PaPurr Scoop
Approval Rate: 89%
Reviews 0
by diane_sandy
Sun Apr 19 2009I too was so happy when I found the new distributors of Papurr. They're located in Phoenix, but the product is shipped from American Colloid in York, Pa. I have a litter box-trained rabbit and she likes it just fine. This litter will fall through the scoop and allow the rabbit poos to stay on top so they can be thrown away. I find the clumping capability of this litter perfect. I don't particularly care for the fragrance. I think that the regular litter has a stronger odor than the scoopable litter. Their claim to 99.9% dust free is true.
by thewheelpeople
Mon Mar 16 2009Last year when I found out that PAPURR was being pulled from the shelfs, I went to ALL the pet stores and bought ALL the remaining stock they had. Came to 300 lbs. All my cat were outdoor cats, however, due to a high volume of wild dogs in my area they are 7-24-365 (366 for Leap Year) indoor cats. All three took to PAPURR like Ducks takes to water. I have three litter boxes in my mobile home and I don't have that "Litter box" smell like the other brands. Pours and spreads with very little dust. Cleans up with no mess. I like it. AND more important, my cats like it. P.S. For the machnic in the family, PAPURR can be sifted clean,air dried in the sun and used as an oil/fluid absorbing medium. It holds almost twice as much as its closest competitor. As soon as it's available in my area I'll load up another 300#s.
by kittykitty10
Wed Jan 07 2009woo hoo! Papurr is now available again! Call the new company, For the Earth at 800-791-5916. I spoke to Lara. Very helpful, very friendly!
by kitkat7
Thu Oct 23 2008PaPurr is the BEST, it is the only litter I will buy. I finally found the new company that took over, they will be happy to inform you of the whereabouts of PaPurr and you can even buy direct from them. Call For The Earth (new PaPurr owners) at 800-791-5916, the website is coming soon but FYI...
by yashiyasashii
Wed Jul 23 2008PaPurr scoopable is the best litter, can no longer find it in any stores, what's the scoop?
by felinefreak
Sat Jul 05 2008My 4 cats like this litter better than any litter I've tried. I love, love, love that it is flushable. We scoop our boxes every morning and evening and we don't have that odor when we enter our house.
by stlouisman2
Mon Jun 30 2008PaPurr Scoop is the best! Great clumping, but most importantly no dust! Major problem: Petco and PetSmart no longer carry it, nor do any of the smaller pet stores here in St. Louis. It costs more to ship it than the price of the litter when I looked into buying it on line. HELP!
by nmairs
Mon Jun 02 2008My cats will use nothing else--a bit of a problem, since the litter can't always be found. No litter is perfect (cat pee is powerful stuff!) but this is best of what's available.
by anonymousobjec_tiveopinion
Sun May 11 2008Not too sure about this litter yet. I believe I bought the clumping version but it doesn't do much in the way of that. I was very surprised there is some perfume in it. I want to contact them to find out what the clumping agent is, also. In the clay litters I checked out, it's the type of clay that makes it clump. I did add a bit of leftover A&H; scooping litter (which I like but the dust is killing us all and my baby has a lung nodule). Could not recommend this litter, but I might mix it with others. Nature's Miracle is in first runner right now, although I'll mix that too. Hate the odor out of the bag, but I think it dissipates as it didn't bother my asthma or breathing later. Yesterday's News just closed my lungs down. Didn't like the way it performed either.
by mact72fd
Sun Mar 23 2008Thank God I'm not the only one who thinks this litter is nauseating--other than my cat that is. Every time I walk into the bathroom, the smell of the litter itself practically knocks me over .I've tried using an air freshener to cover the smell, but I'm concerned that anything that smells that toxic can't be good for my cat who is 10x smaller and has to walk around in that stuff. I'm on the verge of returning the rest of the bag. Does anyone have any other ideas? World's best works weel, but it's very expensive and I've heard that the corn used may not have been raised organically, meaning my baby could be exposed to pesticides and the like. I've also tried Swheat Scoop but it's so sticky when soiled that it's a major effort to clean the box. It also does a lousy job of covering odor, even though my kitty's urine barely smells compared to other cats.
by mrsandyq
Mon Feb 18 2008OK, we have quite a few cats, and we were searching for the best litter, as far as low dust, low odor, etc., and by FAR, in comparison, the PaPurr Scoop is the best we have found... we tired Swheat Scoop - the urine smell is awful - and a lot of the other scoop litters produce a TON of dust and with 6 litter boxes in the house, that makes a layer of dust on everything, not to mention it probably isn't good to be breathing all that in the air. PaPurr produces considerably less dust. We have a bag of The World's Best that we have yet to try, but with it costing way more than PaPurr, I can't see that it would be THAT much better! I highly recommend PaPurr Scoop!!
