outsourcing of jobs

Outsourcing is subcontracting a process, such as product design or manufacturing, to a third-party company. ...

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    Sat Feb 16 2013

    I worked at a call center. Most people don't even want these jobs. I say give them to whoever wants the work.

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    Thu Nov 15 2012

    Yeah, outsourcing hurts the little people (manufacturing, customer support). But I think it's hilarious that the public figures (Trump, Romney) are lambasting the Chinese boogeyman are the first ones that are outsourcing American jobs to China (or any Asian or Latin American country). No wonder they love outsourcing, there are no unions and there is a big binder of women who are willing to work for nickels. The GOP need to stop casting Mr Burns. These snake oil salesmen are hurting their party and the poor peasants. http://www.classwarfareexists.com/david-letterman-busts-donald-trumps-hypocrisy-on-china/#axzz2Bppqh8di http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEkDYkuuPD4&feat ure=related

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    Wed Apr 25 2012

    Not sure what this is!

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    Sat Nov 12 2011

    If it's because there is a labor shortage it'd be understandable. I had read that during the California gold rush some people shipped their dirty laundry to Hawaii to be cleaned. It was because most people were looking for gold and domestic help was scarce . The current system, the search for the lowest wage possible, is more damaging and even China isn't immune from it. I recently heard a report that some factories in China are closing and moving inland because the workers are demanding higher wages than their rural neighbors. http://www.uiweb.uidaho.edu/special-collections/papers/stepping.htm Update: added link http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/businesstechn ology/2013286399_chinarivers31.html

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    Fri Sep 23 2011

    I hope my home country will use it effectively.

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    Sat Mar 05 2011

    annoys the fuck out of me..

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    Thu Nov 04 2010

    Proponents of free trade argue that outsourcing is a beneficial function of the economy, but I'd argue that trade and the outsourcing of jobs are not necessarily the same thing. The process of outsourcing, on the balance has been a net negative for American society. In the traditional Ricardian free trade model, trade results from countries specializing in activities where they have a comparative advantage. This principle refers to the notion that it pays to have two countries to specialize and to trade, even if one country can produce all tradable goods at a lower cost than the other country. All countries have different "opportunity costs" when it comes to producing these good for export. The opportunity cost of any good is the other goods that could have been produced with the same resources. Normally it is price differentials that create comparative advantages. Theoretically, free trade is not meant to be competitive. But along the historical way, specifically after Nixo... Read more

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    Thu Nov 04 2010

    These days, I tell kids [who worry about competing with third world slaves] to become plumbers or electricians.

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    Sun Apr 11 2010

    I think this is really bad with the jobs. Some you can kind of understand but it all makes a difference. Jobs are leaving from the US. When I was at Chase in Phoenix they had places they were giving work to in the Philippines and in India in that city where the attack was. I also had to check on the computer for work because of it and it was going there. It was very frustrating.

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    Sun Jan 17 2010

    OK. Now who's to blame for starting this mess anyway? Well, we all wanted those cheap TV's, stereos, and clothes that Wally World, Target, and Shopko sells. The problem is American labor costs are too high to compete with labor costs in China, Japan, Indonesia, India, and Mexico. Cheap American labor costs $10 bucks an hour, cheap Mexican labor cost $1.69 an hour. Do you blame a business for trying to make a profit?

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    Fri Jun 05 2009

    ... If we petition to outsource the Congress, Senate, Presidency, Supreme Court, and all civil-service jobs, we might even get our government back.

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    Wed Jun 03 2009

    I want to talk to an American when I call an American company asking about a supposedly American product, not someone from (insert Asian country here).

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    Sun May 03 2009

    Lets face it,, this is what makes some of our products cost less... also this is how the U.S. helps countries like the philippines, and india.

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    Mon Apr 13 2009

    The unemployment rate speaks clearly enough on this issue.

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    Tue Apr 07 2009

    Too complicated for a simple review. Solidarity/nationalization (high tariffs and refusing to allow outsourcing) isn't a reality. However, being a nation that manufactures little or nothing (or things of low quality) doesn't work as a model either. I would need to take this on a case-by-case basis. Outsourcing customer service versus medical insurance claims? The product/service plus economic/environmental concerns make this way to complicated for a simple review.

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    Mon Mar 16 2009

    Not a big fan. I miss the days when things were "Made in America" those were the days.

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    Sat Feb 28 2009

    I definitely think that outsourcing of jobs is a harmful thing, and it a big part of the reason that the American economy is so bad--because all the jobs are being shipped overseas. Some people claim that the outsourced jobs are ones American's don't want, but I completely disagree, most of the jobs listed in this paragraph, such as cad drafting, market research, manufacturing, designing, web development, etc. are jobs that would put a lot of people (back) to work in this country. Even jobs like telemarketing and call center jobs would be better than nothing to a person who has no extended education or training, then at least we could also understand the person on the other end when we call about the internet going out or tech support in general. I'm just saying, we really need to keep every last job we can make in this country.

