Approval Rate: 67%
Reviews 0
by 30_going_on_13_thanks_to_nkotb
Sat Aug 09 2008loved this show. sharon was my fave. Though one could never understand Ozzy, again another reason one should never do drugs that man was out of it sober.
by bri_3386
Thu Jul 03 2008that show is still on?
by jennifer
Sun Jun 22 2008Im not a huge fan of Ozzy but the show was pretty crazy at times!
by maz95458
Wed Jun 04 2008Ozzy is such a wanker but funny at the same time.
by myspace_65280043
Sun Jun 01 2008crazy family
by myspace_30849171
Fri May 09 2008They are actually pretty normal...well MORE than I expected them to be anyway
by twansalem
Thu Apr 10 2008I've watched just enough of the Osbournes to know that it is a horrible show about one extremely messed up family. Sixth one star rating in the MTV test.
by trebon1038
Wed Apr 09 2008it's ok...hard to understand through all the bleeps but still kind of funny...for the first season
by going2oahu
Fri Dec 21 2007Okay... this Osbournes is a stupid show, but it's also really funny. My friend does a great impersonation of Ozzy :-)Disagree? Join Xomba to Defend Your Honor!
by dazedandconfus_ed2
Fri Jun 22 2007Sharon screeches " Hello everybooody?" Ozzy says "flarvin hoiras erhrykjva brgjybvsdae finrtkey". Enough said.
by lbca09ed
Sat Mar 03 2007i would have never even guessed that ozzy and his family could be entertaining enough to watch. there were times that i would get a little bored but ozzy wins your heart. even my grandma loves him minus th swearing.
by randyman
Tue Jul 12 2005I just can't get myself to watch this show. The old Ozzie would have bit the head off the new Ozzie.
by texasyankee
Mon Jul 11 2005I hate the osbournes! Sharon has to get her family into tv and in the meantime close to ruining ozzy's career. He's supposed to have a certain aura about him, not this tv show showing him in his undies! It's a good thing that ozzy is so famous for what he did back in the 80s, otherwise she surely would have ruined him. He's so weak and old that he has no strength to deny her anything. In the olden days I could imagine if she brought up this idea. He would have said woman! Remember the doves? Those were MY idea and if it weren't for MY idea we wouldn't have had all this money! Now quit buggin me! Sharon is celebrity hungry as is I would say, her daughter Kelly. Have you ever seen the punkd with sharon and kelly? that's the proof!
by kattwoman
Mon Jul 11 2005i watched up until i found out the shows were scripted and it just wasn't the same
by gentle_jude
Sat Apr 23 2005This show is stupid. The Osbournes are a family not high on moral values with drugs, alcohol, and vile language as their other family members. What type of guy bites the heads off of doves and bats? It is amazing how someone who should be in prison can actually become famous. That definitely goes to show that fame is who you know, not what your talent is. Because Ozzie was once a real looser, but he met this rich English girl who felt sorry for him, and he eventually became famous. I only wish that they would get to know the Lord Jesus. This show should be banned. If they want to show a bad family, instead of having the Osbournes, they should have a TV reality show which follows the life of male prisoners in a high security prison!
by kandeg
Mon Mar 28 2005Very entertaining but I can't believe how many compliments they get for being such a loving family. They put the FUN in disfunctional!
by ratmandu
Thu Mar 03 2005Too much Sharon and Kelly and not near enough Ozzie !!!
by alpepper
Tue Mar 01 2005Occasionally, there were some interesting moments in the initial season. But the beep-outs got so excessive that it became largely unwatchable. The dogs were always a source of high comedy. Seeing the condition Oz is in, I find it amazing that he can still perform and still sing fairly lucidly.
by maomania
Tue Mar 01 2005It is sad. Just sad. That is all the Osbournes have to offer? They are so rich and they still act like trailer trash? The kids are spoiled brats. I just want to smack them. I'm sure that they love each other very very much. But can't they see that America is making fun of them. Watching grass grow is more interessting than this show.
