Oylmpic Spa

Approval Rate: 87%

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    Sun Jan 25 2009

    Since the economy is so bad I thought I should save some money and go to the Olympic Spa instead of my regular spa. I had been once to this spa for a facial and it was great, so I decided to try the "goddess body ritual", oh how I regret it.... when I first walked into the pool area I was shocked to see women bathing sitting on tiny stools rubbing each part of their body like they are in their own bathroom, with no shame or modesty at all, then I watch how many women lied on tables completely unclothed and exposed while being massaged and rubbed, I took a shower and waited for my turn... I was dreading it, at some point I actually thought of canceling my treatment, but then I thought, well I should try something new even if I am not comfortable with it, now I regret it. I asked one of them employees for a private room but she said that nobody cared, and she told me where they were going to do my treatment. So I watched my masseuse finish with the lady before me and barely throw some ... Read more

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    Fri Nov 07 2008

    Love the shiatsu massage and reflexology massage combo when I don't feel like going to the spa part. When I do....Pure Bliss and Goddess are worth every penny. Full Body Scrub, Facial, Massage, Hair treatment all wrapped in. The Best!

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    Sun Oct 12 2008

    This place rocks my world! I had the Pure Bliss treatment 2 weeks ago and I'm still smooth. Yes, it is a little on the harsh side (those ladies can scrub a little on the hard side and if they do it too hard, ask them to ease up a bit) but hang in there for wonderful skin afterward. The exfoliation was amazing, the massage heaven and the facial outstanding. Yes, you are totally without clothes/bathing suits and yes, the women in there come in every shape and size. It is a no frills spa for sure but so worth it. I could spend hours each day there if only I didn't have a job. Bring your own shampoo, conditioner, body wash, (they do supply this but I prefer my own) and scrubby loofah to complete your time there. Then, dry off, put on your rode and take a cat nap on the heated floor,blankets provided. Don't let your shyness keep you from going. You will not regret it!!!

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    Sat Sep 27 2008

    Olympic Spa is not for those who expect complete luxury in their spa experiences. While the treatments are equal or superior to those at high-end spas, the ambiance is *not*. It is more akin to a YMCA...in the Soviet Union....in 1955. Keep in mind that old does not necessarily mean dirty. I have visited this spa twice and I will definitely go again. You must drop your inhibitions because bathing suits are not allowed. Yes, there are towels and skimpy robes available. Expect to see women of all types wandering around in the altogether, plus the attendants in black bras and undies. On one visit, I had the Goddess, which included a scrub (hard-core), sugar rub, massage, facial, scalp massage and hair wash/condition, all for $100. The intent here is not to relax you, but to make sure you are clean and healthy. On my next visit, I had a 75 minute massage for $75. It was a serious massage that ended with the masseuse using her feet on my back--excellent but hardly relaxing. You can use the p... Read more

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    Thu Apr 10 2008

    I was nervous at first because of the nakedness, but yes you have to get used to it. I got the acne facial from Ann, and it was probably the most painful facial I have ever had. She really pushed hard on the extractions to the point where I thought she broke my nose. They have no limit or boundaries on the pain facter. However for massages and the bathhouse, I highly recommend it. It's an awesome place to just detox and relax.

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    Sun Feb 17 2008

    Went in for Goddess treatment, first time. NOT given in a PRIVATE ROOM; all treatments are in room where the pools saunas showers. Hear chitter chatter, showers running First BODY SCRUB. Felt like my SKIN being RUBBED OFF and bleeding. The lady did ask if it was okay, and (regretfully) I said yes. I have this flaw where I tend to trust the expertise of people. In between, she would throw buckets of water on me I wasn't expecting. Told her I CAN'T GET ANY WATER IN MY left EAR. She said, "okay." The body shampoo smelled great, but her hands were MOVING SO FAST, I couldn't relax. WORST PART: she threw a bucket of water on me, with absolutely no concern for my ear which I specifically told her about, a whole bunch of water went directly into my ear. Then she took A TISSUE AND ROLLED THE EDGE OF IT TO A FINE TIP POINT AND STUCK IT IN MY EAR! OUCH. I didn't know I signed up for this! I remained courteous and got my ear plugs from my locker (thought I'd need only for the showers). I ... Read more

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    Sun Jan 13 2008

    the best spa I have ever been to. it is authentic and a little off-putting at first, but once you go once you'll keep going. great massages ...

