Ozzy Osbourne

Born in 1948, Ozzy Osbourne released his first CD, "Diary of a Madman," in 1981. His most popular songs ...

Approval Rate: 58%

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    Mon Oct 22 2012

    The buzzard of blahs

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    Mon Aug 13 2012

    The Geezer of Gauze

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    Wed Apr 18 2012

    I loved some of Ozzy's Sabbath work but his last few albums with them declined. His solo work saw him revitalized but some of it has not aged that well (particularly albums like Bark At the Moon and The Ultimate Sin) and I don't care for his later works. His first two solo albums were a different story. They are masterpieces. I have no problem with older rockers still banging their head but Ozzy can't get it done live anymore and hasn't been able to in years. At one time he would have gotten four or five stars, now I give him three but it is more out of respect than reality.

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    Mon Nov 07 2011

    Ok, Ozzy is awesome but he should have retired quite a few albums ago ,I think his last descent album was ozzmosis and last great album was No more tears. His new album scream is almost unlistenable bad.

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    Tue Sep 06 2011

    not as good as he used to be with randy and zakk D:

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    Sat Sep 04 2010

    Best metal vocalist right behind no one!

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    Sun Jun 20 2010

    I like his music, early on in her solo career, but he sings like a retard and was too weird for my liking.

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    Wed Mar 03 2010

    Ozzy. From what I saw of him on his TV show he seems ok. He seemed a human being there. He was a little cranky. I didn't really listen to his music. I know a little of it. I just know it was heavy metal and I had a run in with one of their musicians on something else. The guy pretending to be him had then announced he was in Black Sabbath but he wasn't and back in something else now. The guy in the record store said no one listens to it but kids 13-14. One of the younger girls liked him Ozzy. I read about the bat thing since I was worried, he had the excuse that he didn't know what it was. There was the dove report in a book. It sounded suspicious and they said he really did it. Sharon, his wife had gotten them and I think she would stay with him anyway. That wouldn't be good and would make me angry. But I think overall he is harmless and drugs. It is a different lifestyle. I respect him in a way for saying he doesn't discuss politics in Hollywood.

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    Thu Jul 09 2009

    Great with Sabbath in the 1970's. However his solo career sucked. Big time!!!

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    Mon Dec 01 2008

    Not his best by any means but he has his voice still

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    Wed Nov 19 2008

    When Ozzy was on, he was very good. Unfortunately, 3/4 of his solo work sucks. There is also a pronounced difference between the material with Randy Rhoads and everything that followed; most of the high-points came in those earliest days. BLACK RAIN may be the worst of all; Ozzy thinks he didn't make any money off it because of piracy, but I suspect it was so bad that people didn't want it.

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    Fri Aug 29 2008

    I want an alarm clock that wakes me up with "Crazy Train."

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    Tue Jul 08 2008

    The Muhammad Ali of Rock 'n' Roll. Once mighty and invincible and now a trembling shell of a man who needs someone to lead him around and tell him what the hell is going on. That reality show was his demise. Yes it put him in the spotlight and people were enthralled about him once again but in the wrong way. He went from the "Prince Of Darkness" to "The Dad." That dreadful reality show showed that he is dominated by his wife and has two children who are more annoying than scalp lice. Sharon Osbourne actually got her own talk show...for about 5 minutes. Also his kids were supposed to be the next big thing in terms of entertainment but alas, Kelly Osbournes album sold about as well as a bag of eye snot and the boy's (don't remember his name) last brush with fame was with Z-Grade celebs like Erik Estrada on the reality show "So You Wanna Be A Cop" which lasted less than his mom's talk show. I grew up idolizing Ozzy but he disgraced his legacy to the point where the sight of him m... Read more

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    Tue Jul 01 2008

    I used to be a huge Ozzy fan but the guy has lost it. He can't sing anymore and he is terrible live. However, the guy is the king of metal so I have to give him three stars because a diminished Ozzy is still better than most.

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    Thu May 15 2008

    I dislike Ozzy the person. I also dislike the recent remastering jobs of 'Blizzard of Ozz', 'Diary of a Madman' and 'Bark at the Moon'. His singing voice also epitomises inadequacy. As for his composition abilities, well... On the other hand, he was adept at detecting musical talent - Randy Rhoads, Jake E. Lee and Zakk Wylde are all top-class guitarists. The rhythm section (varying over the years) is often decent, if occassionally unremarkable. Some of the lyrical matter of his solo stuff was interesting - it was occassionally banal or uninspired, but he is slightly underrated in this area due to his modern image. Unfortunately, my 'Ozzy' fix was more of a limited-range, short-term fling than a long-term love affair in the 'Guns N Roses' vein. Most of the Ozzy songs I've heard are decent, but not all ('Suicide Solution' is, IMO, a dull dirge of a song). I'll give him 3.

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    Sun Aug 05 2007

    Ozzy's on-stage performance was excellent whether you like his singing or not. He connected with the audience and had a powerful presentation. Combine that with awsome guitar and drums action, you understand why he was successful. In his later years, he slipped but that's what happens to most hard rockers. I still listen to a few of his songs because they were good. I don't care what he did to whom.

