Paideia Academy St. Louis
Approval Rate: 70%
Reviews 0
by shayshay97
Tue Jun 29 2010hello everyone..let me start by saying, what u do and how u act reflects on your children...i have been reading everything everyone has post..many not good may i share..i find it real funny how these parents are posting there comments on this computer but i like to share none of you parents were attending the school to show your concerns....i would pick my child up from school and while standing out there waiting on my child i just could not believe how disrespectful your children were....these kids did not care at all what an adult was telling many of u parents just pop in to check up on your child?..the more that we as parents are involed in our children school with them the better the turn out for our children will be....i am just so tired of hearing how bad paideia is..when in all you parents that aren't involed with the school, just might have the children there that make it a bad school.....thank you
by number1teacher
Wed Mar 24 2010I taught at this school & only taught there for the 1 year that I did because I was under contract! In this contract it included health insurance, however I NEVER received it! The administration (not including principals) is horrible. They talk about grand ideas, but don't help the teachers put them into practice. The principal do their best with what they've been given, but they receive no support. I sent many student out of my classroom for hitting & throeing tantrums, but nothing was ever done. They were just sent back in to the classroom. I was also denied a 30 min child free lunch break. They told me I was required to sit in & eat lunch with my students because they were unwilling to hire building aides to supervise. Although some private school are great, this is NOT one of them & would recommend that you don't try to work there or ever send your child there.
by stlmom2
Wed Mar 17 2010Look, I have had kids in this school for a few years and i can tell you that many changes have been made for the good since Mr. Mora was hired as the principal. More improvements need to be made, but the school IS improving.
by 8thgrader
Sat Feb 13 2010I go to Paideia Academy. I just transfered from a St. Louis county school. So you can imagine all the change I had to face. I haven't learned one thing since i've came here. Alot of the kids are smart but it doesn't matter because they are too busy acting dumb. They are always getting in to arguments and jumping over tables. This week the whole entire middle school floor got put on lock down and will be kept on it untill spring break. My mom put me in this school thinking it would be better then all the other public schools. She was wrong. Teachers only stay there because they have a contract and they have no problem telling us that every chance they get. At the beggining of the year 2 kids got in a fight and right afterwards got sent back to class with no punishment. I am embarassed 2 be going to this school. My grades where all A's and B's when I came here and quickly went down hill. Their grading system is off. I only have 1 reason to thank this school and that is because they helpe... Read more
by citygal5
Fri Feb 12 2010Well first of all, all these comments scare me. I've just graduated and I am currently looking for a job. I was interested in this Academy because I did not want to work in the public school system. My thoughts, and what I had heard from other teachers, is that private schools take education more seriously. They have the benefit of setting up their own policies about how to educate and how to discipline. That the majority of students attending are more serious students and value a better education. However, reading the comments from stlmom and the rebuttals from David B Simpson I am not sure what to believe regarding this school. It seems to me that out of all the children attending this school there would be more than just 6 people with opinions. Perhaps David B Simpson should sit down face to face the other 5 people who all have the same opinion, which differs from his own. Being an objective outsider I have to comment that David B's side is therefore suspect. Instead of po... Read more
by ashfarm1
Wed Nov 04 2009PAIDEIA ACADEMY SOUTHSIDE CAMPUS IS HORRIBLE! I choose Paideia Academy Southside campus because all the public schools were closing and I thought they would be better, but it turned out to be worse. I had a kid in the kindergarten and in the 8th grade. The kindergarten teacher was good but (she left )and my kid didn't learn anything else after that. My older kid transferred from public school with good grades and started getting bad grades at Paideia. So I go the school to see why, I sat in the back of the classroom to obeserve, the teacher just sat at the desk and talked to another teacher the whole hour. The kids sat in groups and just laughed and played, walked around. A student even got up to leave and came back in the room with shorts on. The teacher would get up sometimes and say work on your projects. But she was not teaching anything. The students were loud and rowdy and the teacher did not tell the kids to sit down. I went to the office to talk to the principal but he wasn... Read more
by realeducation
Mon Jun 22 2009When will it end. Summer school is well; let's be polite, and say crazy. Not enough "teachers" although they really should not to be called teachers because they are not certified. No Principal at north campus she quit the last day of school. Great teacher from north campus also quit, fired teachers they don't like.... on and on
by megegriffin
Tue Jun 02 2009Funny, smart and caring children attend this school. Caring and hard working teachers work at this school. A lot of adults work hard to try to get this school up and running, to be an assest not only to the students that attend, but for the good of our city. A lot of people put a lot of heart into this school to make it a positive, viable option for our children. The Paideia Academy could be a great school. But it is not. Despite the hard work of most of the adults, no improvement can be made with the current administration. The woman in charge, Ms. Brenda Johnson Pruitt has many issues, which would make her an EXCELLENT office manager... but a HORRIBLE school administrator. First - Her entire focus is making money. Now, I realize that money is needed to run a school. I suppose it is my wish that she would allow the BUSINESS MANAGER to pay more attention to the business side and for Brenda Johnson Pruitt to pay more attention to making the school a better place. I find her preocc... Read more
by davidbsimpsons_tl
Mon May 18 2009Can't say enough good things about the great turn arournd this team has made. A few years ago (under different operators) we thought we would lose our neighborhood school. Now, we have a neighborbood school we can be proud of! Thanks you.
by stlmom
Sat May 09 2009We initially came to Paideia Academy (formerly St. Louis Charter Academy) from a parochial school, hoping to give our children a good education in a diverse environment. Initially, we had very high hopes for our years here. In the past 4 years, we have become increasingly disappointed. Bullying went on for an entire year (our son was the target). Two weeks before school ended, the teacher was removed from the classroom. He learned nothing that year, other than the school was not safe. Communication is sorely lacking. We just found out through casual conversation with a teacher that our son has been receiving occupational therapy for the past several years. We attend every parent-teacher conference. We speak with our children's teachers regularly. Why on earth would this have never been shared? There are no weekly bulletins or newsletters to keep parents informed. School lunch menus haven't come home since the beginning of the year...but it's not such a big deal since they... Read more