Oscar De La Hoya vs Manny Pacquiao (2008)

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    Tue Dec 09 2008

    The saying goes "Never fall in love with a fighter because he'll break your heart every time". That sums up my feelings about last night's fight. Perhaps it was inevitable and inescapable. Oscar played the odds last night and lost. He had in front of him a 5' 6 1/2" giant of a man named Manny Pacquiao that took Oscar to a place he had never before been, a place he could never have envisioned for himself. It was a place called surrender. It is an unholy place. I was as confident of De La Hoya's victory going into this fight as I have ever been. Despite the fact that I thought this fight was a no win situation for Oscar, I figured he would win the fight. I was caught off guard. Of course I thought the possibility of a Pacquiao victory existed. I have seen enough fights to know that in boxing anything is possible but not this. My first inkling that things did not seem right was when I saw Oscar in his dressing room. His face seemed hollow and his skin did not set well on his frame. St... Read more

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    Tue Dec 09 2008

    Oscar finally hit the wall (or was hit by it!). Someday, Manny will be in the same position. And so it goes!

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    Mon Dec 08 2008

    De La Hoya is one of most exciting and entertaining fighters who ever lived. Unfortunately, he was an old man in this fight, facing a Tasmanian Devil in Pacquiano, who was all over him like the proverbial cheap suit.I love De La Hoya, but his time has passed.