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    Wed Dec 31 2008

    thats a shitty idea

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    Sun Dec 14 2008

    This is one of the reasons why our economy is so fucked!

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    Thu Dec 11 2008

    I think we should keep our jobs within the U.S. as our population grows, and our education increases, we require more suitable jobs based on our education levels in the US. Now that women, and African americans, legalized citizens, and younger adults are working, our work force has increased, and so has the demands for jobs, in just the past 50 years.

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    Thu Nov 27 2008

    this needs to be stopped

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    Mon Oct 20 2008

    Jobs are being outsourced due to the bad trade deals our "Elected" leaders have got us into. Now, there is some who moved due to greed but many of the others moved off shore because they couldn't compete with our unfair trade deals.

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    Mon Oct 20 2008

    That guy in New Delhi helping me with my computer==I really don't think his name is "Steven."

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    Sun Oct 19 2008

    Free to make the choice!

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    Mon Oct 13 2008

    It's a mixed bag. Sometimes it provides cheaper goods but when Americans can't get jobs of their own it's a negative.

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    Fri Oct 10 2008

    We need the jobs here!

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    Fri Oct 10 2008

    we need um, fuckin A!

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    Wed Oct 08 2008

    Damn globalization!

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    Wed Oct 08 2008

    not sure how that works

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    Mon Oct 06 2008

    This is a hard one....on a whole it hurts the opportunities for employment in america. I can understand if you outsource if you are a smaller company and need a cheaper labor force to even stay in business...but when you are a multi-billion dollar conglomerate...you are making billions already...how about keeping the employment opportunities here.

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    Sun Oct 05 2008

    i fucking hate callling my credit card and i end up talking to someone in Inida. stop doing this!!!

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    Wed Oct 01 2008

    it helps a little though because you pay $5 for that shirt you're wearing instead of $30.

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    Tue Sep 30 2008


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    Tue Sep 30 2008


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    Tue Sep 30 2008

    Don't bother hoping for an AMERICAN to answer when you call AMERICA Online, they've outsourced most of their call center jobs to Africa and India.

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    Tue Sep 30 2008

    we need more jobs

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    Mon Sep 29 2008

    I appreciate the desire to find low cost labor and give jobs to those in need, but fix our country first... then help the world...

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    Sun Sep 28 2008

    They hire from other countries which makes less jobs for us. plus we can't understand them, which is frustrating

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    Sat Sep 27 2008

    When is it going to stop? When were all cutting hair, flippin burgers, or greeting Wal-Mart customers? Damn!

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    Fri Sep 26 2008

    yeah lets give all our work to china and india... thats a great idea (morons)

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    Tue Sep 23 2008

    aren't we in debt. hello am i the idiot here cuz if outsourcing isnt the dumbest idea i've ever heard someone slap me

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    Tue Sep 23 2008

    As if this one needed to be explained?

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    Tue Sep 23 2008

    By every company keeping to themselves, there would be more jobs for common people. But without it a lot of companies wouldn't be able to afford to stay open, so they would have to close down.

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    Mon Sep 22 2008


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    Mon Sep 22 2008

    That's one of the reasons the employment rate is so low in America

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    Mon Mar 19 2007

    One day, a half-crazy white woman walked up to me and said "It's people like you who are causing Americans to lose jobs. They're all being sent to the East."  I guess she assumed that as an Asian, I was stealing "our" jobs. She walked away muttering some more. Truth to tell, I felt a little sorry for her. It's hard not to feel sympathy for those who probably did not get much beyond a highschool education and assume that all foreign-looking people are responsible for the outsourcing of American jobs. The question is--who's to blame? The Chinese and Indians? American CEO's? The American gov't? Well, judging from the levels of poverty, the overcrowded housing, and lack of food in China and India, I rather doubt it's their people who are reaping the full gains. They may have a few pennies more, but not much beyond that. Despite the fact that American designers are selling their Chinese made clothes for the same amount of money as their American-made goods. The leather pants proudly made i... Read more

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    Wed Oct 11 2006

    This is hollowing out and destroying our country. When are the pols going to dump outdated ideas and start protecting Americans?

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    Thu Nov 17 2005

    This is good for greedy corporations,who don't give a rats behind about unemployed Americans, paying someone a decent wage,or safe workplaces.It is very BAD for the rest of us.I don't care how CHEAP it is-I do not want products made in a sweat shop.