Passover is a Judeo-Christian holiday with roots in the story of Exodus in the Bible; “Passover” refers ...
Approval Rate: 73%
Reviews 7
by jester002
Thu Jan 21 2010I'm good with it as an observance.
by drummond
Tue Dec 27 2005Married a Jewish woman and learned to love this holiday. Anybody know why feminist Jews put oranges on their seder plates? Great story.
by jaywilton
Sun Apr 10 2005Passover commemorates God's taking the Jews out of slavery in Egypt and allowing us to reach this season.The holiday begins-depending on religious custom with one or two Seder's(meaning order in Hebrew) in which the story of God's liberating the Jews from Egyptian slavery-in which the Hitler of the era ordered that all Jewish males be drowned in the Nile.In response,God unleashes 10 plagues on Egypt-and the Jews are given their exit visas,following the 10th plague,in which all Egyptian first-born males are given the death sentence.The current Pharoah(Hitler) then changes his mind and sends his troops after the Jews,who cross the Red Sea(or sea of Reeds),as the sea parts and allows the Jews to cross,while Pharoah's posse drowns. The Passover story is read on the first one or two nights from the Haggadah,in which the leader of the revolt,Moses,is briefly mentioned once or twice and the focus is on a God -rather than god's-who relate to people;I believe God has a personality and t... Read more
by mariusqeldroma
Sat Dec 18 2004Passover is as much a part of Christianity as it is a part of Judaism. Christians have taken the Pascal feast to the next level with Holy Communion, to remember when Christ offered Himself up as the Lamb to be slain for our sins. I've taken part in the Seder before, and I value the experience as much as sitting down to the Lord's Table.
by beelzebub
Fri Dec 17 2004Hmmmm. I thought this was about Pesach/Passover, a Jewish holiday. How did all this Jesus get in here? Anyway, my sister-in-law's family are Jewish (a.k.a. Members of the Tribe(that's there moniker not mine)). I've spent the last 3 Passover's with them, and enjoy the holiday as much as any Christian holiday. There is something about sharing a ritual that goes back thousands of years (not as far as the dinosaurs, but that's just evolution) that's special.
by jakemr33
Tue Dec 07 2004Ralphie-True that Paul never departed from his Jewish heritage or demanded that Jewish Christians renounce the law of Moses. However, he made it clear to everyone that the Mosaic Law could not function as a means of salvation. There is evidence that Paul was continuing to keep the Law when he stood before Felix in 24:11-12. The fact that he was coming to Jerusalem to worship was evidence of this. The point I am trying to make is was Paul preached you are saved by God through faith in Jesus Christ, not the Jewish Law.
by kamylienne
Mon Dec 06 2004. . . anyone else find it ironic that, as of the time of my posting, 35 people have rated this particular holiday, but no one left a post on it (in effect, passed over it)? In fact, it was the ONLY item in the list without comment. Hmm. ADDITION: Thanks so much to Gone Away for her input for the item description; I would have put it in the description itself, if I had room!