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    Wed Dec 05 2007

    I went to olympic spa for the first time because I heard of their great prices and spa packages. When i got to the locker room, i noticed women walking around without clothes which was ok, but they were a bit crass for my taste.. scratching themselves in private areas and otherwise acting a bit vulgar (I'm no princess, but I was a bit shocked). I ordered the Pure Bliss - and it was anything but blissful. I was led to an area of the spa and told to lay on a wet table by a korean lady that was more like a drill sargent than a masseuse. She did not speak english and would get upset when I asked her to repeat a command that i did not understand. She proceeded to scrub me down violently as if i had been covered in sewage and i thought.. ok, well at least i'm getting a good exfoliation.. it will all be worth it when the massage part comes. Wrong! The massage was even more violent. I felt like a tough steak being pounded and seasoned for dinner. I did not feel connected to my masseus... Read more

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    Sun Apr 29 2007

    I think the spa is good. What I didn't like about the spa was that the Korean ladies that go to the spa were very rude, unclean and don't like people that are not Korean. One of them even screamed at me because I was wearing sandals. By the way, I have been to several other spas (NY, Hawaii, Spain, Morocco, Chile, Argentina and so on) and have always worn sandals. Actually, all the other spas I have been to require you to wear sandals. Anyway, the place is good. I loved the restaurant and the shiatsu massage, but the people that go there are not very nice. Advise: Educate your clientele and let them know that LA is a diverse city.

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    Sun Nov 19 2006

    This place is not for the modest. Everyone that is there is completely without clothes and you're expected to comply to this as well. Also, the masseuse that worked on my was "very" friendly. However, it's a great bargain and the treatments that my friend and I received were top notch. Have fun, but don't go if you're shy.

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    Tue Oct 31 2006

    I was with a gf there and was shocked to see Korean women like to put their feet on table and sink counters. I feel so unsanitary since a lot of ppl don't wear slippers and walk around barefoot. they put their feet on the counters where we tried to blowdry our hair. the oddest thing is, considering how unsanitary it is, I was told I can not use a mask in the steam room. It's a facial mud mask, but everyone there was shock to see my gf and I use that while everyone have their feet on surfaces where we put our hands and face. the scrubbing area was worse, u can literally touch another customer when u lift your hand up, not even reaching for them. it's so crowded. My gf and I do enjoy the scrub service, but decided NOT to come back to this one. It's too korean for me and unsanitary. I tried the foot massage, wish I had my hour and $$ back. horrible. We decided to continue to go to ones in Heicienda Heights' Korean spa. It's lot less crowded and they understand there's other t... Read more

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    Sun Sep 10 2006

    I was just there last night and after sitting in the various pools for an hour and basically chanting the mantra, "I love Olympic Spa, I love Olympic Spa," over and over again, I decided perhaps it was time I write a review. I've been going to Olympic Spa for around three years and I absolutely adore it. It's intimate, clean, women-only, cheap and has the best and most varied pools and sauna/ steam rooms of ANY spa I've been to in the world. Seriously. The most standard thing about Olympic Spa is the whirlpool, which is the second hottest pool there. The hottest pool is the Mugwort (a.k.a. Angelica) pool, a particularly good herb for women. It's like steeping yourself in a giant bowl of tea. It's very hot, but unlike some other Korean spas, it's not scalding, it's perfect. Likewise, their cold plunge pool is very cold but not so close to the point of freezing that a brave soul can't get in. Their steam room isn't just your standard steam room. It's made of jade and oxygen stone. The f... Read more

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    Tue Aug 29 2006

    ok,so i have been here about 5 times and i love it people are friendlly parking is easy.a place to check out if you like spas,without spending lots of money.

