Pall Mall Filter
Approval Rate: 87%
Reviews 0
by gregg85
Wed Apr 25 2012ok for the price but wouldn't go out my way to get em
by steve357665
Tue Aug 09 2011Pall Mall - Good price and quality. P.S. 2% discount coupon code: 1b3d31ab9c
by rumpole
Tue Jun 28 2011This was a extra premium brand for decades when it was made by the old American Tobacco Company, but since the brand was acquired by Brown & Williamson and then RJR, it has been down-marketed to sub-prime status. It still has a ritzy label though. A powerful, rich, tangy, almost syrupy-sweet cigarette. Delivers a solid hit. No resemblance at all to Marlboro Red. Burns slower as advertised, maybe too slow for some. There are others that are smoother, and they might not be for everyone, but with it’s big flavor and longer burn, these offer the best bang for the buck. Highly satisfying and still has much of its old class despite the bargain price. No apologies needed.
by majame2693
Sun Apr 04 2010The main appeal of a cheap Marlboro Red knockoff is that it's supposed to deliver a similar nicotine kick, even if it tastes like ass. But this doesn't even deliver on that. I have a couple friends who swear by them so maybe I'm just not getting these. I have to admit though, it does have a really unique taste and I guess I could see how certain people could enjoy them. And they burn for a long time. Try them out, you might just like them.
by roastingmallow_s
Wed Feb 10 2010Disgusting taste and smell, like plastic. Cheap, but totally not worth it. I'd much rather not smoke at all. If I hadn't smoked in three days and someone offered me a PM I doubt I would accept It. I might spit on it, actually.
by bagawk
Thu Sep 03 2009I smoke american spirit blues, but once in a while I get the urge to buy a pack of pall malls just to have a little flavor and take some of the harshness off. Some people really hate the smell and flavor, but I find it enjoyable. They burn longer than most cigs, but not as long as spirits.
by pcpeter774
Wed Jul 22 2009The unfiltered verison is better.
by hondarider91
Fri Jul 10 2009Tried it once and it tasted like serious ass like someone woke up one day and thought, "let me fart on this cigarette and see how it tastes" then submitted it to RJ Reynolds for approval. Only bum one off somebody if its absolutely necessary. The kick was ok.
by carrollcountyk_id
Fri Jul 10 2009Pall Malls are pretty good, but overall, grizz rises to the top.
by hugsy468
Thu May 14 2009Only thing they got going are they are not as pricey...but they aren't that great....for some reason I hack up alot more when I smoke these and usually smokes don't give me that bad of a time....I gave them an OK rate because I've tried basics when I had no money and was broke and they taste like soap and tastes like **** once you tried the worst of the worst...everything else seems so much better...
by onlyskin
Thu Apr 09 2009Very good for the price. I'm thinking about switching from Camel filters to these, as money's getting tight.
by und3rag3dipp3r_lulz
Tue Mar 17 2009I like these and don't have a problem with them. the only time a buy them is when I'm tired of other brands and just want something different. I like them a lot better than Basics.
by ismokenicotine
Fri Dec 19 2008This are horrible. I honestly dont know why everyone likes these so much. For those of you who used to smoke underage and your parents house, youd know how you dont think you smell like smoke but you really do. Bad. Perhaps thats the deal here, PM's have a nasty smell to those who dont smoke them, something like cat piss and moldy cardboard. It's absolutly repulsive. If you want a good cigarette smoke a 27 for god sake. STOP SMOKING THESE.
by concentric
Fri Oct 24 2008Old truckers in the boon docks wearing flannel. Close?
by hamarchy
Tue Oct 21 2008lil bland, but last a while, not too harsh, nice aftertaste its like smoking a marlboro red with the light after taste i prefer camel wide, but i get a 3 pack of these for 7 bucks and 1 pack or wides are 6 so what u think imma get
by mike12112
Mon Oct 20 2008taste like horse ass, but last long. and they were also only 2$2.96 for me in VEGAS =)
by dekoy411
Thu Aug 21 2008I use to be a marlboro smoker untill I tried these. Pall Malls burn much slower and better then marlboro plus they taste great without a bad after taste. Another plus about them is their price. These in my area cost 3.55 including tax which is about 17 cents less then the buy 2 get one free marlboro medium packs.
by skljlsdkfj
Thu Jul 17 2008I like the 100's. They last forever. I prefer other brands, however, pall mall cigarettes are cheap and burn for a LONG time.
by thedarkeninggr_ey
Sat Jun 14 2008Pretty damn good cigarettes. Better than many of the more expensive brands (these things are only 4 bucks a pack where I live, a pack of camels is 5.35). Good alternative when you're low on cash like I am. Burns real slow, smells/tastes pretty good. And CHEAP! They could raise the price on these and a lot of people would still smoke them.
by brandon91
Tue Apr 15 2008really good
by jayik389
Mon Apr 14 2008so so good it tastes simliar to marlboro but better and it burns twice as slow these are my favorite cigarettes(when im not rolling), and they are usually 50 cents to a dollar cheaper than marlboro reds try it once and you will switch over!
by missirrt9
Sun Jul 15 2007Pall Mall my favorite cigarette....ever since i started smoking i smoked pall mall's i think that they r great cant stand any other brand marlboro reds stink they r terrible....if u r looking for a fairly cheap cigarette and quality at the same time pick these up...
by mattyk
Thu Jul 05 2007im 17 and broke so im glad i found these. second only to camel wides. slowest burning cig youll ever smoke
by diprosopus
Thu May 17 2007Honestly one of the better cigarettes for your money out there. Taste quite good, not all too smooth but burn forever. Definately worth trying.
by undertheradar
Mon Mar 05 2007Bought a carton of PM's online... seemed ok at first but my lungs and sinuses took a beating by about the 4th pack, something funky about them. Burns too quickly too (they were shipped from overseas I'm not sure maybe they are different from PM's bought in the USA). If you want an awesome strong cigarette at a super cheap-o price try ordering a carton of Bronco. They are made in Columbia but have a strong American taste... I dunno if the cartels down there are packin' coca leaves in with the blend but I smoke half of one of them and I feel completely satisfied and downright pleasant.
by poorderosaman
Sun Jul 23 2006This is a good smoke at a good price.They burn slow and thus the cig last much longer than the average smoke. The smell is not to intrusive to others. Taste good and is in my top 5 of favorite smokes..A all around good deal. If you smoke and wanna save some cash give theses a fair chance.You want be out to bad cash wise and heck'you just might take a liking to them...
by niceporch
Thu Oct 06 2005Yo, it's not a bad cigarette. Downfall is no distinguishing flavor. At least they last hella long.
by nick_post
Fri Apr 29 2005Though these are sold as premium cigarettes, I'm not sure why. I picked up a pack for WW2 nostalga, as these were in little four packs in rations, but as for WW2 era smokes, please, stick to the Camels or Lucky Strikes. These have the charactaristic flat taste you get from a Marlboro Red, and that's about the way to describe them. They seem more papery than the Marlboro and possibly a little lighter and thin. I will not buy these again.
by greg123321
Wed Jan 26 2005These are like a cheap version of Marlboro Reds. I'll smoke these if I'm broke, but Marlboro Reds are way better