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    Sun Dec 31 2006

    Rock legend turned sell out, big time. When you start re-mastering your classic albums (with unknown talent) to stop paying royalties to the musicians who made you, you've sold out. And screw what the fans think, right? Randy Rhodes, Jake E. Lee, Bob Daisley and Lee Kerslake saved Ozzy after Sabbath and in return he shit on them. Go release another Greatest Hits, Box-Set, Essentials, Live CD cause you've been done for awhile. Tell me when the music (not the money)matters again

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    Mon Nov 13 2006

    There are few worse genres than metal and even for a metal act OO is barrel bottom scrapingly sh*te. That a man like him who cant sing has become a multi-millionaire shows up the rock and pop industry for the steaming tu*d of a business it really is

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    Fri Sep 15 2006

    Ozzy's best work was obviously with Sabbath, but his solo stuff is also pretty good, but not quite up to the standard of music he made with Iommi, Butler and Ward. 'Bark At The Moon' and 'Crazy Train' are very good.

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    Thu May 25 2006

    Three stars mainly because of "Blizzard Of Oz" and "Diary Of A Madman", utter garbage after that. Now he is a freakshow.

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    Tue Mar 28 2006

    Lets face it this guy was "ok" with sabbath, but bloody hell his post sabbath music is utter cack, he aint even famous for music anymore anyway. Whatever era you happened to listened to him, by the time you were 18 you would have grown out of it by then. In short not real music just image.

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    Wed Jan 18 2006

    John 'Ozzy' Osbourne is a rock LEGEND. He was the lead vocalist with BLACK SABBATH, one of the main 'grandfathers' and pioneers of hard rock/heavy metal along with Led Zeppelin and early Scorpions, Rush, Mountain, Cream, etc. I can't think of a higher honor as a hard rock/heavy metal vocalist!!! Long live OZZY!!!!

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    Tue Dec 06 2005

    rock n rolls role model!

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    Fri Oct 21 2005

    This man is the god of heavy metal

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    Fri Oct 07 2005

    Looks like Satan's child is learning to sing....nothing but offending crap!!

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    Wed Sep 28 2005


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    Mon Aug 15 2005

    ok this guy needs to retire . poser

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    Wed Mar 30 2005

    sharon made him then she ruined him. don't let that bitch and her crazy ideas get in your way for judging this man for what he is.. genius pure genius

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    Wed Jan 05 2005

    The Prince of Darkness! Rest in Peace Randy Rhoads! best song Crazy Train all who hate ozzy shall die

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    Tue Jan 04 2005

    Great, cant understand a word he says...

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    Thu Dec 02 2004

    I think one of his best songs would have to be crazy train

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    Thu Dec 02 2004


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    Mon Nov 15 2004

    This guy is WEIRD. I mean I can get over the fact that he shaved off his eyebrows, and I don't dislike him because that style isn't my thing. The weird thing is that he so wants to still be SOMETHING that he puts his whole family into a TV show. God isn't that as bad as having the Secret Service around you all the time, except TV crews won't save you, just get in the way. They're famous for BEING HIS FAMILY! Ugh...

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    Sun Nov 14 2004

    Ya gotta love Ozzy.Anyone who bites the heads off doves then dines at the Whitehouse 30 years later deserves respect.

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    Sat Oct 02 2004


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    Sun Aug 29 2004

    Ozzy forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Fri Jul 23 2004

    Offensive, awful dreck peformed by a drug-addled looney.

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    Fri Jun 25 2004

    Ozzy can kick some ass. I saw you when I was younger and I have to say my favorite is Momma I'm Comin Home. You rock ozzy, from Jim Brehm Jr. One of your greatest fans.

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    Mon Mar 22 2004

    Ozzy's great. I went to the Ozzfest about a year ago and he put on a decent show. The only problem is that he's pretty incoherent and he has an accent so it's hard to understand him when he talks. At one point he was telling the audience to scream and put their hands in the air, and everyone pretty much looked at each other, wondering what did he say?. So then he started getting pissed off because people weren't doing what he asked, and he said F you all! and stormed offstage. His manager or someone must have pulled him aside and said Ozzy they love you but they can't understand a word you're saying! because he came back smiling and slowly repeated himself, and everyone laughed and then screamed and put their hands in the air.

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    Tue Mar 02 2004

    The band is good, Ozzy just sucks. They have great music, awesome guitar, good rythm, and then it all gets ruined when Ozzy opens his mouth, it's like he can't even hear the damn music.

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    Wed Dec 31 2003

    Because Ozzy had at least one solo album I enjoyed, I had to give him a 2. Other than that, I really don't care for him that much...it is VERY obvious that Sharon is the true talent in that household...NOT Ozzy or even Kelly...

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    Tue Dec 30 2003

    Ozzy is great. Some of you People complain Ozzy is of Satan and a bad role model to the kids. Actually Ozzy is not of Satan, that is his act, he acts it out in his songs, the same as Al Pachino acted out the devil, in the move the Devils Advocate. These People are performers, you take everything they act out or perform to serious, it's just a role they are playing. I am not suprised the stupid comments made though, you have that when you have closed minded stupid People, it will always be around. The true evils, I see in the world are, People being judged on how they dress, look and what they drive. I met a girl who decides who she dates depending on what kind of car the Guy drives, now that is not only stupid, but it is of the devil. Look at alot of People in the World everyday they are more of the devil than Ozzy would ever be, considering how rich and famous the Man is, he is more down to earth than common stuck up Women and Men you see walking down the street everyday. You ... Read more

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    Sat Sep 13 2003

    ozzy is great and i luv his songs keep up the great wurk ozzy and enjoy those bats

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    Sun Jul 27 2003

    The Ozzman RULES!

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    Mon Jun 16 2003


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    Wed Jun 04 2003

    Ozzy is the creator of all Metal hard rock

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    Thu May 15 2003

    he is prety tight and i love his reality show!!!

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    Fri Apr 11 2003

    Ozzy is great. His kids suck A+S+S, but he is still cool, and man could this guy freakin rock.