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    Tue Aug 08 2006

    I went to Olympic Spa to satisfy my curiosity about Akasuri. So a friend & I made an appointment the treatment called Pure Bliss which included an Akasuri Body Scrub, a citrus jojoba bead body polish, a full session Korean Deep Tissue Massage with aromatherapy oils, a stimulating essential oil scalp massage, a botanical facial massage & chamomile mask, hair wash & conditioning with Bumble and Bumble. We quickly realized that we had to lose all our inhibitions once we entered the hot tub/pool and spa treatment area. Everyone was walking around exposed, all kinds of women; fat, skinny, old, young, Asian, black, white, sagging, tight you get the point...We were ordered to go to the communal showers and wash ourselves with the soap provided before entering the herbal pools. After soaking for a few minutes an older Korean woman in a black bra & underwear, called my number for my treatment to begin. I made my unclothed journey across the room to the scrubbing/treatment area where there were ... Read more

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    Wed Jul 12 2006

    I absolutely love this place, but there are certain treatments not for me. I'm bit of a wuss, so their massages and body scrubs are too rough for me. My best friend LOVED them, but she likes her massages deep and hard. I had a shiatsu massage and I didn't realize that means they walk on your back, which I didn't want. I tried to tell her to take it easy but word to the wise-- usually only the receptionists speak English so don't expect to be able to give your "caretaker" instructions. What really got me is the public bathing area-- the hot tubs and saunas. Their Jade Stone room is amazing-- not too hot (I'm sensitive to heat). Just the perfect temperature, you could be in there for hours. The room is heavy with steam and it has a herbal essence to it-- like swimming in a cloud of the steam coming off a hot cup of chamomile tea. Water drips from the ceiling and as long as there are no idiots talking in there, you feel transported to another world. And I have NEVER had a better facial i... Read more

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    Sat Feb 04 2006

    This spa reminded me a junior high girls locker room. I booked my appointment for a Friday evening and due to lack of communication, language barrier, they had me booked for Saturday. So I got in and hung out in the sauna/steam room/hot tub/cold tub/shower area for a while then they called my locker number for service. I felt like I was at the DMV. I had the scrub in a small area with 5 other naked ladies. The scrubber tells me to put this towel over my face and proceeds to scrub me like I was a sink load of dishes. Then splashes water on me to rinse the exfoliate. I requested a relaxation Swedish type massage. I ended up being the masseuses personal punching bag. Afterwards, she said You are so tense. Watch out for spa bargains

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    Sat Jan 28 2006

    This spa is really one of a kind. If you can overlook the fact that it's a no-frills type of place, then you have a treat in store. The time I went I didn't get an extra service but the $15 amenities fee gets you a lot anyways. If you go, take a body scrub because a lot of women sit down and scrub their bodies.

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    Sun Nov 13 2005

    Okay, the locker room isn't fancy and you don't get a fluffy white robe and big fluffy towels, but you also don't have to get stressed about how expensive it is. Today, I had a 75-minute massage, an upper leg/bikini wax and a body scrub for about what I would have paid for an hour and a half massage at a Westside spa. And the services were just as good as at a Westside spa, if not better. I don't understand the comments about communication difficulties - I've never had any problem communicating with the Korean staff. I love the restaurant - you can have a hearty, filling Korean meal for $7 (yes, that's not a typo). Or a great fresh fruit drink for $4. Only con is too many people come with their girlfriends and yak, disturbing the tranquil atmosphere Of course that can also happen in pricey spas.

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    Fri Oct 21 2005

    Well, now I am and I can afford to be as much as I'd like. I was there today. All day. Wonderful! I had the Pure Bliss treatment which consisted of, well, everything. Check out the web-site. The prices are soooo low!!! You get way more for your money than I ever expected. I could have cared less about being completely undressed (no clothes allowed, a women only facility). After 3 minutes I forgot I was, and honestly it was quite liberating! It is because of places like this and neighborhoods like this that make LA the greatest city in the USA! I highly recommend the Oxygen Bicotan room and the Mugwort pool. I feel like a new woman. I will be making this spa a permanent part of my life you can count on it! I have turned many friends and family on th this place and everyone thus far adores it. I also recently had the Head-To-Toe treatment. The absolute most amazing facial I ever had in my life, ask for Ann. My face felt amazing for days after and just glowed. You get a ... Read more

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    Wed Oct 19 2005

    I go to Olympic Spa every time I get a cold. I swear its the only thing that cures me! The jade steam, the oxygen stone and the mugwort soak bring me back to health all for 15 bucks!! Its amazing. Don't be culture shocked, all the signs are in korean, no one speaks English and there are no modest women to be found, but if you really trully need to heal this is the place to go!

