2007

    Please God, call Pat home soon.

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    Mon Jan 15 2007

    This man is a joke. He embarrases me with his unreal, stupid remarks and predictions. He is a pseudo-politician. Says anything to bolster his fame, no matter how stupid. Like all people striving to influence politicians, he says what he believes will advance his causes. How sad for a man who call himself a minister. How very sad. Pat should remember the old cliche regarding keeping your mouth shut so that people will not have proof that you are a fool. The most dangerous man in America? No, the most embarrasing man in the world, in my opinion. One of his main misinterpretations of the scripture is the "speaking in tongues". Jesus told his disciple to go into all the world and preach the gospel. Since there were so many languages in the little known world of that time, they were given the ability to speak to these people in the hopes of converting them in their own languages. Check out that on the day of Pentecost, there were people in the streets outside that remarked that the discipl... Read more

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    Thu Nov 16 2006

    His recent remarks are not only uncalled for. They are down right rude. He should be ashamed of himself for some of the comments I've heard. God is probably very angry with this man.

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    Sat May 20 2006

    Just hit mute if he says anything about killing people.

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    Thu May 18 2006

    The latest from this idiot is that he has talked to God and God told him directly that bad storms (hurricanes) will hit our coastline in 2006 and that there may even be a tsunami on the West coast this year. Well, duh about the storms (like we don't know they will hit). The MAYBE part of the tsunami means nothing because that threat has existed for years now. Tell us something we don't know Pat unless God told you secrets that only He wanted you to know LOL!

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    Mon May 15 2006

    Oh nooo. . .give the brother a mic and all the space he needs. . .the more he talks, the dumber his sheep-followers and apologists look. . .

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    Mon May 15 2006

    I'm with History on this; he's a walking contradiction. Everytime I turn around, he's in the paper or the news for saying something even more ignorant than the last.

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    Mon May 15 2006

    Everything he says seems to always contradict the Bible that he supposedly holds near and dear to his heart. And yes, I am a Christian. I just cannot stand this guy (though I don't hate him).

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    Sun May 14 2006

    senile. What's wrong with Christianity today? Check the man in the mirror Pat.

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    Sat May 13 2006

    A complete embarrassment for Christians. You can't express that you want someone killed! What was he thinking?

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    Tue May 02 2006

    I find it actually disrespectful that he can call himself a man of God. Yet he badmouth's Islam. What a hypocrite. he needs to retire, so that we can fill that hour of TV with something that wont kill off my braincells.

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    Fri Apr 28 2006

    A very very rich man who uses the pulpit to influence elections by promoting politicians that will protect his great wealth from being taxed to help feed the poor. Imagine that. This guy taught Christians in america that it is just fine to gossip. He gossips all the time from the pulpit. The entire time President Clinton was in office, this guy gossipped about him. Instead of praying for him. If I thought this guy was really a representative of Christ I would take my chances with the devil. At least the devil admits to being the devil............

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    Wed Feb 15 2006

    Pat has always been waiting for Armageddon along with the rest of his loopy friends. They think if there is a nuclear war, an earthly paradise will rise for them from the ashes. Some of the previous presidential administrations have only moddle coddled these lunatics at the expense of the rest of us. God save us from this dimwit!!!!!

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    Sun Jan 15 2006

    The leader and spokesperson of the U.S. Christian Taliban. He should be on the terrorism watch list. Since he's a Bush-supporting republican, he won't be.

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    Fri Jan 13 2006

    Someone needs to pass the salt to this foot stuffer. Seems as soon as he gets a taste for one, it sours on him and he turns to the other one. Perhaps a little seassoning might get him to make up his mind. As for him thinking he's God's mouth, he might think he's right, but what's the good of being right if you're looking like an ass in the present, and burning up in the future. Maybe he'll end up like that one kid in the drug prevention commercial, you know the one with his hand stuck inside his mouth where you can't understand a word that comes out. A silent Pat might get past Saint Peter, but not this current trend.

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    Sun Jan 08 2006

    Just a goof and a crackpot, though certainly not a dumb guy. Had he lived 150 years ago he'd be going around in a painted wagon screwing ignorant hicks out of their money for bottles of cure-alls that turn out to be root beer with blue food coloring or something, or swindling Native Americans out of their lands, or some such scam.

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    Sun Jan 08 2006

    I really think he is actually looking forward to armogeddon. What a demented nutjob... it's actually quite amusing hearing what he has to say.

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    Sun Jan 08 2006

    Oh, puhleeeze! It's just ol' Pat talkin'. Don't pay him no mind and he'll go away. His annoyance level doesn't even come close to that of the MSM that swoop down and "scoop" every little piece of trash talk that comes out of ol' Pat's mouth. Then again, he does have enormous influence over "important people in Government [sic]." Yeah, right.

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    Wed Jan 04 2006

    Calling for the assassination of a democratically elected foreign leader is definitely "annoying."

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    Wed Dec 28 2005

    For all the supporters of Pat Robertson I just reccomend to read this: ral.htm

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    Tue Nov 29 2005

    The natural inclination of anyone with an IQ above room-temperature is to dismiss this unctuous, cheesy demagogue as a very bad joke, but let's not forget that he's one of the main architects behind the Christian Coalition, rubs elbows with people like Ralph Reed, has had enormous influence with important people in Government, and at one time was a serious candidate for President. So if he's a joke, the joke is on us as American citizens. The really sad thing about Robertson (and I speak as a confirmed agnostic) is that he gives sincere people of genuine faith a bad name, in the same way Bonnie and Clyde gave classy bank robbers like John Dillinger a bad name. Seriously, though, a Christian faith helped my grandmother weather the adversities of being poor during the Depression, of illness, and a plethora of other hardships inflicted by the cold realities of life. She was a simple woman, not an intellectual, but she took strength from her religion, and I always respected that, as I resp... Read more

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    Mon Nov 21 2005

    Annoying probably isn't an accurate term for this filth. He would be easy to dismiss if he weren't so influential, but his disciples are numerous enough that he cannot be ignored, wherein lies his power I suppose. His ravings are an affront to logic and common sense, yet one cannot shake the suspicion that those less level-headed than oneself might be taken in by them, to paraphrase Orwell. His latest outrage concerns the decision by the citizenry of Dover, PA to banish Intelligent Design from the science curriculum; he has basically called upon God to smite the township with all His might. Such hateful behavior goes far beyond "annoying". Mosquitoes are annoying. Pauly Shore is annoying. Pat Robertson is one of the more despicable people in America and I wish nothing less than crippling bone cancer upon him and his ilk.

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    Wed Nov 16 2005

    Pat it is time to retire your just to off the wall. You seem to make bizzare statements just to get air time and quite frankly, I think I can speak for all of us, the American public, that we have had enough. Retire and wait for god to call you up.

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    Thu Nov 10 2005

    Can't stand the man.

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    Sun Oct 23 2005

    A joke. Nobody with half a brain pays attention to this cretin anymore.