Pastor Jim Raley

Approval Rate: 79%

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    Mon Aug 17 2009

    i think jim raley is a fake, money hungry, egotistic, big mouthed, man that calls himself a pastor/preacher. people are so sick of the rod parsleys,benny hinns, jimmy swaggerts, men and women of god that parade around on a stage and take the people for eveything they got while they go home too there big homes and fancy cars with no worries in the world. while the people supporting them struggle too pay the light bill and there mortgage. its people like this guy here that the world despises,oh sure you can bless someone just too get the credit for it but what about the person no one pays attention too that may sleep in his car, and got laid off at his job, and has no money for food? where you at now? your sitting at your big house with your remote in your hand with not a care in the world. what about the preacher/pastor that had a bad turn of events in his life and got out of the ministry too heal? where are you jim raley? your at a district council talking about that man and running h... Read more

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    Fri Jun 12 2009

    Pastor Jim Raley usually preaches while wearing jeans not custom suits and I have never seen his wife Dawn "dripping" in diamonds either. I love his preaching style and have been listening to him on the radio, watching him on TV & visiting Calvary Christian Center for over 7 years now. I began listening to his sermons on the radio when I was going through a very difficult time in my life. I will always be appreciative for the inspiring messages he spoke about God, they pierced straight through in to my broken, shattered heart, lifted me up and helped me to believe again. I am so very, very, thankful that I happened to come across him on the radio at the time!!! It was a great blessing to me!

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    Mon Apr 20 2009

    I wanted to respond to someone called save1. They said "He lives in a huge home, drives several expensive vehicles and has custome made suites. His wife drips with diamonds and expensive plastic surgery." Good for him, he is supposed to be doing good, but... I have only been watching him for a short time but I think, BOY DO YOU HAVE IT WRONG. I can't even imagine where you would get this from. Not by the looks of him and his wife. He preaches in jeans. You might know more than I do, like I said, I've only just started watching him. I believe Pastors should do good however, their is a few that are excessive.

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    Sun Oct 05 2008

    Pastor Raley is the best as well as the rest of the church body. I have been membered in two other churches until my arrival in Florida & I have NEVER been in a more dedicated, holy & sanctified place of God. Some folks just don't understand good God preaching. Since coming to this church my life has been full of blessings and those who speak against the man of God should really be careful as it says in the Bible, "Touch not my anointed" or the consequences could be severe. God is watching & He is listening. Obviously some folks don't embrace the full word of God nor His laws and commands. So be it! I for one can join in unashamedly @ CCC and give God all the glory and honor. So glad I made it! The Pastoral wallet is not our concern as you see the church budding & blossoming adhereing to the mighty word of God and promises. Why do you worry about the man of God? Let God worry about the man of God, not you nor me. Susan P

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    Sun Sep 28 2008

    Pastor Raley has a lot to shout about, just like I do! When I remember where my life was taking me, and I look at the life I have lived instead for the past forty years, I have a hard time just closing my eyes and quietly whispering, "Thank you Jesus!" I want to sing! I want to dance! I want to love someone! I want to give something! Just because a person feels close to God in a quiet little closet doesn't mean it is a sin to come out of the closet and shout! My goodness, every sin, every evil thing a man can think to do is out in the open these days. I refuse to keep my praise in the closet and be intimidated by people who say it is offensive. It is not meant for you, it is meant for God. If Pastor's words bother you, turn him off. His message is not meant for you anyway.

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    Sat Aug 02 2008

    Praise God for Pastor Raley's life and preaching. He is empowered by God's Spirit and word. He would be especially effective in Africa as they would sense the Spirit's evangelistic passion to win the lost at all costs. May the Lord enable, enrich and encourage him in every way for the greater qualitative and quantitative expansion of the church of Jesus Christ. Professor Paul Fritz

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    Sat Feb 09 2008

    Pastor Raley is a man of God on fire for God. The anointing God has placed on his life flows from him with passion. I THANK GOD for placing us under the spiritual guidance of this man of God. His wife, Pastor Dawn is anointed as well - she is truly a blessing - and has a heart to serve God. They lay their lives down for God every day. Thank You Both.

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    Fri Feb 01 2008

    Great man of God. One of the most humble people you will ever meet. I've actually traveled with him and the church and he's one of the nicest most sincere people i've ever met. He likes to joke around and he talks to people like they're one of his buddies. He always brings an amazing message week after week. I honestly don't know how he does it. Him and his wife are great people to look up to. I actually go to Calvary. Most of the people that talk about him the worst DONT even know the man!!!! I've been to a lot of churches and Calvary is definitly the best one I've seen. It's not BORING like a lot of other churches.

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    Sun Nov 25 2007

    First off, to comment on the person complaining on Pastor Raleys shouting and hollering. thats pretty ignorant to talk mess about a man thats so passionate about the word of God, and so passionate about drawing people to Christ that it reflexs on the style he preches. For example if you win 25 million $ see how much shouting you'll be doing. I am a member of Calvary Christian Center and 2 times a week I get the privlige to see up close a true anointing flow threw a man of God that threw his preaching its evident that he truely lives to seek the face of God and lives for him. The power thats in the worship, prayer, and preaching at C.C.C. could not be experienced by some Joe Blow trieng to just be hype. It comes by a true man of God living holy seeking the face of God and staying in prayer.When you see week after week in the services at C.C.C. during worship people truely desireing the presence of God that they weap, and cry out for the lord in praise. It shows the p... Read more

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    Tue Sep 25 2007

    i love the ratings. i really can't wait till Pen Florida youth convention on Nov. 17-18. the screaming ang hollering got the message across to me with Reggie, so why not others? don't judge him.

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    Mon Jul 30 2007

    Pastor Raley is an amazing man of God hes a man after the hearts and souls of the lost wich really shows his compassion and love for mankind. His goal is to win souls into the kingdom of God so that we may flourish and reside in the presence of the almighty GOD!!!!!!!

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    Sat Mar 17 2007

    best i have seen for first time today in West Australia

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    Tue Mar 06 2007

    This guy's difficult to listen to for any length of time. The screamin' and hollerin' are too much. What doesn't he understand about communicating in normal, discernible ways? And why is it that evangelists think they have to yell to get their message across? Does the louder you talk and the more you rant make your message more palatable or accurate? Apparently, at least for those who can tolerate to listen to this show, it does.

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    Mon Aug 28 2006

    This is a true man of God,I love his style of preaching. I lived in Florida and now live in Virginia and I attened Pator Raley's church in Florida. I can now watch him over the net on Mondays at 8:30pm. I never miss a Monday night

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    Tue Apr 04 2006

    Straight up Word! No problems. It's good that someone finally gives it to us straight

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    Thu Mar 09 2006

    I think Jim Raley is a liar and a thief. He is a preys on people and adulterates the word of God. He is not in this to save souls.. Do not et him fool you. He lives in a huge home, drives several expensive vehicles and has custome made suites. His wife drips with diamonds and expensive plastic surgery. It is all about how much money he can take from you. He will fill your head with lies. This is exactly what satan wants do not be decieved by the lights camera and actions that go on during a service. This is all lip service and every person who gives there money goes directly towards JIM RALEY CASH FUND to support his two homes, yes the one in the mountains that he never speaks of. Use your disernment and see what realy is going on at CCC. IT is a joke you all are fooled!!!!!!!

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    Mon Mar 06 2006

    there is no need to yell when preaching there was no message the music at the church was great---but the preaching made the whole experince bad

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    Sat Nov 26 2005

    I love his preaching style and Word