Partridge Family
Approval Rate: 73%
Reviews 0
by spike65
Sun Jun 08 2008Always liked Shirley Jones. This show was a real chore to watch.
by wacfromwallawa_lla
Tue Oct 30 2007Great show then and now; good chemistry between cast. Danny and Dave Madden very funny. But best part was Chris Partridge #1, Jeremy Gelbwaks -- totally cute, gorgeous big blue eyes, and a fine little actor, to boot! Jeremy forever! Brian never!
by 93century
Tue Oct 30 2007If i was on the set of that show i probably would have to tape it to my leg after seeing the young beautiful Susan Dey!!
by almightycatman
Tue Oct 23 2007God...If you were an 8 yo back in the day, this was the greatest show on the planet!! Ultra hip for it's time, though from todays perspective it may come off as ultra corny and ultra dated. (remember those purple outfits they were always performing in?) Still, I regard it fondly, and to this day it's kind of a guilty pleasure of mine to plug in a CD with all those songs. It's a total nostalgia blast, as I'm instataneously transported back to my childhood. Great stuff!! Also, I have alot of respect and admiration for David Cassidy for still having his act together all these years later. Right on Dave!! The Partidge Family Rules!!
by sharonparry
Wed Oct 25 2006I happen to like this one better than the Brady Bunch, which was just a little bit too typical. At least the mom organized a band. At that time in my life that was more cool than organizing a PTA meeting.
by virilevagabond
Sun Oct 01 2006Remembering that television is supposed to be first and foremost entertainment (as a general rule), I've always liked "The Partridge Family". The Chris and Tracy characters were just screen filler, but the chemistry between David Cassidy, Danny Bonaduce, and Dave Madden was simply impeccable. Moreover, even though the music was obviously contrived (the show was based on the real life family group The Cowsills), it was still fun and remains enjoyable, and some of those singles remain signature songs of the "have a nice day" 70's.
by mr_nuetron
Thu Dec 15 2005More glorification of divorced people.Made the Monkeys seem like a highbrowed classic.Wish they had a steel gage death match with the Bradys.Ops forgot i think Danny boxed Greg Brady but not the finality of character death necessary.
by kattwoman
Tue Jul 05 2005i liked this show but i was also a young girl who thought david cassidy was a cutie.
by djahuti
Fri Dec 03 2004Sterile and corny.
by contax
Tue Nov 30 2004The interplay between Dave Madden and Danny Bonaduce was spectacular. Cassidy's portrayal of a hapless, disrespected superstar was legend. Susan Dey's smile was captivating. Only the lack of development of the Chris and Tracy characters disappointed. Their music is 100 times better than most music released in the last decade.
by hevensgurl
Wed Jul 28 2004Cheesy show...but I do like some of the music
by rick18
Wed Jul 07 2004Good show based on the Cowsill singing family...too bad the actors didn't really sing though...loved Susan Dey..
by throwback72
Mon Jun 21 2004Who ever watched this crap
by scarletfeather
Mon Feb 02 2004Ok, I admit it, I loved this show, but there's no way I would watch it now. It is completely stupid and bland.
by moosekarloff
Tue Dec 23 2003Dreadful and boring. Truly sucked back then, and if you were to watch an episode of this today, you'd probably ask yourself (this is presupposing you have at least two brain cells and a sense of cultural discernment that goes beyond the third grade) how this crap ever got on the air. Shirley Jones is a charming actress and a very good singer: why she compromised herself by hooking onto this turkey I can't figure. Maybe she needed the money. Susan Dey is one of the vaguest, limpest, most vapid actresses ever to stumble through a script. Bonaduce is such a talent that he's a headliner on the Celebrity Boxing circuit these days. And David Cassidy ranks as one of the greatest eunuchs in entertainment industry, up there with Bobby Sherman, Bronson Pinchot and the Gibb Brothers. When you consider what inspired this dreck, The Cowsills, were so weak, it follows this show bit the big one.
by t_felicity
Thu Nov 20 2003I was a kid, I loved this show. This was a show full of family values and mischief, something for everyone. I of course was in love with David Cassidy aka Keith Partridge. Not many girls weren't. It was a great show and I still catch it on Much Music!
by mllelarisa
Sun Nov 02 2003This show is always good for a chuckle. Danny was sooooo good as a smart-aleck brat!!! Keith was a major hottie too! :)
by kolby1973
Wed Jul 23 2003This show was just terrible, like most of the shows on tv in this era of television. YUCKO ! And the music was so bland.....I do not recommend this show to anyone...