by nocowc4e
Sun Feb 03 2008The best. Winner hands-down. I do rescue. It costs more but it lasts longer and it's worth it. Doesn't create toxic "dust" like other litters. Safer for me, safer for the cats. Plus, it keeps odor down. Other litters make the odor worse: PaPurr does what it's supposed to, plus it's recycled! Too bad they started putting it in plastic, though.
by tanda11
Sun Dec 09 2007Changed to Papurr scoop after using free bag of yesterdays news. Papurr scoop is by far the better litter. It controls odors very well, as long as our cat does a good job of covering her business. Our cat doesn't mind using this litter. It clumps well, but the litter grains are very small and are easy to track outside the litter box. Also, the price is a bit high, $17.99 for 24lbs bag at Petco. Adding about 3cup of ScoopAway multicat to the litter box seems to work very well, while making the litter last longer. By the way, Papurr scoop is every bit as dust free as yesterday's news.
by narangre
Sat Jun 09 2007I almost bought the regular PaPurr litter and I was glad I caught that and bought the scoopable. That could be the problem other people who wrote reviews are having. I have 5 cats and they are a bit picky about their litter. I tried the wheat litter and they hated it, so I thought I'd try a natural litter than looks like the clay ones. My cats used it right away. They know something is different, but they use it. It has a slight smell and is 99.9% dust free. A lot of clay litters say they are 99.9% dust free, but PaPurr actually is. And the smell isn't overwhelming. A lot of other litters have too much perfume in them. I hate it when my cats start smelling like the scent in the cat litter. It scoops just as well as any popular clay litters if not better. I have one cat that has allergies and I'm hoping this litter helps him. I also look forward to less dust when I change the litter or when the cats use it. I won't use a litter that forms a dust cloud when I'm putting it in the box. We ... Read more
by pjcollilns
Sun Mar 18 2007excellent litter, if only the stores like the petsmart i go to would keep it in stock!! i have two cats and mix this litter 3/4 papurr scoopable to 1/4 high grade clay.. works great. im wondering if some of the people who are complaining about papurr are buying the non scoopable litter. i made that mistake one time and it was very bad, no comparison to the scoopable kind. just be sure to buy the scoopable papurr and all will be well, clumps very very tight, with very little dust.
by brentcox
Mon Jan 01 2007I recommend this litter highly for anyone looking for an alternative to dusty clay litter. Pa Purr actually clumps better than clay, and the scent is not overwhelmingly perfumed. My cat took to it immediately. It does seem to track slightly more than clay, but given the health advantages for my cat, that is a minor disadvantage. I strongly urge anyone concerned about dusty cat litter to try this alternative at least once. You'll see for yourself that it's an amazingly good litter, far superior to clay.
by joeylenti
Tue Nov 14 2006A major disappointment. Clumps break apart horribly while scooping. Scent is nauseating, and even when scooped daily the litter stank from day one. My cats tracked it out of the box and through the house like nothing else we'd ever tried. It tracks worse than clay, crystals, pine, corn, wheat, or citrus.
by capricorn7
Sat Nov 26 2005wow-we have 4 growing cats and a litter problem-i was getting a clumping clay litter and putting up with the smell and odor of the litter. the cats also dragged it on their feet. my daughter came to visit and said that she couldn't stand the smell of the litter itself. i had purchased a ionic breeze nachine before we got the darlings. well-we tried a version from a well known health food like gtocery store-that was a disaster for 3 days over thanksgiving-they wouldn't use it-it crunched and didn't have the smell-yeah-i stopped at a pet-smart and happened to get to talk with the manager-she also has 4 cats. she reccommended the papurr and said that she would only use ut. she instrucred me as to how much to use and how often to add to or change it out.she aid 2 bags would last a month. out of our four cats-we have one who smells so much rhat we all leave when he does his duty. WELL-i emptied out the other litters and put in papirr-timmy-our stinky cat was the first to use it and i was a... Read more
by brighitfire
Thu Jul 07 2005Several years back I wanted to switch from a clay litter to a more natural litter when my kitty was preggers (stupid me for misjuding her age and not getting her spayed quickly enough!) I am an ecofreak, so recycled paper sounded like a good deal. It did work well in the Littermaid box, and my cat used it, but she was never picky about litter. I had to scrape the bottom of the Littermaid pan daily because it would stick to the bottom (I do not declaw cats, so liners are completely out of the question for me, they just shred them). It was perfumy. Despite advertising, there was dust. If you and your cat do not mind dust and perfume, you want to use a natural litter that is made of recycled paper (not newsprint), and you either do not object to scraping or use a litterbox that you can fill to a deeper level than the Littermaid, this is a good product.