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    Thu Sep 29 2005

    I can relate to the comments post by the users above. I did feel a little shy at first, but soon I just decided not to care and enjoy. There are 3 different saunas and 2 hot tubs; one of them with a heavenly scented "angelica" tea brew. AND - the surprise, a cool water pool, just delicious to be immersed in in between steams and hot immersions. I loved the steam room, with jade floors, as well as the relaxation area, just outside. I wasn't aware of bringing my own loofah, that will be for next time. Overall very nice experience, extremely affordable. I'd be curious to know how comfortable it would be to go on weekends, crowd wise. I had a facial and 80% of the time was devoted to massage from the shoulders up, just extremely relaxing!

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    Wed Aug 10 2005

    Shed your modesty at the locker room. Naked bodies are everywhere, but after a while, you lose your self-consciousness, and start enjoying this cultural experience. I went this no-frill spa on Wednesday around the noon, but more than half the clients were non-Korean. For the first timers, the brief tour of the facility is given, but it might be helpful to check out their web site for the spa menu. I had Pure Bliss including exfoliation, body polish, full session massage, facial and hair treatment --- worth at least $300 at the other posh places, paying only $100. Of course, there is no fancy towels or robes. They dont even have a wash cloth, so bring your own loofah (along with a bottle of water and scrunchy).

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    Tue Mar 01 2005

    I went to one of these Korean day spas while living in Seattle and it was heavenly. If you can put aside your modesty and lose yourself in the experience you'll never want to go to one of those overpriced hoity toity spas again. You stay as long as you like to soak, steam, and relax before your appointment for whatever treatment you want. I recommend the full body scrub with the milk and honey massage. Fantastic! All under $120

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    Sun Dec 26 2004

    A definate bargain, a day at the Olympic Spa will send you home fresh and glowing. Be prepared for a little culture adjustment as the staff speaks mostly Korean. You must take your shoes off immediately upon entering the locker room, or someone will kindly redirect you. The price is right for the services here at Olympic Spa. While I usually get the goddess treatment, my best friend is sold on the Thai Massage. Either way, we both leave the place as if floating on a lotus flower.... They have valet parking available and a nail spa upstairs.

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    Wed Aug 13 2003

    The Scene Forget marble tubs and pitchers of lemon ice water, this affordable bathhouse is more like the pool at the Y than a plush spa. Legions of Olympic Spa devotees gladly forego posh amenities in exchange for the tingling, glowing skin that's virtually guaranteed upon exiting. Strip down, shower, then pull up a pink plastic stool and start scrubbing. Newcomers may feel self-conscious venturing into the centuries-old Asian exfoliation ritual, but don't worry, these sisters of all ethnicities and sizes are solely focused on the silky-smooth results of a vigorous wash. The Services Expert acupressure massages are given upstairs in private rooms. Other than that, don't expect tranquil and meditative treatments. Do, however, expect a massage that is somewhat brisk and firm-handed and also includes such extras as a cucumber facial mask or milk hair rinse. Don't fear the pleasure-pain approach of the masseuse--just submit and reap the benefits.

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    Sun Aug 18 2002

    Did you backpack across Europe on $15 a day? Can you kill a spider and not freak out? (This is not to imply there are bugs at Olympic Spa -- there aren't.) If you're not a fussy-fuss girl, you'll find this affordable hideaway a real treat. The best thing? No reservations needed and open until 10pm. (Go after work when you've had a lousy day.) BYO loofah, or other exfoliater.