by sharon_numberonefan
Sun Feb 27 2005I Think the osbournes is great.My favourite would have to be sharon is is the best and really funny. I think she is great because even after everything it is so obvious tha she is still very much in love with ozzy and him her and i think that is great that after every that they are still devoted to each other.
by zell50a3
Fri Jan 07 2005i think if you don't like the show don't watch it and judge it this show rocks the extreme
by deegeedg
by classictvfan47
Fri Jun 25 2004When a show makes Will & Grace and Married with Children seem positivly Victorian by comparison, one should now, something is really, really wrong. Reality TV could be done right if it was good-natured and family-friendly. But, like most current reality nonsense, this is sick. Who wants to go around watching a bunch of poorly-educated people who are rich (when there are smart people that aren't!) cursing and making dumb remarks? If this passes for Comedy, what has happened to the genre? They can bleep the profanity--but you can still tell what they are saying. There is not a positive role model to be found. Besides, Ozzy Osbourne is a complete moron.
by blairwitch187
Sat May 15 2004The Osbourne family is pretty funny. They're all cool, but especially Sharon and Ozzy. Even with the drugs, Ozzy is still cool. And hey, he doesn't shake anymore from them either. SHARON!!!! LOL, that's my favorite line from the show. Especially the time Ozzy was trying to catch their cat when it got out and it kept running from him, so he kept yelling for Sharon.
by minkey
Thu Mar 11 2004Very funny to see the craziness of the Osbourne family. It is amazing to see the man that Ozzy has become - he was once a crazy lunatic and now he is almost senile. Sharon wears the pants in the relationship - she has 100% control over family decisions, concert tours, and finances.
by mrso4eva
Fri Feb 27 2004When i first heard of this show i thought why would someone want to watch some old rocker, who bit the head of a bat, and his family swearing and just doing s**t. But then i actually watched the show and relised the fascination. This is the best show around: it's funny, real and plan out wonderful. I was never a fan of ozzy but now i own all his cds and love every song. Sharon is definatly the best. i love so much. The love that she has for ozzy and the love he was for her is so beatiful. Kelly and Jack are normal teenages, like me, they just happen to have a lot of money at hand. They may be spoiled but i truely believe they love each other and their parents. This is the best show around.
by pksboots
Sat Feb 14 2004This is a funny show and great to watch if you just want to relax and not think too much. I love the way they act so normal even when the cameras are on. Especially Ozzy. I even like the bad language because I get tired of people telling other people what they can say or do. It's refreshing in such a controlling world. Sharon is the boss. Her kids are spoiled but interesting. They have too much money and are quite materialistic. But that's probably how stars live in Hollywood. I feel sorry for Ozzy sometimes because the drugs and alcohol seem to have messed up his brain and he looks like he can hardly walk sometimes. Also hated to hear about him getting hurt and being in the hospital so long. Just one more problem for the Osbournes and they seem to have plenty. I am wondering what happened to the guy who was living with them whose mother died. I haven't seen him this season.
by osbournesofoz_org
Thu Feb 12 2004I love them all! I think the show is very funny. Keep in mind Mtv only lets you see the drama not the boring times.
by dickweener
Thu Jan 29 2004I give it 4 stars because I grew up listening to Black Sabbath and Ozzy. The show has it's moments, Ozzy is pretty cool in it. I don't really care for Jack or Kelly , they are whinny ass brats that live off there Dads name. I think the show could be better if it was more natural and not all hyped up, that isn't reality. Now if the Osbourne's were not aware they were being filmed and you watched them it would be a whole lot different show. Jack Osbourne is a Loser, I don't like the turd.
by kolby1973
Sun Nov 30 2003Not near as good as The Sharon Osbourne Show, but it has a nice feel to it.....how could anyone hate the sweet Mrs. O? You rock, Sharon. And I think it is great when any family loves their pets...
by krackr
by ladyshark4534
Mon Nov 10 2003Yeah, it's funny, but I really can't stand watching these people who have so much money and don't know how to handle it. It's very sad. They use and boggle their money on materialism and party and never do anything useful for society. It's also sad to see how brain damaged Ozzy is from all those drugs. I pity that poor man and I pity Kelly because she has so much internal turmoil. I love Jack, I must say he is quite the cute character and probably would make a great friend. Sharon's funny too. But I feel guilty watching this show because it's invading other people's privacy.