by tavy1961
Wed Jul 23 2003I loved The Partridge Family! Expecially David Cassidy! David had a bigger fan club than Elvis!Danny and Reuben were so good together! PF was good clean unstressful fun... very much UNlike today programs!
by susanjfs
Tue Jul 22 2003Are u kidding? The Partridge Family was wonderful. Granted some of the scripts weren't the best, but the music was great and it was fun. I still enjoy watching it when I can AND it launched one of the most incredible show business careers of our time. That being David Cassidy. Having been a fan of David's for years, I can say that although he's had lean times, his career is soaring (he is currently on a concert tour) and even though times have changed, he remains loyal to his devoted fans and to himself. David, although it's been said many times before, "I (still) think I love you."
by red630
Mon Dec 09 2002The songs really weren't that bad, the show never matched the music.
by sosingular
Wed Nov 06 2002This show was as enjoyable as a hang nail.
by molfan
Sat Sep 07 2002I will give this an almost four. I would say I liked this show more when it was first on and I was starting junior high. I thought it was a great show then about a family of singers. To this day I even still like a few of the songs they sang. Watching this as an adult brings back a few nice memories of childhood shows I watched. Of course now I see the scripts were not always so hot. the plots were sometimes dumb and unlikely. I knew from the beginning that the only two actors who really sang were David Cassidy and Shirley Jones. Not such a bad show, not a great one either.
by dragonsalyer41_689
Fri Aug 02 2002they really had fun and commitment there. not to mention keith was cute!
by quincy
Mon Jul 01 2002I'll never forget my first crush. It was 1971. I was seven years old and in love with--Jeremy Gelbwaks. I wrote him a fan letter and all. When my very mean sister told me he would not be coming back the next season of course I didn't believe her, she was always teasing me like that. Then she showed me her Tiger Beat. The awful truth was right there in the article titled "Jeremy says goodbye." It said his father's business was taking him to another state and I was too young to read between the lines. Only years later did I find out it was all on account of that Danny Bonna-deuce. He's the one my sister liked. Figures! Of course I wasn't too young to know that the "group" could never, ever sound like their records even if they did play the instruments it was so painfully obvious they WEREN'T playing. And why couldn't the producers have used a children's choir for the background vocals to at least present a reasonable facsimilie of what the Family might've sounded like? I did ... Read more
by joey1963
Sun Jun 02 2002Brings back lots of memories on a Friday night...The Brady Bunch followed by the Partridge Family...although contrived at times, it was at least based on a real singing family, even though only Shirley Jones and David Cassidy did any real singing. A little bizarre that the "two" Chris's looked nothing alike...did ABC think no one would notice??
by kiwi8577
Wed Jul 04 2001Will always love this show!! I'm 42 and still a hugh David Cassidy fan! (And still listen to my Partridge Family CD's! I still enjoy the music!)
by powerpuffkewpi_e
Fri May 11 2001I wish kids of today could have such wholesome, if even corny, tv. The PF is my all-time favorite. I loved the music then and I am so excited that much of it has been released in cd format. Long live the PF.
by callmetootie
Thu Apr 05 2001This show really needs to be in reruns, because it was so good and imaginative. This was so much better then The Monkees. The last times I saw this was when it was rerunning on the Screen Gems Network at 8:00 in the morning.
by skot_jeffrey
Wed Feb 07 2001Never has there been a show quite like The Partridge Family. No matter what anyone says, it was great T.V., bubblegum and all, but it made David Cassidy one of the biggest stars that ever was. Too bad we can't allow good clean television to be aired anymore. And for all you negative raters out there, how many copies of "I think I Love you" could you sell? Not 6 million I bet!
by libbyebf
Wed Nov 22 2000Keith is hot stuff. He's hot hot hot!
by artbuf
Sun Sep 17 2000Come'on get canceled....
by pbu9377om
Fri Aug 04 2000Keith Partridge is so hot!
by dent9074om
Thu Jul 27 2000the partridge family is the all time greatest tv show ever made! it is so awesome!
by jayn7123om
Mon Jun 05 2000Loved the pairing of Danny and Reuben in various schemes. Kept the show from being Brady.
by choo5421au
Thu Mar 16 2000i think i know some of those people for real
by ashw2335om
Sun Dec 19 1999Hee hee. Really cheesy, but that's what makes it funny.
by pame486om
Fri Oct 29 1999Partridge Family-annoying family, terrible songs