O'Reilly Factor (Bill O'Reilly)
Approval Rate: 47%
Reviews 0
by rok100
Mon Mar 26 2007You know the kind of person who is so glaringly phony, so fake, annoying and so god-awful ignorant that you actually feel embarrassed FOR THEM whenever they open their mouth? Well, Bill O'Reilly is exactly that kind of person - but WITHOUT the personality qualities that inspire empathy from others - plus, he has TV cameras pointed at him when gets his dumb on. The whole world sees that sh|t-fer-brains and they think WE'RE ALL like that. Thanks to FOX News, whenever I travel nowadays, I have to tell people that I'm Canadian.The increased number of broadband internet connections will eventually kill FOX News and embarrass everyone who ever argued that it was "FaIr & BaLaNcEd"! I bet that you can't find "Outfoxed" at your local video rental store! Have you ever TRIED to find it?Rupert Murdoch is GOOD at suppressing things!...but I'm good at exposing things !You can see the entire movie for free riiiiiight => HERE!Enjoy your movie numbah! ='D
by bri719
Sun Mar 25 2007good read, set the foundation for other O'Reilly books
by miketou
Tue Jan 31 2006I can't watch this guy. He's full of s**t and is very rude to guest who don't agree with him.
by gamerman
Tue Jan 31 2006Rate it all, if you included a zero star, this guy deserves it! He's jealous of George Clooney because George gets attractive supermodels, while he has to settle for homely, nerdy women! He talks about morals, but he's talking about how big his penis is! And to top that, he also has a children's book, can you believe this guy? How did he keep his job anyway?
by berber
Mon Oct 24 2005This show is an embarrasment to all of America. O'Reilly is loud, hypocritical, and rude. He whines about liberal propaganda when Bush and the conservatives control the Senate and the White House. His show is AN ABOMINATION! Every time I watch this show I shudder to think of how much the rest of the world must be laughing at us.
by musicprof
Fri Oct 21 2005First, there is the news....... then there is what's REALLY going on! The best place to get the real story is from O'Reilly. This book could really teach Americans some lessons. No one that NEEDS to read it, will read it because they are already brainwashed with the PC Police and liberal policy. Face it people!! If you have a problem with this book, you are the reason this country is going to fail! Now I am going to blow off some steam....... 1) If you think Bill is rude to his guests, don't like to hear people disagree with him, or is a "Whiner", then you just don't get the point of "The No Spin Zone". Pay attention to the discussion and not just the raising and lowering of the voices. Bill has a real good team of fact finders at his disposal and the do their jobs well. If Bill gets mad at a guest, it is because he has already put the facts on the table and confronted them with it and they are trying to "spin" the truth so that they don't look bad. 2) Ludacris did not get fired b... Read more
by ladyshark4534
Fri Feb 13 2004Fair and Balanced? Very untrue. Bill O'Reilly crying and moaning about the liberal media. Heck, I'm a liberal and I don't run the television stations! In fact, I have no say in them. If I wanted Bill O'Reilly off the air (But I support free speech) I wouldn't be able to do so. And why is Bill always cruel to the black guests? I noticed he seems to be very rude towards guests that are black or Jewish. Do I sense a pattern? Bill lies about not being conservative. He says he did not vote republican, But it was shown on his voter form clearly he did! Also, He lies about where he came from!
by enkidu
Tue Dec 09 2003Non-PARTISAN?? My right buttock. This is some of the most offensive rubbish from the right in one of the most right-wing dominated times in American history. If you ever wanted to see the ideology of the cancer cell in print, this book is it.
by bkhislop
Mon Oct 27 2003Anything written by Bill O'Reilly is worth reading
by jwinter
Mon Sep 29 2003the oreilly factor is the worst piece of poop to come out of anyones rear since the kissinger book,,,, what was the title,I gave it to goodwill. O reilly is an idiot i'll call him on it send me a message if you like. He lies and lies and naive mid-westerners and backwater albinos see something in his message.
by deathrattle
Tue Sep 23 2003Bill O' Reilly provides an honest and non-partisn views of the many different aspects of U.S. life today (what is good and bad about it). IT's your choice whether you agree with him or not. However, he does base his opinion just on factual merit. The point of the book is to get you thinking of what is actually going on, and how to watch out for yourself and others.
by gossipkills
Mon Aug 18 2003Although I don't watch Fox News avidly, nor his television program, I read his book in tandem with Stupid White Men by Michael Moore, just to be "fair and balanced." Surprisingly, I enjoyed the Factor very much, felt at home with his message, and found it to be practically identical with that contained in Moore's book. It's also the same conclusion I reach in Gossip Kills.
by shimmers340500
Tue Jul 29 2003He is very well-spoken in his views, but alas, He is just a big a** whiner. All he does is piss and moan. And he got Ludacris fired from Pepsi commercials? How idiotic!
by joe23665
Tue Jun 17 2003He is afraid to have dissent. He turns the mike off if anyone starts to get the best of him. Al Franken sure ripped him a new one. Just another mouthpiece for Bush.
by mattr27
Thu Feb 13 2003no spin my ass
by evollbach
Tue Dec 17 2002This book may bore you if you're already familiar with O'Reilly's t.v. show; the book is pretty much a repeat of the t.v. show.
by abichara
Mon Dec 16 2002Bill O'Reilly's book is fairly interesting. He makes some general observations on cultural issues which tug at people's emotions well. In other words, he's very controversal. I think that he when he says he is an independent politically, he means it; some people try to pin his position ideologically, but that is impossible because he makes up his mind on the individual merits of each issue rather than by a rigid ideological system. That's the right way to think about politics and life in general; everything is not black and white after all. But I have some criticism of O'Reilly though. I think that his pushy, loud style gets in the way of him getting really effective interviews. Intimidating his guests won't get answers. I think the Mike Wallace approach is better; be firm and ask all the right questions directly and in a matter-of-fact way. O'Reilly is simply off the wall; people don't what to go on his show because they are afraid of him, they don't want to go on because the guy won'... Read more
by shukhevych
Thu Oct 31 2002Good role model.
by copperdude921
Mon Aug 27 2001Right on Bill. Asks the questions others are afraid to ask especially about Jesse Jackson. No one else would touch the subject because of the politics involved.
by jaime967
Wed Jan 03 2001I enjoy Mr. O'Reilly's show and found much of interest in his book. However I must take issue with his some of his views, particularly his apparent dislike of Protestants and Baptists in particular, by the way I'm a Methodist. He critisizes Baptists for attempting to convert Jews. Well Bill, I have news for you, they try to convert everyone including us Methodists, Catholics, Muslims, Wiccans, and if fence posts had souls they would try to convert them too! This is what they do and they don't do it in an offensive way. Unlike some denominations they have never burned so-called heretics at the stake or forcibly baptized anyone. As a general rule they are good people and should be respected as such.