by mllelarisa
Sun Nov 02 2003BEST reality show!
by jed1000
Wed Oct 15 2003Is there a way that I could rate this below a 1? I mean, there comes a time when words like "bad" and "terrible" are just not enough. The parents are clueless and crass and the kids are obnoxious. Get these people some help.. but first get them off the air.
by kat25889
Mon Aug 18 2003When I need a good laugh, I turn on *The Osbournes*. Sure Ozzy has changed since his *hell-raising* days of the 70' and 80's, but all mis-use of drinking and drugs, will change anyone. It's nice to see the "Rich and Famous" have problems just like us.
by malsy420
Tue Aug 12 2003LOVE THE OSBOURNES!!!! But they need to show more of Kelly's cute guy friend that lives with THE OSBOURNES!!!!!
by catdenison
Sun Aug 10 2003i love the osbournes!!! its the ffunniestet show eva! yea baby!
by vanilla_tiger
Thu Aug 07 2003Not quality viewing but all the same hilarious. I find myself marvelling more on their dogs "rooting" each other and to see how many british made chocolate bars ozzy can get into a kitchen drawer rather than the family itself. What have I been reduced to? Perhaps it is true that even the most trivial of simple things amuse us.
by bonnie1943
Wed Jul 02 2003I'll bet never in Ozzy's dreams that, he who was born with ADD and dislexia, would have been so successful with his band and now in his 50s have such a hit TV series. I cannot believe how much my husband and I enjoy it and anticipate what will happen next. A great laugh, family oriented, no thinker show is sometimes just what the doctor ordered for a stressful day.
by ivy050477
by forgotten_hero
Thu Jun 26 2003It's a great show but Jack and Kelly tend to piss me off.
by dlh41088
Mon Jun 23 2003I would rate The Osbournes GREAT if Kelly and Jack werent on it. Those are the 2 most spoiled kids on TV. Why Sharon kisses their fat behinds is a mystery. If I could give Ozzy a tip on parenting it would be "tell Sharon to let them make it on their own, not on Dad's name."
by erik_hendriksen
Tue May 27 2003I enjoy listening to ozzy's music once and a while. But even more i enjoy this show. Ozzy is the Homer Simpson of the real world and when we comes on it's time to kick back and get ready to laugh. This is a ridiculously funny show and i am yet to meet a person who does't laugh at it's humor.
by rebelyell1861
Tue May 13 2003Pure rubbish. Who wants to watch a bunch of self-absorbed Brits walk around swearing at each other all day anyway?
by thearmbarkid
Sun May 11 2003Some of the most mind-numbing tripe ever crapped out onto a TV screen. Doesn't surprise me; after all, this show's fanbase *did* turn out to see "Big Momma's House" in droves.
by twinmom101
Sat Apr 19 2003Ozzy saves this show. Whenever I watch it with my foreign born husband he asks repeatedly what Ozzy just said. God, like I know! Kelly is amusing because she is not my daughter so I don't have to claim responsiblity for her and her bratty behavior. She said in the Viva Ozz-Vegas episode, "I may be spoiled but I'm not a brat!" Ah, denial. It's a great thing. Human nature makes us voyeurs and thats what makes the Osbournes so great. You get to see what they have in the fridge and observe the Prince of Darkness picking up dog doo like any other mortal who keeps 8 unhousebroken dogs in a million dollar mansion. Veg-out TV at its finest.
by j7778b28
Tue Mar 11 2003i agree with Me101!!! you rock!!! i can't understand the long haired man and if it wasn't for mtv they would just be one of those boring shows at ABC 7 i.e. "lost at home" what the hell's that?!! well the Osbournes just got bad
by domino
Sun Mar 02 2003I LOVE THE OSBOURNS!! Ozzy is hell'a funny. Kelly is a brat, but adorable and makes a fashon statement. Jack is cool. However, I can't realy figure out what he does. Sharon is F.. beautifull!!!